
Planner Personality

I believe that part of the joy of pregnancy is that it forces you to come to terms with the "type" of person you are.

For example...I am a planner. I make lists, I organize things, in short...I make an effort to plan as much of my life as possible.

Packing for a trip, I make a list - I don't always follow that list, but at least I have it as a starting point and reference.

I am quickly learning that with pregnancy and the impending birth of our daughter...it is not always possible to plan. I personally have no control over when Delainey decides that she is ready to join us on the "outside" nor do I really have any control over how the process goes.

In an effort to maybe (over) compensate for this inability to plan the major things that will be taking place soon...I find that I am over planning for other things. Take for example my "Go Bag List" - yes I have a working document that lives on my desktop complete with four separate columns and spaces to check off each item as I acquire it or pack it. A column for things I need to pack/take to the hospital, one for mike and one for Delainey. The fourth column is for things we still need to get in preparation for the hospital.

This may also explain why I was so anxious to get the nursery ready, to pick a name, and to find out the sex of the baby.

I have no choice but to come to terms with the fact that I in no way can plan when, where, how or at what pace Miss Delainey decides that she is ready for life outside. And that I pretty much have to turn over that plan to God or nature or Delainey for a while even after she arrives.

Consider it a work in progress!

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