
my promises

I read a blog or article or post or whatever the other day...is it sad or motivating that our news, information, and inspiration comes in so many different social media forms these days...either way...I think it was a blog...and it was something to the effect of the things mothers of daughters should remember when raising these little girls...

it made me think...and in turn...made me write Lainey an email (for those of you that don't know or have since forgotten - it's cool - Mike set up an email account for Lainey and from time to time I will send her emails about life, love, things that are going on, thoughts, her accomplishments, and everything in between)

So I emailed my daughter (at seven months old TODAY!) a list of the things that I promise to her...things that I want to make sure I keep in mind and in action as I raise her to be a confident, strong, beautiful, independent, passionate and motivated woman...pretty much the way my mom raised me.

I am not going to share these...maybe one day I will - but not today...those are between me and her. But that leads me to ask you...

If you were to sit down and write your daughter or son a letter...or even a list of promises...what would they be?

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