
October 15, 2008

While cleaning out her email archives today, one of my best friends found this old email.

She forwarded it to me with a message "I'm cleaning up old emails and found this in my archives...wow! How Cute!"

Not really knowing what she had found - I scrolled down to read the original email...which was titled LOVE.

And this is what it said...

Oh my god…I love what it feels like to be in love…

We were talking on the phone last night and he was like…well I am going to watch cops and then go to bed…and I was like…ok sleep well…and he said…I love you (which is the first time he has said it at the end of a conversation - like he will say it in emails or text messages or when he is drunk - but this was sober, words and feelings) and I was like almost in tears and said…I love you too…

I fell asleep with a smile on my face, have had a smile on my face all day and simply love the way I feel…

I told him today that he has no idea how amazing he made me feel when he said he loved me last night that I have not stopped smiling all day…and he said…yes I do - because it felt amazing to say it.


I sent this to three of my best friends, some of the most important people in my life...Rissy, Ney and Jilly.

I remember this day as if it was yesterday...and I started to cry - like not just tear up, but tears streaming down my face crying as I read and re-read this email.

And now...as we are a few short weeks away from welcoming our beautiful daughter into this world...I am reminded all over again (just in case I needed it) the way he makes me feel every single day of my life and how lucky I am to have shared in the journey - although bumpy at times - with him. And that everything that we "experienced" along the way...was worth it!

I love you more today than I did yesterday and (even though I didn't think it was possible at the time) way more than I loved you the day I sent this email.

A very big THANK YOU to Renee Canfield for reminding me just how much I love him, and just how much I love her!


  1. what a wonderful reminder to have!

  2. I love you, too, and I love that I stumbled upon something that reminded you how and why you fell in love with your soulmate! <3
