
First Ultrasound

we just came from our first ultrasound and i will tell you that the pain no longer matters - i fought back tears when we heard the cockeye's heart beat and was in awe the entire time.

our little one is not shy and spent most of the time looking right at us - which made getting the shots that the tech needed to complete the early test a little difficult but we eventually coaxed the little one to move and stop showing off. He/She was pretty active, is healthy and absolutely beautiful!

The tech attempted to tell - and was pretty sure - but we will let you guys judge for yourselves until we can confirm it at 20 weeks. Which also happens to be our next ultrasound.

I am actually 12 weeks and 6 days pregnant - which pushes up the due date a little - July 5 as opposed to July 11.

I seriously can't stop smiling - but enough typing - I know what you guys really want to see...


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