It was a tough day at the Killion Household yesterday - both Mike and I are sick. My guess is that even though I used hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes and Lysol - I still managed to get him sick. So after most of the day spent sleeping on the couch, and (Mike) dosing up with Theraflu and NyQuil (LUCKY!) we went to bed only to wake up feeling about the same.
However, like true champions, we both got up and went to work this morning - I am going to assume that tonight will not be much different and will probably be spent in our respective comfy seats snuggled with blanket and dogs as we try to nurse ourselves back to health.
I have to stop and pick up more NyQuil on the way home - at least one of us will be able to sleep well tonight.
Happy Monday!
Mike in fact is at home and in bed - send him your love so that he gets better soon!
Follow the Killion Family on our journey through pregnancy and parenthood...
Belly Pictures | 21 weeks & 4 days
So no one really mentions that when you are pregnant and you have the unfortunate luck of getting sick, there is seriously nothing you can NOTHING.
I have spent several hours on the Internet looking/reading about options for pregnant women that get sick with something like the common cold. And so far - I have found that all you can do is...
Ok so maybe I am being a little dramatic - I know, totally surprised right! But I just don't feel well - I am congested, it hurts to talk (Mike is not upset about this), my nose is running, and I can feel the stuff filling up my sinuses also dripping down the back of my throat.
So aside from our trip to Babies R Us this morning and lunch at Chick Fila...I have spent the rest of the day on the couch drinking plenty of water and trying to get as much rest as possible.
I will tell you one thing - while I don't like how unproductive I am being - I know two very very happy little furbabies that are loving every minute of this!
Og & London snuggled on the couch helping to "nurse" me back to health!
I have spent several hours on the Internet looking/reading about options for pregnant women that get sick with something like the common cold. And so far - I have found that all you can do is...
- Drink lots of clear liquids
- Rest
- eat fruit and veggies
- rest
Ok so maybe I am being a little dramatic - I know, totally surprised right! But I just don't feel well - I am congested, it hurts to talk (Mike is not upset about this), my nose is running, and I can feel the stuff filling up my sinuses also dripping down the back of my throat.
So aside from our trip to Babies R Us this morning and lunch at Chick Fila...I have spent the rest of the day on the couch drinking plenty of water and trying to get as much rest as possible.
I will tell you one thing - while I don't like how unproductive I am being - I know two very very happy little furbabies that are loving every minute of this!
Og & London snuggled on the couch helping to "nurse" me back to health!
Not Feeling Well
Unfortunately Erin is not feeling well and I am at work tonight for MONSTER TRUCKS. ...she is coughing and she sounds like she feels miserable, which really sucks because she can't take anything for it.
We went to Babie's 'R' Us (sorry can't do the backwards R) today and added a bunch of stuff to the registry for baby Delainey..hint hint if you are reading go check it out....we registered for all kinds of cool baby accessories and other items that are needed.
After we were finished there we went to Chick Fil A and chowed down on some lunch. There were tons of kids there of course, so I started having flash forwards to after Delainey is born.
Since management is genious they brought around samples of their milkshakes, which both Erin and I gladly accepted. About 3 minutes after that I heard the words that I will here for a long time...Delainey would like to have a milkshake...who knew that sampling yummy goodness would have a want/need affect on my child before she was even born!
I tried the line that I will try often.....We will get one next time baby....and then I tried to distract her with my you can imagine this did not work on Erin and she..I mean Dealainey got her cookies and cream milkshake. All and all it was a good Saturday....lets hope Erin feels better tomorrow.
We went to Babie's 'R' Us (sorry can't do the backwards R) today and added a bunch of stuff to the registry for baby Delainey..hint hint if you are reading go check it out....we registered for all kinds of cool baby accessories and other items that are needed.
After we were finished there we went to Chick Fil A and chowed down on some lunch. There were tons of kids there of course, so I started having flash forwards to after Delainey is born.
Since management is genious they brought around samples of their milkshakes, which both Erin and I gladly accepted. About 3 minutes after that I heard the words that I will here for a long time...Delainey would like to have a milkshake...who knew that sampling yummy goodness would have a want/need affect on my child before she was even born!
I tried the line that I will try often.....We will get one next time baby....and then I tried to distract her with my you can imagine this did not work on Erin and she..I mean Dealainey got her cookies and cream milkshake. All and all it was a good Saturday....lets hope Erin feels better tomorrow.
The Stuff "THEY" Don't Tell You...Part 2
Ok Ok - I have to say that this is something that several people have warned me of - but something I didn't take seriously because it seems so odd that this happens...Like there is no way that another person would think this was ok... what point in time does knowing that I am pregnant make it totally acceptable for you, as someone that I don't know well or even at all, to walk up and touch my belly. I mean I have had people that I hardly know, push their way through crowds, stop dead in their tracks, bee line for my belly and even touch me - yes hello...the belly is still very much a part of ME - before they even say hi. WTF!
I mean really - I see a cute guy on the street - and I notice that he has a cute I run up and touch it. Even more so - If my husband noticed a hot girl on the street with a nice set he now allowed to stop traffic to run up and touch them - NO...he would be arrested, divorced and in a world of I am not sure where or when it became ok to group my mid section simply because there is another life in there.
Hands off people...NOT OK!
I was telling my mother-in-law today that there is a very short list of people that are allowed to "Touch the Belly" and while that list is more of a flowing day by day type of deal...I do know one thing - you are not on it if
a) I don't know you
b) I have met you once
c) I have seen you around but have had less than five conversations with you
d) you are creepy
e) you smell
f) you are one of my vendors or clients that I would not call a friend outside of the work setting
g) you are a strange lady in line at the grocery store
h) you are a friend of a friend
I mean REALLY!
I feel like I need to get a shirt that says something along the lines of "Hands Off" - "Touch It & Die" "You Break It You Buy It"
Thoughts on if it is socially acceptable or even legal to taze the next person not on my list that touches my belly - hello isn't it like harassment or something...don't we still believe in personal space and not putting our hands on people we have no right to put our hands on...WTF!
I want a pretzel from Aunt Annie' office smells like one and now the craving has hit -
Happy Friday!
The Belly Touching!!! what point in time does knowing that I am pregnant make it totally acceptable for you, as someone that I don't know well or even at all, to walk up and touch my belly. I mean I have had people that I hardly know, push their way through crowds, stop dead in their tracks, bee line for my belly and even touch me - yes hello...the belly is still very much a part of ME - before they even say hi. WTF!
I mean really - I see a cute guy on the street - and I notice that he has a cute I run up and touch it. Even more so - If my husband noticed a hot girl on the street with a nice set he now allowed to stop traffic to run up and touch them - NO...he would be arrested, divorced and in a world of I am not sure where or when it became ok to group my mid section simply because there is another life in there.
Hands off people...NOT OK!
I was telling my mother-in-law today that there is a very short list of people that are allowed to "Touch the Belly" and while that list is more of a flowing day by day type of deal...I do know one thing - you are not on it if
a) I don't know you
b) I have met you once
c) I have seen you around but have had less than five conversations with you
d) you are creepy
e) you smell
f) you are one of my vendors or clients that I would not call a friend outside of the work setting
g) you are a strange lady in line at the grocery store
h) you are a friend of a friend
I mean REALLY!
I feel like I need to get a shirt that says something along the lines of "Hands Off" - "Touch It & Die" "You Break It You Buy It"
Thoughts on if it is socially acceptable or even legal to taze the next person not on my list that touches my belly - hello isn't it like harassment or something...don't we still believe in personal space and not putting our hands on people we have no right to put our hands on...WTF!
I want a pretzel from Aunt Annie' office smells like one and now the craving has hit -
Happy Friday!
Baby H...
My very dear friend from college was induced this morning and started to have contractions at 6:30 am EST.
Please keep Kimmy, Jimmy and Baby H in your thoughts and prayers today...We love you kimmy!!! And we can't wait to meet the newest Hyland!!!
Is it bad that I am secretly (well not so secretly as it is on my blog) hoping that she has a girl - we are more than half way to a full volleyball team then! HEHE!!
Go get em killer - LOVE YOU!
Please keep Kimmy, Jimmy and Baby H in your thoughts and prayers today...We love you kimmy!!! And we can't wait to meet the newest Hyland!!!
Is it bad that I am secretly (well not so secretly as it is on my blog) hoping that she has a girl - we are more than half way to a full volleyball team then! HEHE!!
Go get em killer - LOVE YOU!
14 - 20...
I have been keeping a running belly tracker with a picture each week of my bump watch - it is kind of fun to see the progression!
This is week 14 - 20...I will keep updating it and re post it every few weeks. I know the "Growing Cockeye" also includes these picture - but there is something to be said about seeing them side by side, in a line that really let's you see just how much my bump (aka Delainey Grace) is growing.
Thought you guys might enjoy this! ( I think if you click on the picture you can see it in a larger version)
This is week 14 - 20...I will keep updating it and re post it every few weeks. I know the "Growing Cockeye" also includes these picture - but there is something to be said about seeing them side by side, in a line that really let's you see just how much my bump (aka Delainey Grace) is growing.
Thought you guys might enjoy this! ( I think if you click on the picture you can see it in a larger version)
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The Stuff "THEY" Don't Tell You...Part 1
So I know that there are countless books out there that talk about the joyous 10 months of pregnancy, and some of them are honest to a point, some of them sugar coat things, some of them are personal memoirs of the pregnancy experience as told by a famous person who has everything and everyone at their beck and call including a makeup artist, a trainer, a personal chef...stop me if this sounds like your experience with pregnancy...but for the most part - after reading many of these and the countless number of blogs, posts, articles, etc - I still feel like there are things that people are not being fully honest with you about- or simply leaving out all maybe if we don't talk about them - they just won't happen or they might ignore them...well let me tell you - these things are pretty stinkin hard to ignore!
In fact - I feel like there are a lot of things that "THEY" don't tell you about this entire pregnancy experience so I will use my blog - as a bit of a soap box - to share with you all (who ever it is that reads my daily ranting and raving) about some of the joys and well not so joys of these 10 special months known as pregnancy!
I figure I will share some of these thoughts over the next five months as I continue to learn and experience different milestones of my pregnancy...
but here is my "STUFF THEY DON'T TELL YOU" for today...
You body will not feel the same for 10 months! No joke! And I can't really say that it is a good thing, a bad thing or somewhere in between - but what I do know is that I can totally feel difference.
I am not really sure how people simply don't know they are pregnant for the first several months - in fact I met a woman yesterday that explained to me that she didn't know she was pregnant until she was more than seven months along...ARE YOU KIDDING ME! The bulging mid section, the gas, the uncomfortable feeling, the inability to go more than 45 minutes without going to the bathroom, or I don't know - when you just didn't get your period for SEVEN WHOLE MONTHS...wasn't a clue that maybe something was up - and because you know me, and you know that I rarely bite my tongue - I asked her how she could possibly not know - and she told me that she was "Athletic" - oh sure...wait what?
But I am telling you that since the day (and even before it was confirmed) that I found out I was pregnant - I have felt my body changing. From aching (and I mean straight painful) boobs, exhaustion and constipation, to bloating, to an ever growing waistline to the gas, constant need to use the bathroom, food aversions, cravings, my nipples taking over my boobs, oh wait my bras don't fit, the climbing number on the scale, shortness of breath, light headedness (is this a word?), growing out of your clothes, itchy skin, backney and breakouts like I am 12 again, irritability, crying at the drop of a hat, back pain, weird skin conditions, my complete inability to hide my feelings (ok maybe this one is not due to pregnancy), my need to sleep, stop, rest or lay down after any major amount (define major) of activity, my lack of sex drive - seriously don't touch me - to my total increased sex drive - to what I hear will be on the decline again, to my need to "nest", to my hair feeling totally different, to hair on parts of my body growing at an experiential rate, to my belly button about ready to pop out, to my feet growing (some shoes just don't fit anymore) just to name a few!
my body is on a flippin roller coaster - I have not felt "normal" (not good, bad or in between) since October!
Stay tuned as I will include these in my daily posts and such...and if you have anything that you would like to add to my observations - being that I am only one pregnant person amongst many - I welcome your insight, thoughts, experiences, and well even just something funny that will make me laugh and say...yes yes - I can relate!
email me at if you have anything you would like to share!
In fact - I feel like there are a lot of things that "THEY" don't tell you about this entire pregnancy experience so I will use my blog - as a bit of a soap box - to share with you all (who ever it is that reads my daily ranting and raving) about some of the joys and well not so joys of these 10 special months known as pregnancy!
I figure I will share some of these thoughts over the next five months as I continue to learn and experience different milestones of my pregnancy...
but here is my "STUFF THEY DON'T TELL YOU" for today...
I am not really sure how people simply don't know they are pregnant for the first several months - in fact I met a woman yesterday that explained to me that she didn't know she was pregnant until she was more than seven months along...ARE YOU KIDDING ME! The bulging mid section, the gas, the uncomfortable feeling, the inability to go more than 45 minutes without going to the bathroom, or I don't know - when you just didn't get your period for SEVEN WHOLE MONTHS...wasn't a clue that maybe something was up - and because you know me, and you know that I rarely bite my tongue - I asked her how she could possibly not know - and she told me that she was "Athletic" - oh sure...wait what?
But I am telling you that since the day (and even before it was confirmed) that I found out I was pregnant - I have felt my body changing. From aching (and I mean straight painful) boobs, exhaustion and constipation, to bloating, to an ever growing waistline to the gas, constant need to use the bathroom, food aversions, cravings, my nipples taking over my boobs, oh wait my bras don't fit, the climbing number on the scale, shortness of breath, light headedness (is this a word?), growing out of your clothes, itchy skin, backney and breakouts like I am 12 again, irritability, crying at the drop of a hat, back pain, weird skin conditions, my complete inability to hide my feelings (ok maybe this one is not due to pregnancy), my need to sleep, stop, rest or lay down after any major amount (define major) of activity, my lack of sex drive - seriously don't touch me - to my total increased sex drive - to what I hear will be on the decline again, to my need to "nest", to my hair feeling totally different, to hair on parts of my body growing at an experiential rate, to my belly button about ready to pop out, to my feet growing (some shoes just don't fit anymore) just to name a few!
my body is on a flippin roller coaster - I have not felt "normal" (not good, bad or in between) since October!
Stay tuned as I will include these in my daily posts and such...and if you have anything that you would like to add to my observations - being that I am only one pregnant person amongst many - I welcome your insight, thoughts, experiences, and well even just something funny that will make me laugh and say...yes yes - I can relate!
email me at if you have anything you would like to share!
It's A Girl!!
A very big congrats to the Hajduch Family as they welcome Emma Jo Hajduch to the world today! The little gift from God weighed in at 9 lbs and 2 oz...which is both amazing and a little scary as Carlie is a pretty tiny person!
This is such an exciting time and we couldn't be happier for Carlie and Joey - they will make such awesome parents!
Congrats again guys - we love you and can't wait to see pictures of Emma Jo!
This is such an exciting time and we couldn't be happier for Carlie and Joey - they will make such awesome parents!
Congrats again guys - we love you and can't wait to see pictures of Emma Jo!
21 Weeks!!
more than half way there...19 weeks to go (well that's if Delainey feels like making her appearance "on time")
Delainey is about the length of a banana and about the size of an over-inflated football. She (or I should say an average baby her age) weighs in at around 12.7oz and is about 10.5" long. (is it bad that as I am writing this - I am enjoying a very yummy banana...hehe)
It's hard to believe that it has almost been a week since we found out that we are having a daughter - time is moving so quickly! Delainey will be here before we know it!
The Killion Family is waiting (as) patiently (as possible) for the arrival of Baby Hyland! My very dear friend, college roommate and one of the girls in our wedding (yes 2 out of the four of them were prego at the time) was due four days ago and is now just waiting...Let's Go Baby H!!! We are so excited to meet you and love you!!! Hang in there Kimmy - our thoughts, love and prayers are with you...and I am sure it will be well worth the wait!
So far of the 2011 babies...we are looking at two girls...I can't wait to see what baby hyland is (other than one of the most beautiful babies in the world) - pretty sure we (my best friends from college) have already formulated a plan for all of our daughters to go to college together and play volleyball and be best friends...oh if only it were that easy!
My back is feeling MUCH better - I am telling you - the Yamuna Ball is truly a god send! If you have any back problems - this is the best investment you can make - 10 minutes on it this morning is all it took to correct my back - well once I got down on the floor! But FOR REAL...I can't stress enough how amazing of a product it is!
Happy Wednesday Everyone!
Delainey is about the length of a banana and about the size of an over-inflated football. She (or I should say an average baby her age) weighs in at around 12.7oz and is about 10.5" long. (is it bad that as I am writing this - I am enjoying a very yummy banana...hehe)
It's hard to believe that it has almost been a week since we found out that we are having a daughter - time is moving so quickly! Delainey will be here before we know it!
The Killion Family is waiting (as) patiently (as possible) for the arrival of Baby Hyland! My very dear friend, college roommate and one of the girls in our wedding (yes 2 out of the four of them were prego at the time) was due four days ago and is now just waiting...Let's Go Baby H!!! We are so excited to meet you and love you!!! Hang in there Kimmy - our thoughts, love and prayers are with you...and I am sure it will be well worth the wait!
So far of the 2011 babies...we are looking at two girls...I can't wait to see what baby hyland is (other than one of the most beautiful babies in the world) - pretty sure we (my best friends from college) have already formulated a plan for all of our daughters to go to college together and play volleyball and be best friends...oh if only it were that easy!
My back is feeling MUCH better - I am telling you - the Yamuna Ball is truly a god send! If you have any back problems - this is the best investment you can make - 10 minutes on it this morning is all it took to correct my back - well once I got down on the floor! But FOR REAL...I can't stress enough how amazing of a product it is!
Happy Wednesday Everyone!
20 week ultrasound pictures
Sorry for the delay in getting these posted - 20 week ultrasound pictures!!!
mostly you can see Delainey arching her back and pressing her face into the placenta - making it impossible to get 3D images.
We decided that because our little princess wouldn't cooperate with us this time - we are going to go get 3D/4D images done around 26-30 weeks.
Oh it starts already!
mostly you can see Delainey arching her back and pressing her face into the placenta - making it impossible to get 3D images.
We decided that because our little princess wouldn't cooperate with us this time - we are going to go get 3D/4D images done around 26-30 weeks.
Oh it starts already!
no kicks yet...
After many long weeks of waiting to feel Delainey kick...and not feeling a thing, the Ultrasound Tech at our appointment on Thursday gave us some insight as to why I have yet to feel her wild movements.
I have what is called an Anterior Placenta - meaning that the baby is taking a back seat to the placenta. Usually, a fertilized egg will situate itself in the posterior uterus, the part closest to the spine, which is where the placenta also develops. Sometimes though, as in Delainey's case, the egg implanted on the opposite side of my uterus closest to the abdomen. As the placenta grows, it grows on the anterior or front side of the uterus with Delainey growing behind it.
So, because I worry about things - and I want to make sure I am as informed as possible, I did a ton of research on whether an anterior placenta would cause any concerns during the remainder of my pregnancy, and this is what I found.
Delainey could care less which side of the uterus she is lying on and it certainly makes no difference to her where the placenta is either.
It doesn't make a difference to me in terms of health and safety if the placenta is posterior or anterior
it doesn't make a difference to my midwife, doctor or ultrasound tech where the placenta is located
The only thing it will do is serve as a cushion between myself and Delainey making it less likely that I will feel Delainey kick or punch early on - however, from what I have read, I should be able to feel her when she gets bigger. It might also make it harder for the midwife to find the fetal heart beat - but we have heard it at the last two check-ups so I guess I don't have to worry about that.
So the good news is that despite these few slight inconveniences, an anterior placenta in and of itself poses no risk to my health.
There was some mention of an anterior placenta lying lower in the uterus - and the issues that may cause - something I will bring up with my midwife at our next appointment (March 7th) to make sure that both mom and baby are healthy.
Still waiting to feel my little diva kick - but as with everything - I am sure I will feel it when she is good and ready for me to feel it. And then, I will just want her to stop!
I have what is called an Anterior Placenta - meaning that the baby is taking a back seat to the placenta. Usually, a fertilized egg will situate itself in the posterior uterus, the part closest to the spine, which is where the placenta also develops. Sometimes though, as in Delainey's case, the egg implanted on the opposite side of my uterus closest to the abdomen. As the placenta grows, it grows on the anterior or front side of the uterus with Delainey growing behind it.
So, because I worry about things - and I want to make sure I am as informed as possible, I did a ton of research on whether an anterior placenta would cause any concerns during the remainder of my pregnancy, and this is what I found.
Delainey could care less which side of the uterus she is lying on and it certainly makes no difference to her where the placenta is either.
It doesn't make a difference to me in terms of health and safety if the placenta is posterior or anterior
it doesn't make a difference to my midwife, doctor or ultrasound tech where the placenta is located
The only thing it will do is serve as a cushion between myself and Delainey making it less likely that I will feel Delainey kick or punch early on - however, from what I have read, I should be able to feel her when she gets bigger. It might also make it harder for the midwife to find the fetal heart beat - but we have heard it at the last two check-ups so I guess I don't have to worry about that.
So the good news is that despite these few slight inconveniences, an anterior placenta in and of itself poses no risk to my health.
There was some mention of an anterior placenta lying lower in the uterus - and the issues that may cause - something I will bring up with my midwife at our next appointment (March 7th) to make sure that both mom and baby are healthy.
Still waiting to feel my little diva kick - but as with everything - I am sure I will feel it when she is good and ready for me to feel it. And then, I will just want her to stop!
So I managed to throw out my back this morning while I was (of all things) putting on pants! My whole left side of my back hurts, I can't stand up or sit down without being in a lot of pain, I can't lift my left leg (even to get in and out of the car) without a lot of pain, and don't even get me started on trying to go to the bathroom.
And I can't blame my little princess for this one - this was all mommy! Tried to put on my jeggings this morning and in the process of wiggling them up to try to get them on - I tweaked my back. Pretty Awesome!
Just another day...
Happy Tuesday!
And I can't blame my little princess for this one - this was all mommy! Tried to put on my jeggings this morning and in the process of wiggling them up to try to get them on - I tweaked my back. Pretty Awesome!
Just another day...
Happy Tuesday!
Belly Pictures | 20 weeks & 4 Days
Happy Sunday!!!
now that we know that little Delainey Grace is in there - its even more fun to watch the bump grow!!
So I give you Bump Watch - Week 20 (and 4 days)
now that we know that little Delainey Grace is in there - its even more fun to watch the bump grow!!
So I give you Bump Watch - Week 20 (and 4 days)
Stocking up...
Thanks to and a few trips to Wal-Mart we are starting to acquire a small contingent of diapers for our little princess! My thought it that it is better to buy them a few at a time so that we are not running out the week we get home with the newest member of our family, to get diapers at all hours of the night.
I also plan on throwing Mike a Diapers & Beer party - basically his guys friends come over and eat, drink, play video games, poker, talk...whatever it is that boys do when they are together...and all they need to bring it a pack of diapers and a pack of beer - be it a six, 12, 24...etc! Should be a lot of fun and something that Mike gets to look forward to as he won't be at the baby shower in Cleveland nor will I make him attend any of the showers here unless he wants to.
Check out our growing assortment of diapers!
I also plan on throwing Mike a Diapers & Beer party - basically his guys friends come over and eat, drink, play video games, poker, talk...whatever it is that boys do when they are together...and all they need to bring it a pack of diapers and a pack of beer - be it a six, 12, 24...etc! Should be a lot of fun and something that Mike gets to look forward to as he won't be at the baby shower in Cleveland nor will I make him attend any of the showers here unless he wants to.
Check out our growing assortment of diapers!
feed the pig
Delainey got her first piggy bank yesterday - it is adorable and will match her room once we get that set up. Hopefully this will help to teach our daughter that there are in fact some joys to saving money - although Mommy is still trying to learn that lesson!
Check out Delainey's first pink piggy bank!!
Check out Delainey's first pink piggy bank!!
Delaney Collection?
Delainey's room now has one more piece of furniture...Grandma bought Delainey a beautiful white dresser from Target yesterday. It was so fitting - the furniture collection this dresser was a part of is called the Delaney Collection.
We are pretty much set on the big items for Delainey's room - a very big thank you to my mom (Grandma) for her generosity and excitement in helping to dec out Delainey's room.
Picture of the dresser below - It is starting to feel real!!
The dresser is white - but they only have a honey oak picture online - more pictures to come when the room is finally set up!
We are pretty much set on the big items for Delainey's room - a very big thank you to my mom (Grandma) for her generosity and excitement in helping to dec out Delainey's room.
Picture of the dresser below - It is starting to feel real!!
The dresser is white - but they only have a honey oak picture online - more pictures to come when the room is finally set up!

Grandma's in town...
After a very exciting Thursday, followed by an even more exciting Friday ( I think it finally set in that we are going to have a daughter) my Saturday was spent making sure that Delainey has plenty of fashion options for the first several weeks/months of her life. I can't even explain to you how much fun it is to shop for little girl clothes - there are just so many options and so much pink!
Pink is not Mike's favorite color - in fact it might fall under his least favorite color category - but he is being a good sport in this. I think he has finally come to terms with the fact that his daughter will wear pink (among other colors) and have a room, that while not totally pink, has plenty of pink throughout.
We had to buy a (pink) bin to keep all of Delainey's clothes and goodies that we bought and have received over the last few months, because the room that will become the nursery is currently the guest room/catch all room until Eli moves out in the middle of March. At that point in time, we will take all of the stuff out of the nursery and make the room that Eli stayed in, the Guest Room/Office opening up the other room to be set up as Delainey's new pad!
We are well on our way to making sure that Delainey has not only an adorable wardrobe but also a pretty kick *** place to call her own. I will post pictures as we continue through this exciting part of the journey.
I can't believe we have a daughter - my mom swears its payback for everything I put her through...but I could not be happier! And I second Mike's thoughts on the key things he needs to make sure Delainey stays away from...I will also be investing in every season of Teen Mom and 16 & Pregnant to sit my daughter down in front of when she is 13...
Happy Sunday!
Pink is not Mike's favorite color - in fact it might fall under his least favorite color category - but he is being a good sport in this. I think he has finally come to terms with the fact that his daughter will wear pink (among other colors) and have a room, that while not totally pink, has plenty of pink throughout.
We had to buy a (pink) bin to keep all of Delainey's clothes and goodies that we bought and have received over the last few months, because the room that will become the nursery is currently the guest room/catch all room until Eli moves out in the middle of March. At that point in time, we will take all of the stuff out of the nursery and make the room that Eli stayed in, the Guest Room/Office opening up the other room to be set up as Delainey's new pad!
We are well on our way to making sure that Delainey has not only an adorable wardrobe but also a pretty kick *** place to call her own. I will post pictures as we continue through this exciting part of the journey.
I can't believe we have a daughter - my mom swears its payback for everything I put her through...but I could not be happier! And I second Mike's thoughts on the key things he needs to make sure Delainey stays away from...I will also be investing in every season of Teen Mom and 16 & Pregnant to sit my daughter down in front of when she is 13...
Happy Sunday!
It's Official the nursery will have a "touch" of pink!
So Erin is going to be so upset that I got to this before her, but because she says that I do not blog enough I wanted to be the first to blog on the most exciting news that we have received yet! The Cockeye is perfectly healthy and growing and developing at the average pace. And we now know that we will be having a daughter....Delainey Grace Killion...wanted to get it out there so that noone that we knew would happen to steal the name.....I am not sure that I have been more excited for anything in my life....I have always said that I wanted a boy because I wanted to have the Killion name continue...but now that I think about it if we would have had a boy first we probably would not have had a second child because we would have both driven Erin crazy! Also, after thinking about this for a while, I came to the conclusion about a month ago that it is not about what I want, or what Erin wants it is about what God wants us to have in our life. And we know now what God wanted. We are going to have a beautiful baby girl that will take my heart and have me wrapped around her little finger as soon as she enters this world. Don't get it twisted though Delainey will love watching our Gamecocks on Saturday and Thursday nights (whenever they are scheduled to play) and her favorite channel on Sunday mornings and afternoons will be NFL RedZone because she will be rooting for Daddy's Fantasy Football team (which now has to undergo a name change because it is not daughter appropriate)...which by the way won a championship this year!
All in all you can all see that I am very excited about this and I can't wait for her to get here so that I can show her right away everything to stay away from....boys, drugs, boys, motorcycles, boys, short skirts, boys, tight clothing, boys, bikinis, boys, and I think that about covers it I am sure there is more...oh yeh boys I forgot that one!
All in all you can all see that I am very excited about this and I can't wait for her to get here so that I can show her right away everything to stay away from....boys, drugs, boys, motorcycles, boys, short skirts, boys, tight clothing, boys, bikinis, boys, and I think that about covers it I am sure there is more...oh yeh boys I forgot that one!
tick tick tick
its 11:22....
the clock seems to be taunting me...
tick tick tick...
only a few more hours - but it feels like days!
hard to believe that today is finally here...the 12 week ultrasound feels so far away.
20 weeks and 1 day...on the other side of halfway!
tick tick tick
the clock seems to be taunting me...
tick tick tick...
only a few more hours - but it feels like days!
hard to believe that today is finally here...the 12 week ultrasound feels so far away.
20 weeks and 1 day...on the other side of halfway!
tick tick tick
20 week Ultrasound -From Daddy
Our 20-week ultrasound is tomorrow, and both Erin and I are excited about it for many reasons. We get to see the cockeye and make sure that everything is developing correctly and we get to find out the sex of the baby. Even though he/she will always be our little Cokeye and will probably hate both of us for the nickname, we can start preparing the nursery and start calling him/her by name since we already have the names picked out. We also already have the crib and the changing table thanks to Grandma Sharon.
It is starting to get "real" now. Once Erin starts to feel him or her kick then it will become even more realistic to us. We are halfway there and only 5 months left until the cockey sees the world for the first time!
It is starting to get "real" now. Once Erin starts to feel him or her kick then it will become even more realistic to us. We are halfway there and only 5 months left until the cockey sees the world for the first time!
Nursery - part 1
well the crib and changing table are ordered! I feel like we are actually starting down this path towards a completed nursery.
We are going with white furniture for the baby's room - and I think we will do navy blue walls. The accent color will depend on if the cockeye is a boy or a girl.
we will obviously post pictures of the crib and changing table once the room is set up - but that won't be until near the end of March. We need our other room back to store some of the things (read crap) that has accumulated in the Cockeye's room as well as the need to move the futon into the guest room and turn that into an office. Hopefully, after we have the guest room deep cleaned, cloroxed and fumigated (thank you 19 year old hockey player) we will be able to use that room as a guest room/office and the cockeye's room will begin to look like a...Nursery!
It gets more exciting every day...we will keep you posted on the nursery progress!
stock photos of the crib and changing table - from Amazon!! Great products, free shipping, great prices...we were able to purchase the crib and the changing table for what I was going to pay for the crib alone at pottery barn! Now we can spend a little more on making the room look great!
halfway there!
the Cockeye is about the size of a cantaloupe, is about 6.5" and 10.5 oz. We have our 20 week ultrasound tomorrow which will let us see how the Cockeye is developing, the changes between the 12 week one and the 20 week one and (hopefully) if the cockeye is more of a blue or pink (when not rocking Scarlet & Gray or Garnet & Black) kind of baby.
Feeling really good - and I hear on a daily basis that pregnancy suits me - not sure what to make of that - other than I guess people think I look ok pregnant - which is nice to hear because I don't always feel like it suits me.
Trying to do a better job of eating every few hours to reduce the chance that my blood sugar will drop. Sticking with healthy foods (for the most part) like fruit and whole grains. I am also craving milk - which is odd, because I have NEVER been one that likes milk - but right now, I can think of nothing better than a tall glass of ice cold milk - so weird! But I guess your body craves what it needs, so I am indulging to ensure I get enough calcium.
I watch the scale climb every day - and while I try not to let it stress me out - we all know me...I just have to keep telling myself that it's ok, it’s not because I am getting fat, this was bound to happen and I am making smart choices with food and exercise - so I will be ok...but that is not necessarily helping.
My mom (Grandma) gets in tonight around 11:00...I am so excited! I have not seen her since Thanksgiving - which is also when we told our her and Mike's parents that we were pregnant. So other than the weekly pictures - she has not seen me or my ever expanding mid-section since the end of November.
We have a big weekend planned - but we also have some "rest breaks" worked into our schedule - which for those of you that know my mother, know that this is a rare occurrence...but it is so I don't exhaust myself. I know it will not be easy for her to slow down, but I appreciate that she is willing to do so for her pregnant daughter!
Happy 20 weeks...cheers to the last 20 - good, bad and in between - and cheers to the next 20!
Mike bought me the most wonderful gift for Valentine's Day. We are not in the "spending" mode for holidays like Valentines Day, because it is so close to my birthday and Christmas - so we set a limit and I am pretty sure that we both stayed well under it. However, I feel like we were able to get each other a pretty wonderful and useful gift - which made it a really fun night!
I bought Mike a wall mounted electric tie rack - he has so many ties and no real way to keep them organized, so this will allow him to hang his ties in color order - or whatever order he deems appropriate - and because we don't really have "bars" in our closet - well we have bars, but they are not thick enough to hold a typical electronic tie rack. So when I found one that hooks to the wall - well let's just say that I was pretty pumped! I tried to be uber creative and frame the front page of the Columbia State when the Gamecocks won the NCAA Baseball World Series last year - but I am more of an idea person, not so good at the whole implementation part of creativity...oh well! Next year, I can just pay someone to do it!
My wonderful husband - who seems to be getting better and better at buying unique gifts - gave me Bellybuds!!!
never heard of them - they are only about the coolest thing EVER! They are headphones for the baby. They attach (they are sticky) to your belly and hook into your iPod or other music device and play music right into your womb for the baby to enjoy. Monday night, the cockeye rocked out to the Pearl Jam station on Pandora and last night, he/she enjoyed a nice mix of music from my iPod.
I love them and I love even more that he is so creative - I have said a few times that I would like a set of these because I am really big on playing music for the baby but the fact that he actually got them for me and the cockeye is too cool. Both Mike and I are super into music, and it plays a big role in our lives - so of course, we want the baby to be as eclectic as we are, which is why the cockeye is being exposed to everything from BOB and Eminem to DMB and Pearl Jam. Not sure what station the cockeye will jam out to tonight - but he/she will never get bored!
bellybuds are available through Amazon (which is my recommended site for EVERYTHING)

I totally recommend them for anyone who wants to get their baby started early on music - its a cool way to bond with your unborn child and share a major part of yourself and your husband.
I bought Mike a wall mounted electric tie rack - he has so many ties and no real way to keep them organized, so this will allow him to hang his ties in color order - or whatever order he deems appropriate - and because we don't really have "bars" in our closet - well we have bars, but they are not thick enough to hold a typical electronic tie rack. So when I found one that hooks to the wall - well let's just say that I was pretty pumped! I tried to be uber creative and frame the front page of the Columbia State when the Gamecocks won the NCAA Baseball World Series last year - but I am more of an idea person, not so good at the whole implementation part of creativity...oh well! Next year, I can just pay someone to do it!
My wonderful husband - who seems to be getting better and better at buying unique gifts - gave me Bellybuds!!!
never heard of them - they are only about the coolest thing EVER! They are headphones for the baby. They attach (they are sticky) to your belly and hook into your iPod or other music device and play music right into your womb for the baby to enjoy. Monday night, the cockeye rocked out to the Pearl Jam station on Pandora and last night, he/she enjoyed a nice mix of music from my iPod.
I love them and I love even more that he is so creative - I have said a few times that I would like a set of these because I am really big on playing music for the baby but the fact that he actually got them for me and the cockeye is too cool. Both Mike and I are super into music, and it plays a big role in our lives - so of course, we want the baby to be as eclectic as we are, which is why the cockeye is being exposed to everything from BOB and Eminem to DMB and Pearl Jam. Not sure what station the cockeye will jam out to tonight - but he/she will never get bored!
bellybuds are available through Amazon (which is my recommended site for EVERYTHING)

I totally recommend them for anyone who wants to get their baby started early on music - its a cool way to bond with your unborn child and share a major part of yourself and your husband.
a few happy words about mommy and daddy
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one of our first pictures as a couple - taken in Mike's apartment in CO |
While I know this is a blog about the Cockeye - I am pretty sure that the Cockeye would not be the topic of a blog without...well...that fateful day four+ years ago that I met the man that would change my life.
In honor of Valentine's Day...I just wanted to share with my husband (and the world) just how lucky I am...and how I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, fate does exist and that God only puts what he knows you can handle and more importantly, what you need, in front of you!
Four years ago, I met a man that would turn my world upside down, shake me silly, drive me crazy, make my heart skip a beat, make me lose my mind and challenge my every single day (that we were speaking.)
I have dated quite a bit in my life (rissy, ney and kimmy - you can stop laughing at any time) but none of them really peaked my interest for long periods of time. They were mostly good guys, who meant well and had the best of intentions. But for the first time in my life, this was someone I couldn't walk away from. This was someone that I didn't want to give up on. This was the person, that I knew, deep down in my heart - although at times it was oh so hard to admit - that I was going to be with for the rest of my life. We had this magnetic connection - we seriously couldn't stay away from each other. Four years, three states, two different starting points and one very happy ending place - I have found the man that makes me smile both inside and out. As we celebrate today, cheesy as it may be, make sure to give your special someone a little extra love - while Mike shows me every single day that he loves me and just how special I am to him...its always nice to get just a little more on this (made up) holiday.
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Scott in the Photo Booth at our wedding - love you sinukai! |
I also want to send a special thank you and happy Valentines day to a very dear friend who put up with this roller coaster ride on a daily basis. He didn't have a choice - he was one of my best friends, and he lived with mike. BUT he was always there for me (usually with a beer or glass of wine.) He would sit and listen to me bitch, he would keep a straight face when i would tell him that "I was DONE" and then never pass judgement when a week later, I was in fact...not done. He even made the trip to be at our wedding - Scott - words can't express how much your friendship means to me and what a HUGE role you played in helping Mike and I get to where we are today!
May today be filled with love, joy and laughter - celebrate it with those you love - both lovers and friends as they are a huge and important part of your world!
Well kids, its Monday again, which means that its the start of another week of work and stress! But this week, I feel will be a little different.
Why you ask...
1. Today is Valentine's Day...which means that I get just a little more love than I normally do from my wonderful husband. We will be celebrating by going to dinner tonight. I am not sure where we are going, but I like the surprise! My valentine's day plan for Mike didn't quite work out to the level I was hoping, as I am just not as creative as I like to think I we went to Plan B...which will be here later this week. So my amazing husband will get a card with a picture of what I ordered him tonight and will receive a special surprise in the mail. Note to more "creative" gifts - just go with the things that are already made or pay someone to make them!
2. (per my Husband) Jadeveon Clowney - the number one high school recruit in the country - has committed to playing for the University of South Carolina Gamecocks next year. I would like to send a personal thank you to Mr. Clowney for helping to ensure that Mike's day (and hopefully season) is just a little better and reducing the stress and disappointment my husband feels on a regular basis as a part of the Garnet Army. I am excited because it should make Saturdays even more fun in the fall if both the Gamecocks and the Buckeyes are good.
3. Sharon gets in on Wednesday!!!
4. We have our 20 week ultrasound on Thursday...which means that we will (finally) get to know whether the cockeye is a boy or a girl. Which also means that we can start calling the cockeye by its name as opposed to Cockeye - which we are learning more and more people dislike - no sense of creativity!
5. Thursday also marks the day I can start shopping for the Cockeye as I will know if its closet will be comprised of blues and greens or pinks and purples!!! Nursery planning is also right around the corner - I think this weekend we will go pick out the paint!!!
6. Our very dear friends, Kimmy and Jimmy Hyland are due on the 19 (Saturday) - so we are keeping our fingers crossed that whenever baby Hyland makes his/her appearance in this world, that it is healthy and happy and that mom and dad are doing well!
7. This week also marks the second to last week of February (where has this month gone) which means that I will be in Cleveland in a little over a month. I can't wait to see both family and friends - it will be a short trip, but I am excited to share and celebrate with people I love!
Call me crazy! But I have a feeling that this will be a good week!
Happy Monday!!!
Why you ask...
1. Today is Valentine's Day...which means that I get just a little more love than I normally do from my wonderful husband. We will be celebrating by going to dinner tonight. I am not sure where we are going, but I like the surprise! My valentine's day plan for Mike didn't quite work out to the level I was hoping, as I am just not as creative as I like to think I we went to Plan B...which will be here later this week. So my amazing husband will get a card with a picture of what I ordered him tonight and will receive a special surprise in the mail. Note to more "creative" gifts - just go with the things that are already made or pay someone to make them!
2. (per my Husband) Jadeveon Clowney - the number one high school recruit in the country - has committed to playing for the University of South Carolina Gamecocks next year. I would like to send a personal thank you to Mr. Clowney for helping to ensure that Mike's day (and hopefully season) is just a little better and reducing the stress and disappointment my husband feels on a regular basis as a part of the Garnet Army. I am excited because it should make Saturdays even more fun in the fall if both the Gamecocks and the Buckeyes are good.
3. Sharon gets in on Wednesday!!!
4. We have our 20 week ultrasound on Thursday...which means that we will (finally) get to know whether the cockeye is a boy or a girl. Which also means that we can start calling the cockeye by its name as opposed to Cockeye - which we are learning more and more people dislike - no sense of creativity!
5. Thursday also marks the day I can start shopping for the Cockeye as I will know if its closet will be comprised of blues and greens or pinks and purples!!! Nursery planning is also right around the corner - I think this weekend we will go pick out the paint!!!
6. Our very dear friends, Kimmy and Jimmy Hyland are due on the 19 (Saturday) - so we are keeping our fingers crossed that whenever baby Hyland makes his/her appearance in this world, that it is healthy and happy and that mom and dad are doing well!
7. This week also marks the second to last week of February (where has this month gone) which means that I will be in Cleveland in a little over a month. I can't wait to see both family and friends - it will be a short trip, but I am excited to share and celebrate with people I love!
Call me crazy! But I have a feeling that this will be a good week!
Happy Monday!!!
Belly Pictures | 19 weeks & 4 days
Happy Sunday -
belly pictures at 19 weeks & 4 weeks.
have yet to feel the baby kick - but hopefully this week!
belly pictures at 19 weeks & 4 weeks.
have yet to feel the baby kick - but hopefully this week!
Today was what I would consider a pretty productive day. Laundry, cleaning, shopped for Mike's Valentine's gift (which I am pretty proud of!) and now its time to help my friend set up her blog and skype!!!
Mustangs game tonight - honestly, I could care less about the actual game, but I really enjoy spending time with Mike - and any time I can spend with him, I will take!
Still have not felt the cockeye move - but maybe this week. I ran to Old Navy today as well, found a few tank tops and a zip up hoodie.
I also moved all of my pre-pregnancy clothes out of our closet to the spare room closet - too many negative thoughts cross my mind when I look at them because I want to wear them - and then when I remember that I can't wear them, I get depressed. So into the other closet they go! It leaves us more room in our closet as well!
Happy Saturday!!
Mustangs game tonight - honestly, I could care less about the actual game, but I really enjoy spending time with Mike - and any time I can spend with him, I will take!
Still have not felt the cockeye move - but maybe this week. I ran to Old Navy today as well, found a few tank tops and a zip up hoodie.
I also moved all of my pre-pregnancy clothes out of our closet to the spare room closet - too many negative thoughts cross my mind when I look at them because I want to wear them - and then when I remember that I can't wear them, I get depressed. So into the other closet they go! It leaves us more room in our closet as well!
Happy Saturday!!
19 weeks
Today marks 19 weeks in the life of the cockeye...crazy how fast time is moving.
I feel like I grew over night - its like every time I look down, my belly is bigger! I am having some pain in my pelvic area - but from everything the doctor says, it is just my body growing and changing to make room for the growing and changing cockeye.
Short post - happy Wednesday friends!
I feel like I grew over night - its like every time I look down, my belly is bigger! I am having some pain in my pelvic area - but from everything the doctor says, it is just my body growing and changing to make room for the growing and changing cockeye.
Short post - happy Wednesday friends!
8 minutes and counting...
Total HIGH right now...while to some, the notion of running for 8 minutes, and feeling great about it, is laughable or embarrassing - try being five months pregnant, easily winded, dealing with a while new center of gravity and well - being a little out of shape. I will reach my goal and hopefully work on the whole HOT MOMMA thing in the process!
Either way - I fee awesome right now. I walked for 22 minutes and ran for 8! Then I lifted and stretched. What a wonderful way to spend my lunch hour - and boy do I feel good after!
I will however have to toss the t-shirt that I wore to the gym today in my "no longer fits" pile - as it was struggling to fit over my belly today - gotta love it!
Either way - I fee awesome right now. I walked for 22 minutes and ran for 8! Then I lifted and stretched. What a wonderful way to spend my lunch hour - and boy do I feel good after!
I will however have to toss the t-shirt that I wore to the gym today in my "no longer fits" pile - as it was struggling to fit over my belly today - gotta love it!
turn off the light...
I have read a few places that by 18 weeks the cockeye can "see" light - or at least tell a difference between when light is shining towards the womb vs. when it is not.
So last night, Mike and I wanted to try and see if we could make the baby move. I have yet to knowingly feel the baby move - I think I have felt it move once or twice, but I am not totally we figured that if we could do something that is supposed to make the cockeye react, well then maybe we could get this little guy or gal wiggling!
After quite the process to even get the flashlight working (Mike was pretty determined) and the extensive process I have before I go to bed every night...I finally laid down on the bed to see if we could get the cockeye moving.
Once again, I think I felt movement - but I can't be sure! It was quite the sight though to see Mike shinning the flashlight at different parts of my belly and then waiting to see if I responded.
I can't say for certain that what I felt was the baby move...but I just can't wait for the day when I feel something and I know its the cockeye...and not just what I had for dinner last night!
So last night, Mike and I wanted to try and see if we could make the baby move. I have yet to knowingly feel the baby move - I think I have felt it move once or twice, but I am not totally we figured that if we could do something that is supposed to make the cockeye react, well then maybe we could get this little guy or gal wiggling!
After quite the process to even get the flashlight working (Mike was pretty determined) and the extensive process I have before I go to bed every night...I finally laid down on the bed to see if we could get the cockeye moving.
Once again, I think I felt movement - but I can't be sure! It was quite the sight though to see Mike shinning the flashlight at different parts of my belly and then waiting to see if I responded.
I can't say for certain that what I felt was the baby move...but I just can't wait for the day when I feel something and I know its the cockeye...and not just what I had for dinner last night!
update: woah
Morning -
just wanted to post a quick update to my post from yesterday. Mike and I had our monthly appointment yesterday at which time we asked about the light headed feeling I had been experiencing all day. It had gotten worse since leaving the house and going to the doctor's office.
The midwife said that more than likely because my blood pressure was good, that it was a combination of low iron and low blood sugar. She said that I need to start taking an iron supplement and make sure that I am eating foods (small meals at least five times per day) with lots of iron, protein and complex carbs, to prevent my blood sugar from dropping again. It was a relief to know that it was nothing too serious and something that could be fixed with a trip to the store to stock up on healthy snacks, fruits, vegetables and protein.
On a funny note - my emotions are running wild these days. I actually started crying in the doctor's office yesterday...She was doing the heart rate test for the baby and asked if I needed a doctors note (I stayed home from work yesterday due to my dizzy feeling) and before I could answer, I just started balling...just could not fight back the tears. What is wrong with me!!!! Mike was concerned because he knows that I have been stressed at work and that they were giving me a hard time about staying home yesterday (btw...worked from home yesterday and was totally accessible) but I am not sure that is what it was about...when we got in the car, I just started laughing - and said...I seriously can't believe i just cried in the doctors office. What is wrong with me. Even my mom laughed when we told her the story - because it was so ridiculous! God bless my husband for being so supportive (in his own way) and limiting the crybaby comments to a minimum.
We stopped at the store on the way home and picked up all kinds of yummy treats!
In all - I feel much better today. I started the day off with a bowl of cereal, a glass of orange juice, a banana and a little bit of decaf coffee (of which I only drank about 1/3) which I think helped. Still feeling a little light headed when I stand up too quickly - but I think it will go away with time.
Happy Tuesday!
just wanted to post a quick update to my post from yesterday. Mike and I had our monthly appointment yesterday at which time we asked about the light headed feeling I had been experiencing all day. It had gotten worse since leaving the house and going to the doctor's office.
The midwife said that more than likely because my blood pressure was good, that it was a combination of low iron and low blood sugar. She said that I need to start taking an iron supplement and make sure that I am eating foods (small meals at least five times per day) with lots of iron, protein and complex carbs, to prevent my blood sugar from dropping again. It was a relief to know that it was nothing too serious and something that could be fixed with a trip to the store to stock up on healthy snacks, fruits, vegetables and protein.
On a funny note - my emotions are running wild these days. I actually started crying in the doctor's office yesterday...She was doing the heart rate test for the baby and asked if I needed a doctors note (I stayed home from work yesterday due to my dizzy feeling) and before I could answer, I just started balling...just could not fight back the tears. What is wrong with me!!!! Mike was concerned because he knows that I have been stressed at work and that they were giving me a hard time about staying home yesterday (btw...worked from home yesterday and was totally accessible) but I am not sure that is what it was about...when we got in the car, I just started laughing - and said...I seriously can't believe i just cried in the doctors office. What is wrong with me. Even my mom laughed when we told her the story - because it was so ridiculous! God bless my husband for being so supportive (in his own way) and limiting the crybaby comments to a minimum.
We stopped at the store on the way home and picked up all kinds of yummy treats!
In all - I feel much better today. I started the day off with a bowl of cereal, a glass of orange juice, a banana and a little bit of decaf coffee (of which I only drank about 1/3) which I think helped. Still feeling a little light headed when I stand up too quickly - but I think it will go away with time.
Happy Tuesday!
Feeling very unsteady on my feet today - I feel very light headed and often feel like I am going to pass out when I stand up.
The doctor said it is totally normal, more blood is just rushing to the baby and not to parts of me. But she suggested I avoid standing for too long, and driving - which means that I am working from my couch today. It is crazy how much I have actually gotten accomplished.
We have a doctor's appointment this afternoon, I am hoping she says that everything is fine, and maybe its just a matter of drinking even more water or eating more or something - I don't like this whole...not able to drive thing!
The dogs (mostly Og) love having me home...pudga has not left my side since she came to terms with the fact that I was not leaving for work today.
18 weeks & 5 days...only a few more days until we find out whether Cockeye Killion is a boy or a girl...we are so excited to find out either way - and then...let the shopping begin!
we skyped with Mike's parents and Jessie for almost two hours yesterday - which was nice. As I have said before, if we can't be in the same room with them, at least we are able to communicate with them in ways that let us see them!
happy Monday!!!
The doctor said it is totally normal, more blood is just rushing to the baby and not to parts of me. But she suggested I avoid standing for too long, and driving - which means that I am working from my couch today. It is crazy how much I have actually gotten accomplished.
We have a doctor's appointment this afternoon, I am hoping she says that everything is fine, and maybe its just a matter of drinking even more water or eating more or something - I don't like this whole...not able to drive thing!
The dogs (mostly Og) love having me home...pudga has not left my side since she came to terms with the fact that I was not leaving for work today.
18 weeks & 5 days...only a few more days until we find out whether Cockeye Killion is a boy or a girl...we are so excited to find out either way - and then...let the shopping begin!
we skyped with Mike's parents and Jessie for almost two hours yesterday - which was nice. As I have said before, if we can't be in the same room with them, at least we are able to communicate with them in ways that let us see them!
happy Monday!!!
date night...
Mike and I went to the Chinese buffet last Sunday for our date night...while the food left much to be desired, I know how much Mike loves Chinese Buffet and as of late, every time he suggests it, I pull the pregnant card and veto that decision. So being the wonderful wife I am, I offered for us to go to the Chinese Buffet to indulge in everything bad for you under one roof.
We took a picture outside in the car to commemorate the only time we will be visiting the Chinese buffet in a very very long time!
We took a picture outside in the car to commemorate the only time we will be visiting the Chinese buffet in a very very long time!
Belly Pictures | 18 weeks & 4 days
Happy Sunday Family & Friends...
it is that time of week again - SUNDAY! As we are spending our Sunday snuggled on the couch watching tv, we want to share this week's belly pictures.
18 weeks & 4 days along...150 days until our due date.
it is that time of week again - SUNDAY! As we are spending our Sunday snuggled on the couch watching tv, we want to share this week's belly pictures.
18 weeks & 4 days along...150 days until our due date.
Cheers to another wonderful week!
Currently experiencing one of the coldest winters on record in New Mexico! It was 11 degrees on my drive into work today. 11 degrees I can take when it is in Cleveland or Iowa - well, even then, that is COLD! There is also a gas shortage in the state of New Mexico, so they have asked everyone to turn down (like by 10 degrees or more) their heat, and there have been rolling brown/black outs throughout the state. There is simply not enough natural gas to heat every one's house during this extreme cold spell, which is very sad! They have set up shelters throughout the area to take in those who have been hit by the shortage.
Makes me thankful for the big fleece blanket my mom and grandma made, my husband's over sized and oh so warm sweats and my puppies! Og is doing her best to make sure that mommy and the cockeye stay nice and toasty warm. Oh and Mike does a pretty wonderful job of keeping us warm too!
It has been a very long week - so I am very much looking forward to the weekend - which I know will inevitably go too fast and I will be sitting here on Monday talking about a too short weekend and the start of another work week.
Tonight will be spent snuggled with my two favorite furrbabies, blanket and crappy TV...Pretty much sounds like the perfect night! There is a Thunderbirds game tonight - so Mike won't be home until later but we will do our best to keep the couch nice and warm so he can clime in and snuggle with us when he does get home.
Lunch time workout and a meeting at 3:00 out in Rio Rancho (with the AGM of the Santa Ana Star Center...I have the biggest crush on him) which means I need to get some work done this morning so that I don't have to spend my weekend doing any of it.
Happy Friday family and friends...stay warm!
Makes me thankful for the big fleece blanket my mom and grandma made, my husband's over sized and oh so warm sweats and my puppies! Og is doing her best to make sure that mommy and the cockeye stay nice and toasty warm. Oh and Mike does a pretty wonderful job of keeping us warm too!
It has been a very long week - so I am very much looking forward to the weekend - which I know will inevitably go too fast and I will be sitting here on Monday talking about a too short weekend and the start of another work week.
Tonight will be spent snuggled with my two favorite furrbabies, blanket and crappy TV...Pretty much sounds like the perfect night! There is a Thunderbirds game tonight - so Mike won't be home until later but we will do our best to keep the couch nice and warm so he can clime in and snuggle with us when he does get home.
Lunch time workout and a meeting at 3:00 out in Rio Rancho (with the AGM of the Santa Ana Star Center...I have the biggest crush on him) which means I need to get some work done this morning so that I don't have to spend my weekend doing any of it.
Happy Friday family and friends...stay warm!
A little left out –
As I sit here and recap the last 48 hours spent in southern New Mexico, I think about how often work and work related event revolve around the consumption of alcohol. And how odd or left out I sometimes feel as I sit there enjoying my glass of water or iced tea. Not that I mind the sacrifice – trust me it is very much worth it and in no way would I want to compromise the wellbeing or health of our child, but when put in the situation where all of your coworkers are imbibing and seem to be loosening up and able to enjoy themselves just a little more, I felt a little like the odd (wo)man out. While there are other times in which a tasty micro-brew or a delicious glass of wine would have truly topped off my day, this was the very first time that I really felt the difference between pre-pregnancy and now. Oh well – its only nine months, it’s a small part of my life and feeling a little awkward or left out is totally worth it to know that I am taking one more step to ensure the health and wellbeing of our little cockeye.
The Newest Canfield...
I wanted to post to congratulate my very dear friend from college and her wonderful husband on the newest addition to their family.
Renee and Chase Canfield welcomed "Baby" (still waiting on a name) Canfield into the world today, 2.03.11, at 5:52 am (EST)
This beautiful baby girl weighed in at 8 lbs 14 oz and was 20 3/4 inches long
I am so happy for these two amazing people and know that they will make truly loving and caring parents to this beautiful little girl.
Kind of makes me laugh though - at my wedding, Mike's sister, Jessie did the "needle test" to see if ney would have a boy or girl (they opted not to find out for sure) and the needle said that she was having a boy. From everything I heard, the needle test had never been wrong - but I guess there is a first time for everything.
Congrats to Renee and Chase and welcome to this world little were blessed with pretty wonderful parents who will cherish you every day of your life. May the sun shine and the skies stay blue in your perfect little world. You are very much loved by people all over this country and this world.
- The Killion Family
Renee and Chase Canfield welcomed "Baby" (still waiting on a name) Canfield into the world today, 2.03.11, at 5:52 am (EST)
This beautiful baby girl weighed in at 8 lbs 14 oz and was 20 3/4 inches long
I am so happy for these two amazing people and know that they will make truly loving and caring parents to this beautiful little girl.
Kind of makes me laugh though - at my wedding, Mike's sister, Jessie did the "needle test" to see if ney would have a boy or girl (they opted not to find out for sure) and the needle said that she was having a boy. From everything I heard, the needle test had never been wrong - but I guess there is a first time for everything.
Congrats to Renee and Chase and welcome to this world little were blessed with pretty wonderful parents who will cherish you every day of your life. May the sun shine and the skies stay blue in your perfect little world. You are very much loved by people all over this country and this world.
- The Killion Family
Still Stuck - but making the most of it!
I am still in Las Cruces - this marks day three in a city that we were slated to be in for a little over 24 hours. The weather has literally stranded us four hours away from ABQ. While the hotel is nice, the food is good and I enjoy being around the people I work with - I am very ready to go home.
I have tried to be really good and maintain my workouts even away from home. I worked out yesterday and today...running a little more every day. My goal is to be running more than I am walking by the time I travel to Cleveland for my baby shower at the end of March. I have done extensive research and double checked with my midwife to make sure that my running efforts are in line with keeping both myself and the baby healthy - and everything I have seen,read or heard makes me feel like this is a very good choice and an important part of my pregnancy. My balance, well more like my center of gravity is a little off - but every day I get a little more acclimated to my new "stance" and running becomes easier. And I quite honestly feel amazing after a run, I am tired - which is good, but not exhausted, and I am sore, but not in pain. I feel a rush that I have not felt in a while - that one you get when you know you are doing something good for you and pushing yourself a little farther than you did yesterday. And it truly makes me live a healthy lifestyle all the way around...opting for water at meals instead of ice tea or a sugary drink, making smarter choices with food, eating more vegetable, opting for fruit when I am craving something sweet - so really...I truly believe that this can't be bad for me. The main thing is that I listen to my body and I stop when I feel like I am pushing myself to hard...I believe that setting a goal that is reasonable and achievable and keeping track will not only help me to stay motivated but will help me to accomplish that goal. GO ME!
my next goal is to get Mike moving...any suggestions?
I have tried to be really good and maintain my workouts even away from home. I worked out yesterday and today...running a little more every day. My goal is to be running more than I am walking by the time I travel to Cleveland for my baby shower at the end of March. I have done extensive research and double checked with my midwife to make sure that my running efforts are in line with keeping both myself and the baby healthy - and everything I have seen,read or heard makes me feel like this is a very good choice and an important part of my pregnancy. My balance, well more like my center of gravity is a little off - but every day I get a little more acclimated to my new "stance" and running becomes easier. And I quite honestly feel amazing after a run, I am tired - which is good, but not exhausted, and I am sore, but not in pain. I feel a rush that I have not felt in a while - that one you get when you know you are doing something good for you and pushing yourself a little farther than you did yesterday. And it truly makes me live a healthy lifestyle all the way around...opting for water at meals instead of ice tea or a sugary drink, making smarter choices with food, eating more vegetable, opting for fruit when I am craving something sweet - so really...I truly believe that this can't be bad for me. The main thing is that I listen to my body and I stop when I feel like I am pushing myself to hard...I believe that setting a goal that is reasonable and achievable and keeping track will not only help me to stay motivated but will help me to accomplish that goal. GO ME!
my next goal is to get Mike moving...any suggestions?
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