

For those of you that know me...you know that while I enjoy conflict probably more than the next person...in that I don't run from it or hide from it - but will often face it head on in hopes of finding a resolution and moving forward...I don't believe in letting things "brew" - I say what I have to say and look for the best solution in an effort to avoid similar conflict in the future... I am not one that likes conflict simply for the sake of conflict. And I find that more and more I am shying away from conflict if the results (based on previous experience) are becoming less and less about finding a solution and more about just looking for a fight.

I speak my mind...but only to the point that I feel like what I am saying is being heard and received.

I hope that I can raise our daughter to speak her mind, stand up for herself and face conflict head on...but also know when to waive the white flag and walk away from something that causes more stress then it is worth. I hope that I can instill in her that she is a strong, independent and amazing women and daughter...and that through my ability to differentiate between conflict worth my time, energy and patience and one that seems to be a losing battle, I can set an example that will set her on a path of successful conflict management for years to come.

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