
The Killion's Halloween

I have learned over the last 16 months (almost 17) that things are just a lot more work when you have a child...add a mother in law, a sister in law, two dogs (both dressed up) and your friends/neighbors who also happen to have two dogs and a five month old...and well - it becomes an experience!

For last night's festivities...we dressed up both dogs and Lainey. I wish I could say that we just strapped on their leashes, plopped Lainey in the wagon and headed out - which we did...after 25 minutes of getting ready to simply leave. However, after extensive preparation - we headed out to "take on the neighborhood" with Zoe (minus her hair & bows), Neighborhood Watch and iPudge.

It was a lot of fun...especially when we met up with our neighbors to walk around the neighborhood. All in all, there were six adults, four dogs, a toddler and a five month old...and the toddler was the only one that was actually trick or treating.

Lainey had so much fun, she was determined to walk (not ride in the wagon) to every house. She had no interest in walking on the sidewalk - but felt the extra leg workout was totally necessary as she hiked over the stones and rocks (remember it's New Mexico).

My favorite story from the night...

Mommy and Lainey walked up the driveway to a house at the end of the street. Lainey had a pretty full (for a toddler) treat bag, but was, in true Lainey fashion, determined to "do it herself" and carry her treat bag from house to house. When we got up to the door, Mommy rang the bell and a very nice older man brought a bowl of candy out. He picked a few things that he thought would be a good option for Lainey, and handed them over to her to put in her bag. She politely took them, smiled and dropped them in her bag. She then looked down and started to rummage through her goodies one by one until she found what she was looking for. She pulled out a full size twix candy bar, looked at the nice man, and handed it up to him - as if to say - I picked this just for you because I thought it was perfect...and I want you to have it. He said thank you - but didn't want to take it from her. She proceeded to push it towards him with her typical Lainey assertiveness (wonder where she gets that from) and made a small noise as if to say...Take it! He finally took the Twix bar, pretended to put it in his pocket and then took it back out and handed it back to her. She smiled, took the candy bar and dropped it in her bag. She waived good bye, turned on her adorable little heel and started walking down the driveway.

This totally warmed my heart...that this amazing little girl is so kind and loving, she had been getting candy from nice people all night, and she was ready to give back. I might be looking too deeply into this - but my mission in life is to raise my children to be good people...for no other reason but that it is the right thing to do.

Thank you Lainey Bug for listening to Mommy when she says that you have to be kind and nice and caring and compassionate! In that small instance...you have melted my heart and made me so proud!

Here are some of the pictures (more to come) from last night's festivities...

so blessed!!!

Happy 1st of November


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