so i just realized that is it Thursday - and it has been more than a week since our last post. I will try to post the videos this weekend of us telling the grandparents. It was pretty amazing...i think mostly they were just in shock.
i have totally been slacking on updating the blog - however, i can't say the same thing about the rest of my life...couple that with a terrible migraine yesterday and fighting the flu...and i am sure you can see my many issues.
i am at work today - but i have quarantined myself in my office (door closed and everything) - with a note that says "FLU/PINK EYE...enter at your own risk" - worst part is i really can't take anything for either issue. I just hope that Mike doesn't get this as well. I am going to have him call rissy to get tips on how to properly follow me around with a can of Lysol and a thing of Clorox wipes...she pretty much has it down from Freshman Year.
update on our doctor's appointment...
we went to the high risk clinic on Tuesday and met with a few doctors...they asked a bunch of questions and did a few tests - plus reviewed my blood work that they did last time...
they said that i am extremely healthy, that i didn't need to come to the high risk clinic and that everything should go a normal as a pregnancy can go. I know it was a huge relief for both of us - especially me - because the last thing i wanted was to put the baby at any sort of increased risk because of my thyroid problem. However, they told me to keep taking my meds, and keep doing what I am doing - as everything seems to be working well.
we then had to decide on spending the next seven months of our journey with a Midwife or a OB...we opted for a midwife. However, the doctors will be available should we need anything.
Next appointment is December 13th to meet with the midwife that will help up along this road...and December 28th is our first Ultrasound!!! That will put me at just over 12 weeks. Not sure we can tell the sex yet...but keep your fingers crossed - of course we want a healthy baby...and we will be ecstatic either way...but we both really just want to know!
ok - back to work...going to try and tough it out today and tomorrow and spend much of the weekend sleeping and hopefully getting better!
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