so just when you think you can't possibly get any more tired - your alarm goes off and you are faced with the looming question - do i sleep for just a few more minutes or get up now...
welcome to my morning...not that Monday's need any help in being the most difficult day of the week - but i felt like i had to sit down every few minutes this morning. Brushing my teeth, putting make up on, putting lotion on - if i stood for too long, i felt like i was going to pass out. Its odd - but i feel like its beyond being tired. My body aches - i hope i am not getting sick on top of this.
my motivation levels are severely lacking - possibly because its a Monday...or because there are four other people in the office - and none of them are my bosses - maybe because its the Monday of a three day work week - maybe its because my momma comes tomorrow night and we get to (finally) tell our parents on Wednesday - maybe because its thanksgiving week - or because its Ohio State Michigan week...
needless to say - not sure how or with what energy i will make it through the next two days.
on the plus side - my amazing and wonderful husband took my to olive garden on Saturday (hello all you can eat salad and bread sticks) - it was such a great night - and it reminded me just how very lucky i am! We also went to best buy to get our flip video camera - SCORE - so that we can start recording things (like telling my mom, messages to the little cockeye, etc) which pretty much rocks.
we picked out a list of names that we liked on Sunday - not sure they are the "ones" but at least we are thinking about them - now if only we knew what we were having...ahh the anticipation is killing me!
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