so it is now 9:25 am and I have gone to the bathroom 10 times this morning...I am not exaggerating - I actually counted. This is between the time I woke up at 5:30 and right now.
This is crazy! I can now see why the dual benefit to maternity pants...easier on and off when it comes to having to use the facilities.
And I think the best part is, that you have to drink more water than normal when you are pregnant to avoid dehydration and complications...which in the end...means you have to pee even more!
I am thinking about setting up my computer in our bathroom - sort of remote office to be prepared!
oh...excuse me - bathroom break!
Follow the Killion Family on our journey through pregnancy and parenthood...
Belly Pictures | 17 weeks & 4 days
Well it seems to be Sunday (again) which means it is time for updated belly pictures for the week...I will say, it is pretty cool to be able to see the weekly growth for myself, so I can only assume that our family and friends enjoy it as well as so many of them are so very far away.
This is post workout - sorry if you can smell me through the pictures...figure I would take a few pictures just before I get into the shower to get ready for the rest of the day...yes it is almost 4:00 here!
Oh and many apologies for the dirty mirror - I just realized what a mess it is, but have already stripped out of my workout gear and I am currently kicking it in my ratty pink robe (once again - just about to get in the shower)
Enjoy 17 weeks & 4 days...
Cheers to the start of another wonderful week!
Love You All!
Cheers to the start of another wonderful week!
Love You All!
So has been a pretty good day.
I was pretty sore last night from the 2 hours walk we took the dogs on. I am not sure if it was the walking/pounding on the pavement or if it was pudgy pulling on the leash that made it a little more painful than I could take, but I had to hand her over to Mike near the end - it was just too hard!
However, with stretching on my Yamuna ball and sleeping with the Boppy pillow - along with a lot of water, I was able to wake up this morning without pain - WHICH IS HUGE.
I also made it a point to go to the gym today, which is a plus, because I have sort of been slacking this week - I only went twice but today makes 3 times, which I am happy with for now.
I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes and even found the energy and motivation to run for a total of four minutes which felt great. I really believe that you need to listen to your body when you are pregnant and as a former athlete and someone who has learned to push through things, even when they hurt, I was a little worried that I wouldn't stop if my body was telling me that enough was enough - but I promised myself that I would listen to my body and it was telling me to give it a try. So I walked for the first 20 minutes at various speeds and inclines, and then I decided that I would start running at 5.5 with a .5 incline. My original goal was to run a minute and then walk for a few minutes to bring my heart rate back down and catch my breath (it is not easy to breath these days) but when I was running, I felt so good that I opted for 2 minutes. I ran a full two minutes, slowed down to a 3.5 and walked for four minutes to catch my breath and slow my heart rate down. Then I decided that I would run for another 2 minutes. Once again, I felt good - but I could tell at the end of my second 2 minutes that I was pushing myself, so I finished it out, and walked for the remaining time.
While this is a big difference for me, someone who (in my prime) would run three to four miles a day, I still feel like I am making progress and I feel good.
When I was walking out, the (very nice) lady at the front desk stopped me to ask me if I was expecting. I said yes, I was due in July. She asked if I had spoken with a trainer and ok'ed my workouts - I explained that I had checked with my doctor and she was very much in support of my working out with the focus on listening to my body to help me determine what is enough vs. what is too much. The lady at the front desk then told me how impressed she was with my motivation and how wonderful I looked - she was like, I didn't want to ask because from behind you don't even look pregnant - but then when you turn around - its hard to think its anything else. But you just look fantastic! HI...THANK YOU FOR TOTALLY MAKING MY DAY!
Please everyone - if you know someone who is pregnant - or you can tell without a doubt that the woman standing next to you is pregnant - and you totally want to make her day (or even week) tell her how amazing she looks - it is a day in and day out struggle for preggers dealing with the weight gain, lack of fitting clothes and ever expanding mid-section...and it is truly nice to hear from people outside of your husband (doesn't he have to say that) or your parents - that you look good!
and then to top off my wonderful afternoon - I found a jogging stroller at Target ON CLEARANCE for $54...originally priced at over $120! It is a Baby Trend Expedition XL in gray...very very nice and a price you can't beat. This is a stock photo so you can get a visual as it is still in the box and probably won't be set up any time soon.

HAPPY SUNDAY to those we love! Belly pictures will be posted soon - xoxo
I was pretty sore last night from the 2 hours walk we took the dogs on. I am not sure if it was the walking/pounding on the pavement or if it was pudgy pulling on the leash that made it a little more painful than I could take, but I had to hand her over to Mike near the end - it was just too hard!
However, with stretching on my Yamuna ball and sleeping with the Boppy pillow - along with a lot of water, I was able to wake up this morning without pain - WHICH IS HUGE.
I also made it a point to go to the gym today, which is a plus, because I have sort of been slacking this week - I only went twice but today makes 3 times, which I am happy with for now.
I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes and even found the energy and motivation to run for a total of four minutes which felt great. I really believe that you need to listen to your body when you are pregnant and as a former athlete and someone who has learned to push through things, even when they hurt, I was a little worried that I wouldn't stop if my body was telling me that enough was enough - but I promised myself that I would listen to my body and it was telling me to give it a try. So I walked for the first 20 minutes at various speeds and inclines, and then I decided that I would start running at 5.5 with a .5 incline. My original goal was to run a minute and then walk for a few minutes to bring my heart rate back down and catch my breath (it is not easy to breath these days) but when I was running, I felt so good that I opted for 2 minutes. I ran a full two minutes, slowed down to a 3.5 and walked for four minutes to catch my breath and slow my heart rate down. Then I decided that I would run for another 2 minutes. Once again, I felt good - but I could tell at the end of my second 2 minutes that I was pushing myself, so I finished it out, and walked for the remaining time.
While this is a big difference for me, someone who (in my prime) would run three to four miles a day, I still feel like I am making progress and I feel good.
When I was walking out, the (very nice) lady at the front desk stopped me to ask me if I was expecting. I said yes, I was due in July. She asked if I had spoken with a trainer and ok'ed my workouts - I explained that I had checked with my doctor and she was very much in support of my working out with the focus on listening to my body to help me determine what is enough vs. what is too much. The lady at the front desk then told me how impressed she was with my motivation and how wonderful I looked - she was like, I didn't want to ask because from behind you don't even look pregnant - but then when you turn around - its hard to think its anything else. But you just look fantastic! HI...THANK YOU FOR TOTALLY MAKING MY DAY!
Please everyone - if you know someone who is pregnant - or you can tell without a doubt that the woman standing next to you is pregnant - and you totally want to make her day (or even week) tell her how amazing she looks - it is a day in and day out struggle for preggers dealing with the weight gain, lack of fitting clothes and ever expanding mid-section...and it is truly nice to hear from people outside of your husband (doesn't he have to say that) or your parents - that you look good!
and then to top off my wonderful afternoon - I found a jogging stroller at Target ON CLEARANCE for $54...originally priced at over $120! It is a Baby Trend Expedition XL in gray...very very nice and a price you can't beat. This is a stock photo so you can get a visual as it is still in the box and probably won't be set up any time soon.

HAPPY SUNDAY to those we love! Belly pictures will be posted soon - xoxo
The Boppy Pregnancy Pillow - The Next Thing You Should Buy!
While I am sharing all the wonderful discoveries that have helped me to enjoy my pregnancy, I can't possibly skip one of the most effective.
I honestly believe that the minute you find out you are pregnant - you need to buy or order (I would recommend Amazon - but does that really surprise you) a Boppy Pregnancy Pillow. It looks like a oddly shaped "C" but it is truly a "night savor"
While I didn't really struggle to sleep in my first few months, having one around would have made the transition much easier. It hits you one night that you are just no longer comfortable and honestly, that is the worst, longest and possibly one of the most uncomfortable nights of your life...its like no matter what you do you can't find a position that is comfortable. And its not because your belly is too big, I have been told that comes later, but because your body is changing and seriously just can't find a position that it can truly relax in.
There are several options out there for these pregnancy pillows - and I have honestly heard really good things about most of them. The two that stand out are the Boppy Body Pillow and the Snoogle. The snoogle is available at Bed Bath and Beyond (online) and runs about $45 with the 20% off coupon. The Boppy is available at places like Target, Babies R Us and Motherhood Maternity. However, I ordered mine (free shipping) off Amazon and it arrived two days later. And I will personally attest that my sleep has improved dramatically since bringing this pillow to bed with me.

Boppy Body Pillow

Snoogle Maternity Pillow
I honestly believe that the minute you find out you are pregnant - you need to buy or order (I would recommend Amazon - but does that really surprise you) a Boppy Pregnancy Pillow. It looks like a oddly shaped "C" but it is truly a "night savor"
While I didn't really struggle to sleep in my first few months, having one around would have made the transition much easier. It hits you one night that you are just no longer comfortable and honestly, that is the worst, longest and possibly one of the most uncomfortable nights of your life...its like no matter what you do you can't find a position that is comfortable. And its not because your belly is too big, I have been told that comes later, but because your body is changing and seriously just can't find a position that it can truly relax in.
There are several options out there for these pregnancy pillows - and I have honestly heard really good things about most of them. The two that stand out are the Boppy Body Pillow and the Snoogle. The snoogle is available at Bed Bath and Beyond (online) and runs about $45 with the 20% off coupon. The Boppy is available at places like Target, Babies R Us and Motherhood Maternity. However, I ordered mine (free shipping) off Amazon and it arrived two days later. And I will personally attest that my sleep has improved dramatically since bringing this pillow to bed with me.
Boppy Body Pillow
Snoogle Maternity Pillow
Yamuna Ball - a must for pregnancy
So I have to share my recent discovery courtesy of Fit Pregnancy...they did a feature article on the Yamuna Ball and the benefits of using it when you are pregnant to relieve the pressure that builds up in your back, spine, pelvis, hips and even legs. Willing to try just about anything to relieve the uncomfortable feeling nagging me in my lower back, hips and pelvis - I ordered one about a week ago.
It is a small gold ball, - not too expensive considering what it can help you do, and something I believe you can use even after the baby is born to release the tension and strengthen your core muscles.
My Yamuna ball arrived two days ago, and I put it to use yesterday. It is super easy to use, the hardest part is getting down on the floor - but once you are down there, it is something you can use as many times as you want throughout the day.
Basically there are three main exercises the Fit Pregnancy recommends for pregnant women. They all release the tension and pressure that you may be feeling in your back, hips, sides, everything - it is crazy how simple it is but how effective it is at truly making you feel better!
if you are a former athlete, have any issues with your back, hips, or joints (which will only get worse with pregnancy) or are just looking for an enjoyable way to stretch and relieve some pain...I highly recommend looking into this option.
Fit Pregnancy recommends using the "gold ball" which at one point in time was also a yellow ball I believe. It is the lowest level of resistance you can get in Yamuna and recommended for prenatal/pregnancy use.
I used the ball yesterday to stretch my back, work my core a little and stretch my hips/pelvis. I started out by sitting my right butt cheek on the ball with my right leg extended and my left leg bent up for stability and as you breath, press your butt into the ball, you will feel it all the way through your hips, butt, pelvis and even your can roll you butt over to one side and feel a different stretch...I am telling you - this thing is amazing.
Even Mike was using it to stretch his back - which is a step in the right direction because I am pretty sure that is the most athletic thing my (amazing) husband has done in a very long time. So even your hubby can put it to good use.
I took a chance based on an article and a sense of desperation and ordered this ball - but as some one who is now a "believer" it was worth the investment.
If you want more information or want to order your own Yamuna Ball - here is the information website. I can also send you the workout instructions that I have from Fit Pregnancy.
Yamuna Body Rolling

sample of the Gold Ball - for beginners...its not very big, but it does powerful things!
It is a small gold ball, - not too expensive considering what it can help you do, and something I believe you can use even after the baby is born to release the tension and strengthen your core muscles.
My Yamuna ball arrived two days ago, and I put it to use yesterday. It is super easy to use, the hardest part is getting down on the floor - but once you are down there, it is something you can use as many times as you want throughout the day.
Basically there are three main exercises the Fit Pregnancy recommends for pregnant women. They all release the tension and pressure that you may be feeling in your back, hips, sides, everything - it is crazy how simple it is but how effective it is at truly making you feel better!
if you are a former athlete, have any issues with your back, hips, or joints (which will only get worse with pregnancy) or are just looking for an enjoyable way to stretch and relieve some pain...I highly recommend looking into this option.
Fit Pregnancy recommends using the "gold ball" which at one point in time was also a yellow ball I believe. It is the lowest level of resistance you can get in Yamuna and recommended for prenatal/pregnancy use.
I used the ball yesterday to stretch my back, work my core a little and stretch my hips/pelvis. I started out by sitting my right butt cheek on the ball with my right leg extended and my left leg bent up for stability and as you breath, press your butt into the ball, you will feel it all the way through your hips, butt, pelvis and even your can roll you butt over to one side and feel a different stretch...I am telling you - this thing is amazing.
Even Mike was using it to stretch his back - which is a step in the right direction because I am pretty sure that is the most athletic thing my (amazing) husband has done in a very long time. So even your hubby can put it to good use.
I took a chance based on an article and a sense of desperation and ordered this ball - but as some one who is now a "believer" it was worth the investment.
If you want more information or want to order your own Yamuna Ball - here is the information website. I can also send you the workout instructions that I have from Fit Pregnancy.
Yamuna Body Rolling

sample of the Gold Ball - for beginners...its not very big, but it does powerful things!
the flower is growing...
So the flower tattoo I have on the left side of my pelvis - thank you freshman year of college - seems to be expanding...
I am doing what I can to keep it soft and minimize the rate at which it stretches - but odds are this will be one of those things that never really springs back after pregnancy...
I guess we will see! I attempted to take a picture of the expanding flower with the camera on my phone - but was less than pleased with the result - so many tonight.
17 weeks today...crazy to think we are almost to the half way point.
Happy Wednesday!
I am doing what I can to keep it soft and minimize the rate at which it stretches - but odds are this will be one of those things that never really springs back after pregnancy...
I guess we will see! I attempted to take a picture of the expanding flower with the camera on my phone - but was less than pleased with the result - so many tonight.
17 weeks today...crazy to think we are almost to the half way point.
Happy Wednesday!
feelin good
I feel like today is a good day!
Aside from not being able to sleep last night - it was either the iced tea or the fact that I took a two hour nap in the afternoon, I am feeling really good.
I worked out every day last week (Monday - Friday) and I honestly think that is what is making the difference. My back doesn't hurt, I have more energy and aside from my mini melt down I had Friday night before the Mustangs game (which I will talk about in a minute) I have not had a ton of issues with my ever changing body.
the mini-meltdown...lets see! I no longer fit into my pre-pregnancy pants even with a bella band and was a little frustrated because i felt like I had nothing to wear other than black pants and black cropped pants. I have been relying on the bella band to rock my normal jeans and up until this past Friday, it had been working perfectly. However, when I went to put on a pair of my jeans - I could no longer zip them (Even a little bit) and the two sides were so far away that even the bella band didn't work to make it look normal. So after I pulled all my pants off the hanger, balled them up and shoved them on top of my closet in a frenzy...I found a pair that are bigger than the rest, opted for those and made it a point to order two pairs of maternity jeans from Gap when I got home that night.
In all - there were no tears, and my self esteem and pride were only some what bruised - not I feel like it was actually a victory in my world!
we are 16 weeks & 5 days...almost 17 weeks - which seems crazy to think. Not too much longer before Grandma comes out to visit and Mommy and Daddy find out whether the little cockeye will be rocking pink or blue home from the hospital! Obviously we don't care either way - but are just excited to find out!
Aside from not being able to sleep last night - it was either the iced tea or the fact that I took a two hour nap in the afternoon, I am feeling really good.
I worked out every day last week (Monday - Friday) and I honestly think that is what is making the difference. My back doesn't hurt, I have more energy and aside from my mini melt down I had Friday night before the Mustangs game (which I will talk about in a minute) I have not had a ton of issues with my ever changing body.
the mini-meltdown...lets see! I no longer fit into my pre-pregnancy pants even with a bella band and was a little frustrated because i felt like I had nothing to wear other than black pants and black cropped pants. I have been relying on the bella band to rock my normal jeans and up until this past Friday, it had been working perfectly. However, when I went to put on a pair of my jeans - I could no longer zip them (Even a little bit) and the two sides were so far away that even the bella band didn't work to make it look normal. So after I pulled all my pants off the hanger, balled them up and shoved them on top of my closet in a frenzy...I found a pair that are bigger than the rest, opted for those and made it a point to order two pairs of maternity jeans from Gap when I got home that night.
In all - there were no tears, and my self esteem and pride were only some what bruised - not I feel like it was actually a victory in my world!
we are 16 weeks & 5 days...almost 17 weeks - which seems crazy to think. Not too much longer before Grandma comes out to visit and Mommy and Daddy find out whether the little cockeye will be rocking pink or blue home from the hospital! Obviously we don't care either way - but are just excited to find out!
Belly Pictures!!! 16 weeks & 4 days
In what is now a typical Sunday are this week's belly pictures.
16 weeks & 4 days!
Happy Sunday Family and Friends! We love you!
16 weeks & 4 days!
and the top down belly picture...
Happy Sunday Family and Friends! We love you!
Happy 28 mommy!
From the Cockeye {sort of}
That's right is my mommy's 28th birthday...and as such, we are celebrating in style! Hanging with me means that mommy has to give up hanging with the wine, beer and mixed drinks normally used to celebrate another year on this earth - but don't you worry...we are more than making up for it in delicious food!
Aunt Jen Jen took us out to Olive Garden for salad, bread sticks and pasta...but most importantly...Italian doughnuts with chocolate dipping sauce...AMAZING! while we could only eat two...i know mommy's coworkers enjoyed the afternoon snack she brought back.
And daddy is taking us out to dinner tonight - one of mommy's favorite restaurants - Pappadeaux! Dinner is at 7:30...i just hope mommy can make room for yet another amazing meal!
This is the last birthday mommy will spend without me - well with me but not having to entertain me, or feed me or keep me quiet or you I hope she enjoys it!
Cockeye Out!
That's right is my mommy's 28th birthday...and as such, we are celebrating in style! Hanging with me means that mommy has to give up hanging with the wine, beer and mixed drinks normally used to celebrate another year on this earth - but don't you worry...we are more than making up for it in delicious food!
Aunt Jen Jen took us out to Olive Garden for salad, bread sticks and pasta...but most importantly...Italian doughnuts with chocolate dipping sauce...AMAZING! while we could only eat two...i know mommy's coworkers enjoyed the afternoon snack she brought back.
And daddy is taking us out to dinner tonight - one of mommy's favorite restaurants - Pappadeaux! Dinner is at 7:30...i just hope mommy can make room for yet another amazing meal!
This is the last birthday mommy will spend without me - well with me but not having to entertain me, or feed me or keep me quiet or you I hope she enjoys it!
Cockeye Out!
16 weeks
today marks our 16 week point and I will say that it has been a pretty good day! I have worked out the last two days, and plan on working out again today - it is helping my back and my other aches and pains...not to mention it makes me feel so much better!
My eyes have been very dry and itchy as of late - which means that i avoid eye makeup at all cost...yet another "benefit" I guess!
I also discovered Amazon Mom today - which is pretty awesome all the way around. Not only can you register through Amazon - so you can pull things from many different places as opposed to having to find everything at one or two stores...but you can also sign up to autodeliver important things like diapers, wipes and even formula and receive free two day shipping and 30% off. I have set us up to receive a box of diapers every month from now until the baby is born (i am guessing we will have to up that once the little cockeye gets here and starts putting the diapers to good use) and because of that - I can get a box of diapers (180 ct) delivered to my house in two days for a total of $28!!!!! I am finding that it is the small things that really get you through!
its weird to think - but in less than a month - we will know if the cockey is a boy or a girl...and then let the fun begin!
the cockey is the size of an avocado and about 4.6" long and 3.5 oz. We have to watch what we say because the tiny bones in the cockeye's ears are forming which means that he/she can now pick up our voices. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are all starting to fill in and taste buds are forming.
Mike and I have been talking more and more about a birth plan which is bringing up a lot of questions that I have to ask our midwife - but I want to make sure we are as prepared as we can be - although I am pretty sure it all goes out the window once the fun starts.
I also got my first issue of Fit Pregnancy (a lovely gift from Lindsey and Josh Lubenow) yesterday - and there was a three page article on the 33 reasons as to why working out is so good for you when your pregnant - it gave me the motivation I need to keep up the lunchtime workouts!
Just to share a few -
that's all for now - happy Wednesday!
today marks our 16 week point and I will say that it has been a pretty good day! I have worked out the last two days, and plan on working out again today - it is helping my back and my other aches and pains...not to mention it makes me feel so much better!
My eyes have been very dry and itchy as of late - which means that i avoid eye makeup at all cost...yet another "benefit" I guess!
I also discovered Amazon Mom today - which is pretty awesome all the way around. Not only can you register through Amazon - so you can pull things from many different places as opposed to having to find everything at one or two stores...but you can also sign up to autodeliver important things like diapers, wipes and even formula and receive free two day shipping and 30% off. I have set us up to receive a box of diapers every month from now until the baby is born (i am guessing we will have to up that once the little cockeye gets here and starts putting the diapers to good use) and because of that - I can get a box of diapers (180 ct) delivered to my house in two days for a total of $28!!!!! I am finding that it is the small things that really get you through!
its weird to think - but in less than a month - we will know if the cockey is a boy or a girl...and then let the fun begin!
the cockey is the size of an avocado and about 4.6" long and 3.5 oz. We have to watch what we say because the tiny bones in the cockeye's ears are forming which means that he/she can now pick up our voices. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are all starting to fill in and taste buds are forming.
Mike and I have been talking more and more about a birth plan which is bringing up a lot of questions that I have to ask our midwife - but I want to make sure we are as prepared as we can be - although I am pretty sure it all goes out the window once the fun starts.
I also got my first issue of Fit Pregnancy (a lovely gift from Lindsey and Josh Lubenow) yesterday - and there was a three page article on the 33 reasons as to why working out is so good for you when your pregnant - it gave me the motivation I need to keep up the lunchtime workouts!
Just to share a few -
- you're likely to gain less weight
- Labor and delivery may be easier
- you lower your gestational diabetes risk by as much as 27%
- you get a "high"
- you are less likely to feel the aches and pains of pregnancy (I can personally say that this is the case)
- you're less likely to get constipated
- you have more energy
- odds are you will deliver a svelter baby
- you are more likely to avoid a forceps deliver, c-section or other intervention
- you will feel less like a beached whale and more like a hot momma
- you labor may be shorter
- you may boost your child's athletic potential
- you bounce back after delivery
that's all for now - happy Wednesday!
not a ton...
not really much to say today...
Mike is off work for MLK day so he is home taking care of a few things that need to be done like running to lowes, wal-mart, picking up rx's and hopefully taking Og to get her nails trimmed - they are way too long. The fact that I knew he didn't have to get up this morning and go to work, made getting up and going to work that much harder this morning!
It was a long and wonderful weekend - something that I very much needed - and I can't thank rissy enough for all of her help, love and support this past weekend. She cleaned our kitchen on Friday - amazing! And helped me find several great deals on maternity clothes at Gap on Saturday. She is truly a blessing in my life and I couldn't ask for anything more!
I am a little sad, I missed one of my other best friends baby showers this weekend - it was back in PA...I am sure it was wonderful and she was truly spoiled with attention and love - just one more thing that makes me wish we lived closer...
feeling good - tired (mostly from this weekend) but nothing to complain about. Went to the gym at lunch which always makes me feel good - even though my workouts have taken quite the turn...I was still able to walk on the treadmill for 25 minutes and lift (mostly arms) I really need to make this a regular thing - I just feel so much better, and there are so many studies and articles that list the benefits of working out for both the mother and the baby...
all of which seem like pretty darn good reasons to get my butt to the gym every day during lunch - I am determined not to gain too much weight with this pregnancy - I want the baby to be healthy, and gaining too much weight can be bad for the baby, as well as me.
work is slow today - very few of my vendors are in the office - so it makes it a little harder to get answers on certain things.
hope everyone enjoyed the belly pictures!
Happy Monday!
Mike is off work for MLK day so he is home taking care of a few things that need to be done like running to lowes, wal-mart, picking up rx's and hopefully taking Og to get her nails trimmed - they are way too long. The fact that I knew he didn't have to get up this morning and go to work, made getting up and going to work that much harder this morning!
It was a long and wonderful weekend - something that I very much needed - and I can't thank rissy enough for all of her help, love and support this past weekend. She cleaned our kitchen on Friday - amazing! And helped me find several great deals on maternity clothes at Gap on Saturday. She is truly a blessing in my life and I couldn't ask for anything more!
I am a little sad, I missed one of my other best friends baby showers this weekend - it was back in PA...I am sure it was wonderful and she was truly spoiled with attention and love - just one more thing that makes me wish we lived closer...
feeling good - tired (mostly from this weekend) but nothing to complain about. Went to the gym at lunch which always makes me feel good - even though my workouts have taken quite the turn...I was still able to walk on the treadmill for 25 minutes and lift (mostly arms) I really need to make this a regular thing - I just feel so much better, and there are so many studies and articles that list the benefits of working out for both the mother and the baby...
- easier labor
- more normal birth weight for the baby
- healthy baby, less complications
- reduces the risk of childhood obesity
- helps mom bounce back after labor
- helps mom get her body back after pregnancy
all of which seem like pretty darn good reasons to get my butt to the gym every day during lunch - I am determined not to gain too much weight with this pregnancy - I want the baby to be healthy, and gaining too much weight can be bad for the baby, as well as me.
work is slow today - very few of my vendors are in the office - so it makes it a little harder to get answers on certain things.
hope everyone enjoyed the belly pictures!
Happy Monday!
15 weeks & 4 days
week 2 of belly pictures!
we are 15 weeks and 4 days along and I feel pretty good. I am starting to show in my clothes, and trying to come to terms with the change in size and clothes.
enjoy the belly pictures!
we are 15 weeks and 4 days along and I feel pretty good. I am starting to show in my clothes, and trying to come to terms with the change in size and clothes.
enjoy the belly pictures!
at Mike's request - the Carolina pants are featured in this week's photo |
15 weeks & 4 days |
belly is starting to show at this angle too! |
Happy Saturday
Hola family and friends...
sending my love from New Mexico - and I am very much enjoying my weekend! My best friend and college roommate is in town and spending the weekend with me - i am so happy! Yesterday we enjoyed a wonderful lunch and dinner with some shopping in between. It felt like no time has passed and that it was totally natural - like this is how we spend every Saturday or any time I want to see her, I can just go visit her at her house - which we both know is not the case. Maybe its a testament to our friendship, but in all honesty - I feel like it just means we need to be closer! I miss my friends and family and would love to be close to them - but it will happen when it happens.
I am very excited too - I just found out that our most amazing friend and extremely talented photographer agreed to do our maternity photo shoot in April! I am so happy that Thatcher is willing to do this very important photo shoot and capture this special time in our life and family! I have started looking at different pictures to see what ideas and samples I really like - I am so blessed to have such wonderful people as part of our journey!
big day of shopping and spending time with my rissy!
sending my love from New Mexico - and I am very much enjoying my weekend! My best friend and college roommate is in town and spending the weekend with me - i am so happy! Yesterday we enjoyed a wonderful lunch and dinner with some shopping in between. It felt like no time has passed and that it was totally natural - like this is how we spend every Saturday or any time I want to see her, I can just go visit her at her house - which we both know is not the case. Maybe its a testament to our friendship, but in all honesty - I feel like it just means we need to be closer! I miss my friends and family and would love to be close to them - but it will happen when it happens.
I am very excited too - I just found out that our most amazing friend and extremely talented photographer agreed to do our maternity photo shoot in April! I am so happy that Thatcher is willing to do this very important photo shoot and capture this special time in our life and family! I have started looking at different pictures to see what ideas and samples I really like - I am so blessed to have such wonderful people as part of our journey!
big day of shopping and spending time with my rissy!
in love with SKYPE...among other things
If we have to live thousands of miles away from our family and friends - at least we can do so in a age that makes communication just a little easier.
Last night we were able to Skype with Mike's parents - which was a total blast and I was able to pseudo-skype with Renee. We (Renee and I) encountered a few technical difficulties while trying to skype earlier in the night, but none the less - it was so nice to talk with her and get to hear her voice, and hopefully see her beautiful face sooner rather than later!
I am now on a mission to get all of our friends and family on Skype...up first - SHARON!
Today is a big day - and I couldn't be happier that it is finally here. My best friend and college room-mate gets into town this evening around 11 p.m. and gets to spend the whole weekend (well until Sunday morning) with me!!!!! What a wonderful treat and I just want to thank her amazing and wonderful husband one more time for getting her such a totally thoughtful and awesome gift for Christmas - something that is truly a gift for not just her but for me too! No idea what we will do this weekend - but I am not worried about us finding things to fill the time - we are pretty good at being together!
This is exactly what I need right now - I love my husband dearly and wake up every morning excited to spend the rest of my life with him - but I miss my best friends more than anything right now and it makes it so hard to focus on why we are out here doing what we are doing when we are so far away from family and friends.
I know that it will be hard to say goodbye to her on Sunday - it always is - and as Ney says, its always after we say goodbye that we are truly reminded of how much we miss that person - but the time that I get to spend will make the goodbye worth it!
I hope that everyone is as blessed as I am to have amazing, wonderful and caring friends in their life!
Have a wonderful day - I know I will!
Last night we were able to Skype with Mike's parents - which was a total blast and I was able to pseudo-skype with Renee. We (Renee and I) encountered a few technical difficulties while trying to skype earlier in the night, but none the less - it was so nice to talk with her and get to hear her voice, and hopefully see her beautiful face sooner rather than later!
I am now on a mission to get all of our friends and family on Skype...up first - SHARON!
Today is a big day - and I couldn't be happier that it is finally here. My best friend and college room-mate gets into town this evening around 11 p.m. and gets to spend the whole weekend (well until Sunday morning) with me!!!!! What a wonderful treat and I just want to thank her amazing and wonderful husband one more time for getting her such a totally thoughtful and awesome gift for Christmas - something that is truly a gift for not just her but for me too! No idea what we will do this weekend - but I am not worried about us finding things to fill the time - we are pretty good at being together!
This is exactly what I need right now - I love my husband dearly and wake up every morning excited to spend the rest of my life with him - but I miss my best friends more than anything right now and it makes it so hard to focus on why we are out here doing what we are doing when we are so far away from family and friends.
I know that it will be hard to say goodbye to her on Sunday - it always is - and as Ney says, its always after we say goodbye that we are truly reminded of how much we miss that person - but the time that I get to spend will make the goodbye worth it!
I hope that everyone is as blessed as I am to have amazing, wonderful and caring friends in their life!
Have a wonderful day - I know I will!
we have skype!
we can now skype!
Find us...
username: emkillion0120
its under Erin Killion
Find us...
username: emkillion0120
its under Erin Killion
15 weeks!
well today marks the 15 week point - almost five crazy is that?
my back is not playing nice this morning - I tried to do a few of the stretched that the midwife gave me during our appointment, and found that it actually hurt more than before I did them. And then, when I woke up this morning, I was in a tremendous amount of pain. Oh well - it is starting to become second nature anymore - not surprised by anything.
I have to share that one of the things I am struggling with during this pregnancy is my inability to wear heels. It is killing me that I have 30+ pairs of great shoes in my closet that have just been sitting there as I have to rock flats (YUCK) every day. What does it say about me that the only two things I can really complain about during this whole pregnancy (so far) is that I feel frumpy and fat and that I can't wear heels...
oh well!
Happy Wednesday, Happy 15 weeks and Happy I get to see my Rissy tomorrow night!
my back is not playing nice this morning - I tried to do a few of the stretched that the midwife gave me during our appointment, and found that it actually hurt more than before I did them. And then, when I woke up this morning, I was in a tremendous amount of pain. Oh well - it is starting to become second nature anymore - not surprised by anything.
I have to share that one of the things I am struggling with during this pregnancy is my inability to wear heels. It is killing me that I have 30+ pairs of great shoes in my closet that have just been sitting there as I have to rock flats (YUCK) every day. What does it say about me that the only two things I can really complain about during this whole pregnancy (so far) is that I feel frumpy and fat and that I can't wear heels...
oh well!
Happy Wednesday, Happy 15 weeks and Happy I get to see my Rissy tomorrow night!
the very first belly picture - just found on my phone
I forgot that I took a belly picture a few weeks ago with the intention of posting it but then, well, never did.
I thought this would be fun to post...small differences between this picture and the ones that I posted on Sunday.
I thought this would be fun to post...small differences between this picture and the ones that I posted on Sunday.
10 weeks and 3 days...taken on 12.11.10! I am pretty sure that Mike was in South Carolina for Anthony & Amanda's wedding and this was my very first attempt at a belly picture.
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the very first belly picture taken 12.11.10 - not sure there is much of a bump there but I still had to share! |
the next time...
As another college football season comes to an end...and the SEC again wins a national title leaving the rest of the college football conferences to wonder just what it is that makes them so hard to be and beat...i thought i would reflect on just how much different our lives will be in the next year.
Its a "game" that I find us playing often - me more than Mike, and he tends to make fun of me because I find a way to weave it into as many conversations as possible but when you actually stop to think about it - its kind of wild and crazy.
the next time we sit down to watch college football - we will have a baby...a little person who depends on us for food, shelter, love and affection. On January 11, football season seems like an eternity away - but in all reality, its not and it will be here sooner than we think.
and yes...the cockeye will (hopefully) be hanging out with daddy watching the Gamecocks and the Buckeyes play every Saturday rocking his/her baby buckeye's or baby gamecocks gear...we were joking that we need to make a Baby Divided onesey for the little cockeye to wear in the event the Buckeyes and Gamecocks are playing at the same time.
What a crazy concept...the next time we plan/can spend Saturday's watching college football, might not even be spent watching college football - pretty sure regardless of what mommy and daddy want...there will be someone else in charge at that point in time...and who knows if he/she will want to sit and watch football - my guess is going to be not so much.
On an unrelated note...
the midwife appointment went well yesterday, I am healthy, the baby sounds healthy and we got to hear the heart beat - which was pretty cool. Cockeye's heart was beating at about 150 beats per minute which is totally normal.
Our midwife gave me a few stretches to try to help my back pain and also the name of a good yoga studio that should help as well.
She also told me that I have only gained one pound in my pregnancy - although i know that is not the case...I started off this little journey at 185 (up about five pounds from the wedding) and am now at 195...I need to make an active effort to eat well and stay moving so that i can limit the amount of weight that i gain - I want to keep it around 20 - 25 pounds. But in the time that we have been going to UNM and seeing our midwife - i have only gained one pound...which is not terrible.
I am making an active effort to drink more water - i felt like i wasn't drinking enough so i went out and bought a Smart Water bottle that is 33oz and make it a goal to fill it up three - four times a day to make sure i am getting enough water and staying hydrated - i have a friend that ended up in the hospital with complications due to being dehydrated - something i would like to avoid.
our due date is actually July 6, 2011 - so that makes me 14 weeks and 6 days pregnant...i guess every one's baby develops along the same lines in the first few months - so if that is what the ultrasound says - than that is what we are going with - per the midwife. 15 weeks starts tomorrow and the cockeye will be the size of an orange!
Rissy Roo comes in a few days...I couldn't be more excited - I can't wait to spend a few solid days with one of my favorite people ever in life!
Happy Tuesday friends and family - we love you very much!
Its a "game" that I find us playing often - me more than Mike, and he tends to make fun of me because I find a way to weave it into as many conversations as possible but when you actually stop to think about it - its kind of wild and crazy.
the next time we sit down to watch college football - we will have a baby...a little person who depends on us for food, shelter, love and affection. On January 11, football season seems like an eternity away - but in all reality, its not and it will be here sooner than we think.
and yes...the cockeye will (hopefully) be hanging out with daddy watching the Gamecocks and the Buckeyes play every Saturday rocking his/her baby buckeye's or baby gamecocks gear...we were joking that we need to make a Baby Divided onesey for the little cockeye to wear in the event the Buckeyes and Gamecocks are playing at the same time.
What a crazy concept...the next time we plan/can spend Saturday's watching college football, might not even be spent watching college football - pretty sure regardless of what mommy and daddy want...there will be someone else in charge at that point in time...and who knows if he/she will want to sit and watch football - my guess is going to be not so much.
On an unrelated note...
the midwife appointment went well yesterday, I am healthy, the baby sounds healthy and we got to hear the heart beat - which was pretty cool. Cockeye's heart was beating at about 150 beats per minute which is totally normal.
Our midwife gave me a few stretches to try to help my back pain and also the name of a good yoga studio that should help as well.
She also told me that I have only gained one pound in my pregnancy - although i know that is not the case...I started off this little journey at 185 (up about five pounds from the wedding) and am now at 195...I need to make an active effort to eat well and stay moving so that i can limit the amount of weight that i gain - I want to keep it around 20 - 25 pounds. But in the time that we have been going to UNM and seeing our midwife - i have only gained one pound...which is not terrible.
I am making an active effort to drink more water - i felt like i wasn't drinking enough so i went out and bought a Smart Water bottle that is 33oz and make it a goal to fill it up three - four times a day to make sure i am getting enough water and staying hydrated - i have a friend that ended up in the hospital with complications due to being dehydrated - something i would like to avoid.
our due date is actually July 6, 2011 - so that makes me 14 weeks and 6 days pregnant...i guess every one's baby develops along the same lines in the first few months - so if that is what the ultrasound says - than that is what we are going with - per the midwife. 15 weeks starts tomorrow and the cockeye will be the size of an orange!
Rissy Roo comes in a few days...I couldn't be more excited - I can't wait to spend a few solid days with one of my favorite people ever in life!
Happy Tuesday friends and family - we love you very much!
14 weeks 5 days
Happy Monday...
just wanted to post a quick update - we have our monthly appointment today at 3:00 with the midwife. Not sure what to expect but I have a few questions and want to discuss in detail more this pain in my back. I know a major part of it is that when I have good days, I tend to over do on Saturday, when I was feeling good, I spent much of the day cleaning and doing laundry...which meant I really didn't stop moving very much...which then meant that my back hurt yesterday - but in true "me" fashion...I just kept going. I was in a lot of pain last night when I went grocery shopping, and then this morning, I am finding that I am pretty uncomfortable...not so much in pain...but not really loving life either. I am not going to complain though - there was a time that was much worse and I would rather not relive that.
I am finding that I have an even lower tolerance for people than I normally do...which doesn't really do my any favors as I typically don't have a lot of patience. Things irritate me a lot quicker and I feel like I have been expressing my opinions to people regardless of if they want it or not. I need to stop myself more often and remind myself that people probably don't want to hear what I have to say...oh well - I can always blame it on the cockeye.
one of my friends just got her belly pictures back from their maternity photo shoot - they are absolutely beautiful and she is simply glowing. I can't wait to do ours...I always said that I would never do a maternity shoot - but now that I am at this point in my life...and going through this amazing experience...I want something to capture that. I think we will do them at around 30ish weeks...which means we are looking at end of April or early May. We have a friend who is a photographer that does a lot of work for the agency...and he is amazing. I am hoping that he will want to do these. Better keep up my workout schedule...the belly is ok to show off - but i want to make sure my arms don't get too much bigger.
My best friend and college roommate comes out to visit on Thursday...I am so excited! This will be the first time she has seen the house, and met the dogs...and I am in serious need of rissy-roo time! Big shout out to her AMAZING hubby for getting her one of the most unique and wonderful Christmas gifts ever...a trip to come see me! YOU ROCK JOE!
so much for a short update - oh well - I guess I had more to say than I thought. I am sure I will post again after our appointment.
just wanted to post a quick update - we have our monthly appointment today at 3:00 with the midwife. Not sure what to expect but I have a few questions and want to discuss in detail more this pain in my back. I know a major part of it is that when I have good days, I tend to over do on Saturday, when I was feeling good, I spent much of the day cleaning and doing laundry...which meant I really didn't stop moving very much...which then meant that my back hurt yesterday - but in true "me" fashion...I just kept going. I was in a lot of pain last night when I went grocery shopping, and then this morning, I am finding that I am pretty uncomfortable...not so much in pain...but not really loving life either. I am not going to complain though - there was a time that was much worse and I would rather not relive that.
I am finding that I have an even lower tolerance for people than I normally do...which doesn't really do my any favors as I typically don't have a lot of patience. Things irritate me a lot quicker and I feel like I have been expressing my opinions to people regardless of if they want it or not. I need to stop myself more often and remind myself that people probably don't want to hear what I have to say...oh well - I can always blame it on the cockeye.
one of my friends just got her belly pictures back from their maternity photo shoot - they are absolutely beautiful and she is simply glowing. I can't wait to do ours...I always said that I would never do a maternity shoot - but now that I am at this point in my life...and going through this amazing experience...I want something to capture that. I think we will do them at around 30ish weeks...which means we are looking at end of April or early May. We have a friend who is a photographer that does a lot of work for the agency...and he is amazing. I am hoping that he will want to do these. Better keep up my workout schedule...the belly is ok to show off - but i want to make sure my arms don't get too much bigger.
My best friend and college roommate comes out to visit on Thursday...I am so excited! This will be the first time she has seen the house, and met the dogs...and I am in serious need of rissy-roo time! Big shout out to her AMAZING hubby for getting her one of the most unique and wonderful Christmas gifts ever...a trip to come see me! YOU ROCK JOE!
so much for a short update - oh well - I guess I had more to say than I thought. I am sure I will post again after our appointment.
Belly Pictures...Round 1
Happy Sunday family and friends...
I wanted to post my first belly pictures - but it comes with a caveat and a few words or thoughts on this particular body change!
I will share that this was one of the hardest things I have done so far in this pregnancy...coming from a girl that was always told to hold her stomach in and has spent the past 27 years worrying about how I look and making an active effort to stay thin...I now plan to take weekly pictures to show the belly growth progress and share this exciting (although scary and totally out of my element) time with our family and friends.
I am not one to post belly pictures on facebook - I feel like most of the people I call facebook friends don't really need to see my growing this would be another reason to keep the blog updated.
so here we go...round one of belly pictures...14 weeks and 4 days...still for the most part wearing my regular clothes although they are tight and I am not totally comfortable...however the belly band helps because I can leave my pants unbuttoned and part of the way unzipped. Not sure how much longer this will be the case - but I guess if there was ever a reason to "not fit into your clothes" this would be the I will attempt to let go (easier said than done) of my insecurities and roll with the new rolls...haha!
enjoy the belly pictures...even if I didn't necessarily enjoy taking them!
love you guys!
I wanted to post my first belly pictures - but it comes with a caveat and a few words or thoughts on this particular body change!
I will share that this was one of the hardest things I have done so far in this pregnancy...coming from a girl that was always told to hold her stomach in and has spent the past 27 years worrying about how I look and making an active effort to stay thin...I now plan to take weekly pictures to show the belly growth progress and share this exciting (although scary and totally out of my element) time with our family and friends.
I am not one to post belly pictures on facebook - I feel like most of the people I call facebook friends don't really need to see my growing this would be another reason to keep the blog updated.
so here we go...round one of belly pictures...14 weeks and 4 days...still for the most part wearing my regular clothes although they are tight and I am not totally comfortable...however the belly band helps because I can leave my pants unbuttoned and part of the way unzipped. Not sure how much longer this will be the case - but I guess if there was ever a reason to "not fit into your clothes" this would be the I will attempt to let go (easier said than done) of my insecurities and roll with the new rolls...haha!
enjoy the belly pictures...even if I didn't necessarily enjoy taking them!
love you guys!
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apologies for the messy bathroom - but this is really the only place in the house that i can take a picture of myself. |
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my attempt to show that my boobs are still bigger than the belly from the top down...i think this will be a cool way to measure the growth of my belly - or at least a pretty unique angle. |
14 weeks
14 weeks marks several key exciting events in the life of the cockeye...
1. the cockeye has moved off mommy's sciatic nerve which helps in mommy's efforts to feel her right arm and walk upright like a normal human being. The little cockeye just wanted to make sure mommy knew he/she was there...
2. we are well into our second trimester which is very exciting! as are all of the perks that come with the 2nd trimester like the return of my energy. It is so nice to be able to make it through the day without crashing the second i get home, or spend my weekends sleeping on the couch.
3. Exercise time...mommy started working out again - although i hardly call it working out in contrast to what i used to do...however, it has been a while and i need to take it easy - so 15 - 20 minutes of walking on the treadmill, lifting and stretching will have to do for now.
4. The cockeye is the size of a lemon, is about 3.4 inches long and weighs in at around 1.5 oz. It is sucking its thumb, wiggling its toes and peeing. It is also breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continues to develop.
5. We have started planning out the nursery - well mommy has, i am not sure daddy has had much say up to this point in time - but i think he may have checked himself out of this right about the time the executive decision was made that the nursery would not be Garnet & Black.
6. Daddy is doing a pretty killer job of taking on more jobs/tasks around the house and has been a huge help.
cheers (with some sort of non-alcoholic beverage) to making it to week 14 and looking forward to the coming months.
1. the cockeye has moved off mommy's sciatic nerve which helps in mommy's efforts to feel her right arm and walk upright like a normal human being. The little cockeye just wanted to make sure mommy knew he/she was there...
2. we are well into our second trimester which is very exciting! as are all of the perks that come with the 2nd trimester like the return of my energy. It is so nice to be able to make it through the day without crashing the second i get home, or spend my weekends sleeping on the couch.
3. Exercise time...mommy started working out again - although i hardly call it working out in contrast to what i used to do...however, it has been a while and i need to take it easy - so 15 - 20 minutes of walking on the treadmill, lifting and stretching will have to do for now.
4. The cockeye is the size of a lemon, is about 3.4 inches long and weighs in at around 1.5 oz. It is sucking its thumb, wiggling its toes and peeing. It is also breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continues to develop.
5. We have started planning out the nursery - well mommy has, i am not sure daddy has had much say up to this point in time - but i think he may have checked himself out of this right about the time the executive decision was made that the nursery would not be Garnet & Black.
6. Daddy is doing a pretty killer job of taking on more jobs/tasks around the house and has been a huge help.
cheers (with some sort of non-alcoholic beverage) to making it to week 14 and looking forward to the coming months.
From Daddy
I am a little late on this but we had a first ultrasound and it was very exciting. It is hard to explain the feeling that you have when you see a living being that you are bringing into the world for the first time. Everything with the Cockeye is doing fine, and he/she is healthy and there are no complications. We will find out the sex of the Cockeye in February when we have our second ultrasound which should be equally as exciting. Erin seems to be feeling a little better but she is still having some pains, I wish that could take some or all of the pain away from her, but she is powering through it and I think the cockeye finally shifted off of her nerves.
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