
Moby Wrap

I am such a huge fan of the Moby Wrap...

we were lucky enough to get a wonderful baby bjorn from my dear college friends for our shower...but I learned that you can't use that until the baby is a little older. With the impending trip to Cleveland (what was going to be only a few weeks into Lainey's life) I wanted to get something that we can use to cart Lainey through the airport and keep her safe and close - other than in the car seat/travel system.

I picked up a Moby Wrap from Babies R Us a few weeks ago, and put it to use this morning. My mom, Lainey, the puppas and I went for a walk - well sort of a walk as I made it up and down the street and then had to call it a day - small steps - and I pulled out the Moby Wrap to try it out. I tied it on, slipped Delainey in and off we went.

She was asleep in no time, and has yet to wake up - this was almost 40 minutes ago. And I have not taken the Moby Wrap off...she is still snuggled and swaddled on my chest - leaving both hands free to do other things - important for someone who is getting wrestles only a few days into my maternity leave.

Highly recommended to any moms that like to keep their babies close and snuggled - but also have the urge to do other things at the same time - Hello Multi-Tasking!!

Check out Lainey snuggled in our Moby Wrap.

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