
One Month Old

It is kind of funny...I remember when my friends had babies, and they were on maternity leave...and I would check their blog page every day to see if there were any updates - and there never were. I would think to myself...what are they doing - and why do they not blog more...I NEED to know what is going on with their worlds...

well let me tell you - I now know why they were not blogging more.

I am not sure if it the exhaustion, or the randomness of the schedule, or wanting to spend every waking minute with my little love...but I have been totally slacking in the blogging department.

So...Lainey is now one month and one day old...it is so hard to believe that a month ago today, we were getting acclimated to the newest member of our family and very much ready to go home - it was a really long hospital stay.

She has changed so much in the past month - when I look back at pictures from the first few days of her life, and the first week she was home and compare them to the way she looks now...she is so much more alive...you can just see her personality coming to life.

She stays awake for longer periods of time now, and is entertained with little things (not physically little a that is totally not safe...but things that we take for granted because they are second nature to us) It is so fun to watch her grow and change and explore her little world - and to be along for the ride as he little world grows.

1 month old
(I know the date says 7.17 but I promise this was taken yesterday) 


Delainey's newborn pictures

Grandma is posting this link to help out the new mommy and daddy!  They are very busy with their new little angel.  Here is the link to Delainey's newborn pictures. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed watching Thatcher take the pictures.  I know you will agree with me that she is just precious!