
hello old friend

its been a while...but a long time ago, in another life, I loved running...I would run 3 - 4 miles five times a week. 

like I said - a while ago! 

but I am back...not 3 - 4 miles...yet...but 15, 20, 25 minutes...running mostly, but I have a long way to go. 

I am fully motivated to get there again and I have to thank my amazing husband for being so supportive in my goal. 

feeling good...

mommy's new hobby

On Sunday, I decided that I wanted to take a few pictures of Lainey in her Valentine's Day outfit - and of course to document her seven months...

We got her dressed, vacuumed the floor, and grabbed the good camera. I put her on the floor and "went to town" 

check out some of my favorites! 


my promises

I read a blog or article or post or whatever the other day...is it sad or motivating that our news, information, and inspiration comes in so many different social media forms these days...either way...I think it was a blog...and it was something to the effect of the things mothers of daughters should remember when raising these little girls...

it made me think...and in turn...made me write Lainey an email (for those of you that don't know or have since forgotten - it's cool - Mike set up an email account for Lainey and from time to time I will send her emails about life, love, things that are going on, thoughts, her accomplishments, and everything in between)

So I emailed my daughter (at seven months old TODAY!) a list of the things that I promise to her...things that I want to make sure I keep in mind and in action as I raise her to be a confident, strong, beautiful, independent, passionate and motivated woman...pretty much the way my mom raised me.

I am not going to share these...maybe one day I will - but not today...those are between me and her. But that leads me to ask you...

If you were to sit down and write your daughter or son a letter...or even a list of promises...what would they be?


on (almost) a daily basis, I meet, visit with, run into or am reminded of the amazing women that surround me. Whether it is because of her uncanny ability to manage home, work, herself and our friendship...or her passions, drive and motivation...I like to think that I have inspiration at every turn.

While I could devote a blog post (or 20) to each one of these amazing women...and over the course of time, I hope that I am able to...I wanted to focus today's post on one woman who is courageous, smart, devoted, loving, kind, caring, and above all...AMAZING!

I met Moira 3 years ago (well almost three years, but it feels like she has been a part of my life for way longer) Our husbands' careers and company brought them, and so in turn, us, to Rio Rancho, New Mexico...but here we are...three years later and what I like to think, a whole lot wiser.

I am not going to pretend that Moira and I are the best of friends...but over the last three years, if ever there was a time that I needed her...she was always there.

Ok Ok...this blog post is not a trip down memory lane...but more a "you're amazing my friend" type of acknowledgement...because let's be honest...we all deserve a little (ok A LOT) of acknowledgement for the effort, balance, and sanity we manage to approach life with. There is a lot to be said about managing to look like you have it all together...even when everything is falling apart...

so, Moira...you are amazing, my friend. You manage to put a smile on your face, and look adorable even when I know you are at your end. You make seven months pregnant look beautiful, especially as you are chasing after a 2 year old. You are an inspiration to me. You gave up your passion for your love and now have a life that anyone would be proud of. You have made a sacrifice that most women can't or wouldn't and for that you should be commended. You are not surrounded by family or even life long friends...but you do it...and, I will be honest, you make it look easy.

I am not sure what motivated me to sit down and write this...but at a point, where I feel like women...and mothers, don't get the credit they deserve...well, this is my way of giving credit where credit it due.

You inspire me...



I have wanted a treadmill for quite sometime, but I am feeling the urge even more as of late.

With pregnancy comes an amazing end result...a baby...but I have also been blessed with 15lbs, and more flab than I have ever seen on my body at one time.

As I have yet to figure out a way to fit 26 hours worth of stuff into a 24 hour day...I really don't have a solid 1.5 - 2 hours to devote to getting ready, driving to the gym, working out and then driving back from the gym that won't directly impact the time I get to spend with my family...time that is often too little for my personal liking.

But I will be honest...I miss running. In my prime, I was running four miles a day and I felt amazing! I want to get back to that soon!

Well hopefully sooner rather than later!

And we're back

After more than six months, a new job, several holidays, many visits from friends and family and, well, a new adventure pretty much every day...I finally feel like I am ready to blog again.

Delainey Grace is now almost seven months old...SEVEN MONTHS!!!!! Holy cow...where have the last seven months gone?

Lainey Bug (that's our official nickname for little Lainey) is sitting up. And even bigger news...she is on the verge of crawling. She is so close...I am both totally scared and increadably excited for her to reach this crazy milestone. She is such a busy body and she just wants to move...hopefully her crawling will be the catilist to help me lose the last 15 lbs of my pregnancy weight.

Back at it...I will try to blog regularly with all the random things running thru my head...this will be a nice release!