

We wanted to post an update on what has been going on in the past 24 hours...

Mike and I had our weekly appointment yesterday at 3pm. We met at UNM and waited to be seen by our midwife. During our appointment, they checked my blood pressure and it came back higher than it has been at any of my other appointments. They checked it several times after that, and each time, it remained that high.

This apparently got us a one way ticket to OB Triage. We later learned the high blood pressure is a symptom of pre-eclampsia which is super dangerous for the mom and the baby...here is more information on pre-eclampsia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pre-eclampsia)

While we were at OB Triage, they hooked me up to a BP monitor that checked every five minutes. While I was sitting there, my blood pressure spiked so they admitted me to triage to check my vitals and monitor the baby. They took blood, checked my temperature and hooked me up to a fetal monitor. We sat in the OB Triage room for four hours, they did an ultra sound, checked my BP every 15 minutes and finally after what felt like forever, the doctor came in to explain the next step.

They explained that it may be pre-eclampsai and that they were going to admit me to the hospital to be monitored for the next 24 hours. I was going to have to do a pee test (they collect my urine for 24 hours and test it for proteins) and make a decision after that. If any other symptoms of pre-eclampsai appeared, they would induce me. If not - they would wait for my blood work, pee test results and make some decisions from there.

So now it is 3:30...i have not been home since 7am yesterday morning...and we have been at UNM for 24 hours now.

The OB doctor came in this afternoon to give us a little more information - basically they think it is pre-eclampsia but are not 100% sure. If it is not pre-eclampsia, then it is Gestational Hypertension...which is also not a good thing for moms to be, and will mean that we will be induced next week. From talking to the OB doctor today, we have learned two things. After 10pm tonight, they will test my pee and make some decisions tomorrow morning. If they determine it is pre-eclampsia, Delainey will make her grand entrance before the weekend. If they determine it is Hypertension, they will wait until I am 38 weeks...and then induce. We will be 38 weeks a week from tomorrow.

We are in the hospital until at least tomorrow mid day, and may be leaving with Miss Delainey...but at this point in time...we are just waiting to find out what the next steps are.

keep us in your thoughts and prayers...the doctor said that this is the most common complication for healthy women...that regardless of what you did or didn't do during your pregnancy, there is really nothing that you could have done to counter act this - it's just one of those things that is out of your control. If you are pregnant - do some research and pay attention to your signs and symptoms...most of the time, pre-eclampsia occurs pre-term which can put you and the baby at a greater risk - we are pretty lucky that we are 37 weeks and according to the ultra sound they did yesterday, Delainey is full grown and would just need to be monitored a little longer after she is born if they induce soon.

fingers crossed that we know something soon...we will do our best to keep you updated as we learn new information.

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