
Breast Feeding...4 days in

Well we have been home for a total of two nights at this point in time...and both of them have been very different. Not only from what we were used to prior to the arrival of Miss Delainey, but also different from each other.

She is less than a week old -  neither Mike nor I expect her to sleep through the night...and wow this child can eat. Pardon the bluntness of this statement, but I seriously think it is her mission to suck the nipples right off my boobs...she is feeding every 1.5 to 2 hours...and I am not sure how much more my tender, cracked and sore nipples can take.

But, I did want to post that breastfeeding is truly an amazing process. While it hurts today, and will probably hurt tomorrow...I know that this will pass and it will become even more enjoyable. The bond that you share with your child when you know that you are providing the sustenance that is keeps her belly full, nourishes her growth and helps to fight off infections...and that she turns to you for this.

It is not easy, it is taxing and time consuming and painful at times...it is so worth it. And this is from the girl that was not sure if she saw the true value of breast feeding because of all the sacrifices that come along with it. But I can share my story and my story only.

I have a lot of respect for women that make the choice to breast feed just as I understand and have a lot of respect for those women that feel breast feeding is simply not for them. It is honestly a personal choice and I can see the pros and cons of both choices.

I do feel bad for my husband, breast feeding is something that is beautiful and amazing, but something that only you can do...which tends to leave daddy out of the process. But we have made it a point to make sure that Mike has duties and responsibilities associated with Delainey's feedings as well - for example - he is on burping duty...and he is awesome at it. I have seen it several times, but the second you hand her over to daddy - and he touches her back, she lets out the biggest burp and you can see the relief on her face. He is also charged with making sure that she latches well - as someone who is just in the beginning stages of breast feeding - I have to make sure that she is latched correctly, in an effort to make sure my nipples can take this. He has been extremely helpful and supportive.

We have read many things that say that the success of a mother's choice to breast feed is directly associated with the level of support that she gets from her husband. Well let me tell you, Mike has made it his mission to truly support me in whatever decision I make...and we are both happy that we have made this decision for our daughter.

Happy two days at home...

1 comment:

  1. Hey I have been keeping up w/yall on this, it is amazing and I love reading it :) I was also wondering if you were breastfeeding, I do as well :) I told Mike, its weird how things turned out so much alike w/us (3 weeks early, arianna was 6lbs 10oz and Delainey was 6lbs 11 oz....arianna was 19 in and Delainey was 20 and we both breastfeed) and I am sure that you get lots of advice and prolly read alot as do I so I dont wanna step on ur toes *I know you and Mike are awesome parents*....I was just going 2 say that my nipples were so sore the first 2 weeks but i used that Lansinoh creme and it helped alot :) but another relief that helped my nipples was the investment of a breast pump!!! sometimes it is time consuming 2 pump when u just fed her and u are tired but it is good 4 anthony 2 feed her a bottle, good 4 her 2 get familiar w/a bottle also so i can give her cow milk or juice in the future to lay her down and plus we are in the car for long periods of time and i cant breast feed, i can just give her a bottle while we are riding :)

    but anyways i know that some of your close friends were preg as same time as me so u got lots of newly moms 2 rely on and if i can help any, im here 2 :)

    congrats again mom, she is a doll baby!
