
Pregnancy Is…

As I sit here, I am looking at a card that one of my very dear friends (Jen Jen) gave me several months ago – right at the start of my pregnancy. It says on the front “Pregnancy is the happiest reason ever for feeling like crap!” and boy (or girl) is that the truth.
There is a part of me that dislikes every step of this pregnancy – with the exception of a few things (i.e. the ultrasound, feeling Delainey kick) other than knowing that this is a means to an end and that the end is our beautiful little Lainey! And then there is another part of me that feels like the worst mother, person, and woman EVER for feeling this way. Seriously – what is wrong with me…millions of women have done this, and lived to tell about it. And hell, some of them even liked it! Does this make me a bad person because I find this entire experience less than pleasant?
Don’t get me wrong – I have one of the best support systems any woman could ask for. My husband is supportive, reassuring, kind, caring, helpful and loving. And my friends are amazing and remind me daily that I can both handle this and that I look good doing it, and my mom has been there (in spirit) every step of the way to listen to me whine, bitch, complain, moan, gripe and cry. I also have the best in-laws that a girl could ask for who are also super supportive, helpful and caring – not to mention they raised my husband (I think they did a pretty good job) to be the loving and supportive husband he is now…all of which I honestly could not live without! But it’s more than all of this…it’s in my head…like totally in my head all hours of the day and night.
Just last night – I had a mini (although Mike probably won’t say it’s so mini) meltdown because I feel like I am simply repulsive. I can’t for the life of me understand how he still finds me attractive or sexy or how he is even still interested in touching me or being intimate with me…I can’t even look at myself and think positive things.
For those of you that know me – you know that I have always dealt with self image issues, and that while I come off as confident – I am not always especially when I am in situations in which I am not comfortable…much like the one I am in now. And I have also battled with depression issues – which is why I have been on and off medication – mostly when life is getting to be a little too much to process or I am getting so wrapped up in my head that I can’t function outside of that…like when I left my job, moved to Colorado, moved to ABQ and still didn’t have a job and no idea how we were going to pay all of our bills…hello Paxil! But that is not an option these days!
Chalk it up to hormones, an extra 30 lbs, the inability to exercise like I am used to, and the fact that for the first time in my life – I can’t control the way I look. Talk about a mindf*ck! (Sorry for the use of that word – but I really don’t know how else to describe it)
So I pull on my (larger than life) big girl panties, put on my heels, and deal with it…while it might not be easy…I have to keep (like every 10 minutes) reminding myself that all of this is for the best reason in the whole entire world…and that I get to experience something that a lot of people (my husband included) will never get to experience…and that I am responsible for the health and wellbeing of our perfect little angel and that it is only three more (or so) months and it could be worse and in the end…I wouldn’t trade any of it because I get my daughter out of this whole crazy experience!


Happy 97 days away!

here is today's picture - taken in my work clothes with the camera on my blackberry...so my appologies if it seems a little fuzzy or dark. I pretty much get home and change into my PJ's the second I walk in the door. I am sure there are many days that my husband doesn't even know what I wore to work becuse I leave before he is up and I am in my PJ's when he gets home...

Thus why I felt like a picture during my lunch hour would be a nice change!


Back in the day...

When I was home this past weekend – I stumbled onto several pictures from my college days. Now, remembering that my college days took place in a time where digital cameras were not the norm, nor were cell phone cameras…so every weekend we went to the Edinboro Wal – Mart to get a pack of disposable cameras to use for the weekend, and every Sunday afternoon we would trek back up there to get the pictures developed. One out of every 5 usually turned out – the other four were either of the floor, some random person who found a stray camera, or other random things that happened to be caught on film (yet another reason I love digital cameras) and we would all sit around on Sunday nights sharing pictures from the weekend, laughing, giggling, groaning, complaining that we looked fat, or bad and honestly trying to piece together most of the night via pictures and stories…oh the good old days! 10 years, countless memories and too many pictures to even speak of – most of which I am sure my friends are more than happy I am not posting…I find myself truly blessed for the friends, and the experiences that I gained along the way. I look forward (although not too forward) to a time when Delainey will be where I was in these pictures – and my only hope is that she gains the same kind of friends (more like family) that I grew up with during my four years in a little place called Edinboro, PA!
Here are just a few of the pictures – check out my Facebook page for the rest of the 28 pictures that I was willing to share with the world!

Cleveland for my 21 birthday - we thought we were such hot sh*t!

Freshman year - going "clubin" in Erie...

the 7 girls that changed my life (minus Lishy who came a year later)...cheers to the laughter and tears...love you girls forever!

Nose Strip Night in the Riley/DeLiberato Dorm!

Stuff they don't tell you...Part who knows!

It's been a while since the last time I have posted a "Stuff they don't tell you" so I figured it was time...although these are things that I have come to learn along the way, I figured I would share a few of them with my followers (still not sure anyone actually reads this) on this lovely day!

So enjoy part who knows of "Stuff They Don't Tell You"


Over the last 26 weeks, which at times doesn’t sound like much, but feels like a heck of a lot longer – I have come to realize several things about pregnancy that I feel like sharing. Maybe it is because no one really ever told me, well maybe they did, and I just didn’t listen. But it is now my turn to pass on this infinite wisdom to those I feel deserve to know the inner working of this world known as “pregnancy.”
-        You sneeze. No joke, I don’t think I have ever sneezed this much in my life. Its like allergy season mixed with pepper mixed with the result of a bad trip through the perfume aisle at Macy’s. And no longer are they the cute little sneezes that used to end in “chew” (that my wonderful husband still makes fun of me for) but they are massive, blow your brains out, hope you brought a box of tissue type of sneeze that if not braced, could blow you off your chair.
-        No wonder I am always thirsty! I feel like I am leaking out of every orifice of my body. My eyes water, my nose runs, my mouth has managed to make more saliva that it knows what to do with, and don’t even get me started on what is going on below my mouth. Its not pretty!
-        Where is the bathroom? I am not kidding you, I am in the bathroom every 45 minutes. And I am not sure if that is because the baby and my uterus is pressing on my bladder, or if it because I have been tasked with drinking enough water to flood the desert, but I have since made sure that I am able to locate the restrooms at every point during my day.
-        Smell that? Yes that was me, yes I know it smells like something died, yes I am well aware that you think it’s gross, and no there is seriously not anything I can do about it. Don’t blame me, blame your daughter.

Well that should about wrap it up for this installment of "Stuff They Don't Tell You" - tune in next time, whenever that may be for another round!

Also - ladies that are currently or have ever been pregnant - please share with me some of the things you wish you would have known prior to this joyous experience!

Child Care…

I think one of the hardest parts about this entire process is figuring out daycare options. I mean – let’s take about pressure!! You are looking, searching, researching, discussing for and with the person that you are entrusting the most important thing in your life…your child! And you are doing it way before your child is even here, so who’s to say what she will need, or what type of will baby she will be or if you won’t totally chance your mind once she arrives.
Couple that with trying to keep an open mind, finding a person who you both trust and can afford – let’s be honest – it’s not cheap, and someone that is flexible enough for the schedule you think or hope to have once you finally go back to work.
There is a part of me that is slightly envious of moms that are able to stay home with their children – they are able to forego this process because they know their child will be in the best of hands…theirs. There is also a big part of me that is envious of those people who live close to their family and said families are able to help out with the childcare options.
But, neither of these are situations that Mike and I find ourselves in – so we search on!  
Wish us luck as we search for in home daycare options, nannies and organized daycare.


98 days

The countdown is on and we are 98 days away…I know, I know…the due date means very little in the world of Miss D, but it’s still fun to count down to something. Check out the picture from today… Every day I feel like I grow a little more…I hope little Lainey is happy and healthy in there just enjoying every last second. I thought I would include Mike in this one…sooo cute!  

One Spoiled Little Lainey!

all of the stuff we couldn't fit - it is being shipped to the house

the whole suitcase is filled with her stuff

 Miss Delainey is just over three months away from making her appearance and already she is one spoiled little girl! Between a Grandmother that has personally helped to ensure she never has to wear the same outfit twice, to friends and family that have given her anything and everything she could need to make it as safely as possible through her first year of life…she made out like a bandit this weekend. Check out the pictures of all the wonderful things Miss D received this weekend and our attempts to pack everything into the extra suitcase…as well as all the stuff that had to be left for Sharon to bring out in three weeks when she comes out for Easter.

Shower Power!

This past weekend, Delainey and I made the trek to Cleveland to spend time with family and friends and celebrate a little something special…Miss Delainey! Delainey Grace was the special guest of honor on Sunday at her baby shower…sure sure, they say it is the mom that is the guest of honor – but seems to me like the little diva made out like a bandit and was the talk of the event!
Anyway, it was so nice to be able to see and spend time with (even if the time was limited) people that love both of us. I am so blessed to have the family and friends that were there as well as the ones that couldn’t make it (it was spring break after all) and touched that everyone ventured out in the cold (hello 27 degrees) to help up celebrate little Lainey! From my amazing and wonderful college friends (and the pack of little ones that is quickly growing) to my family that I have not seen since the wedding…I could not stop smiling at the love and excitement felt in the room.
A very very extra special thank you to my mom and my Aunt Patti for putting the shower together and hosting it – it was truly beautiful and perfect! As well as a very heart filled thank you to my Grandma for all of her help with the event (more bonding time Bev!) and my cousin Danielle. What a wonderful time and a very happy way to end my trip to Cleveland…both Delainey and I are pretty lucky girls!


Reading Up

I am so proud of Mike...he has really taken a very active interest in every step of this pregnancy and ever since my mom sent him five books on "what to expect" throughout the entire pregnancy, and the first years of Delainey's life, he hasn't put them down.

My favorite part is when he tells me about what he is reading - or he picks up on something and knows how to "deal" with everything I throw at him.

Just when I thought I couldn't be more impressed with him or love him more...

99 days and counting

While I was at home yesterday, we reached our 100 days to go mark...well 100 days until our July 6th due date...but we all know that Miss Delainey will come when she is ready!

down to double digits...and the start to taking a picture every night...with so many things changing, it seems like a picture a day would show even more growth!

Cheers to the next 99 days...

99 days left!

Baby Be-Jorn...

My amazing best friends from college sent us a baby bjorn and we just had to "test" it out...

Check out the pictures of Mike putting it together along with our test subject...such a good sport...even if she was a little too pudgy to fit her entire body in the carrier. These pictures are priceless!

on a side note - I have this bad habit of calling it a baby be-jorn as opposed to how you really pronounce it...thus the title of this blog.


putting the baby bjorn together for the first time

what is this for?

as you can see...her pudge doesn't really fit and there is no room for her tail - but she doesn't seem to mind

so let me get this straight...I don't have to walk if I am in this thing...YES PLEASE!
Gotta love our little pudgy...she is such a good sport!

Missing my girls

Mike wrote this while I was in Cleveland last week - He couldn't find it when he went to post it - but when I was cleaning out our draft box, I found this. I thought it was so cute and had to post it.

**********************************From Daddy**********************************************

Well both Erin and Delainey have left me for a few days while they both party it up (without alcohol of course) in Cleveland. It will be good for Erin to see friends and family and good for Delainey to make her first trip. The weather seems to be a lot colder in Ohio compared to New Mexico during this time of the year so I can only imagine how cold little D is. While I know they are both having a good time it was strange not being able to kiss Erin goodnight and tell Delainey good night. When I travel I definitely miss everyone, but the feeling is different when you are at home alone, but at least I have the pups to talk to. I am looking forward to see everything that Miss Delainey receives while in the Buckeye State. Wish I could be there but I look forward to both of them returning.


pass...set...spit up


Delainey was officially inducted into the world of "volleyball" today as she received her first "jersey" from her Aunt Ney and Embry!

This beautiful pink onesie came complete with a volleyball on the front and her last name on the back...as well as a "no pressure" comment when I opened it.

We have always joked that we are starting a volleyball team with our offspring - I mean let's face it...we all know they won't be short...and with parents like us - I have a hard time thinking that any of our children won't be athletic. And it seems that it is "in the stars" that we are stocking our very own volleyball team as we now have (or will as soon as Miss D makes her appearance in this world) four of the six girls we need to field a team.

either way - no pressure Miss Delainey - if Volleyball is the sport that you want to play - we will support you and let you "do your thing" but if there is something else you want to do - well, I am sure mommy will get over that too (haha) As long as she is happy, I know that I will be happy!

Check out the adorable little "jersey" the Canfield's gave little lainey!

love you guys very very much!

Baby Divided...

As many of you know - Delainey will be "torn" when it comes to the love she professes for a college sports team. If mommy has her way - Miss Delainey will be chanting O...H...I...O before she heads off to kindergarten. However, daddy has already vowed to teach her the "GO COCKS" cheer before football season starts next fall.

Because I have some pretty amazing friends (I am pretty lucky) Miss Delainey now has a "Baby Divided" onesie to rock during any Saturday that both the Gamecocks and the Buckeyes are playing.

A very big thank you to Aunt Rissy for her creative gift for D...she will rock it with pride (along with her blinged out OSU booties - thanks Jilly)

Check out the pictures of the baby divided onesie and blingy booties...



Blinged out booties from Jilly!

Belly Pictures | 25 weeks

As we do every Sunday, here are this week's belly pictures.

I think there is a huge difference between last week's picture and the ones for this week. I can even tell you that you can see a difference from the time I got to Cleveland and today when I took my pictures.

Enjoy week 25 belly pictures!!

Cheers to another wonderful week!

Gracie Lou wanted to be a part of the "fun"


25 Weeks...

we have reached our 25 week mark in Miss D's development!! Which also means that we are now officially in our sixth month. How quickly the time seems to be flying. Only 15 more weeks until our due date - although I am quickly learning that this whole due date thing doesn't really mean much.

I am feeling good - learning to deal with life's stresses - and take them in stride. It is not healthy for me or our beautiful little blessing to internalize things that bother me - or even letting the "little" things in life get to me. For example - while I was shopping with my grammy today at Kohl's we were waiting in line to return something, and standing far enough back to give the gentleman in front of us a little space...and all of the sudden this woman walks in to the Customer Service center, and walks right past us and puts her things on the counter. My grammy said something to the effect of "Ma'am...we were waiting" to which the lady (I use this term loosely) either didn't hear or chose to ignore - and proceeded to go about her return. Grammy started to get a little annoyed - as I would have normally, and wanted to say something to this less than observant (to say the least) person.

I took a deep breath, and looked at her and said - it's ok - we are not in any hurry and she obviously is - this will just give us more time to talk and we went about our conversation. Now...for those of you that know me - this is totally out of character...in my previous capacity - I would have never stood for this completely oblivious woman's blatant disregard for common courtesy...but what good would that have done me or Delainey? I know - it shocked me too! Totally crazy and way out of character!

Delainey is kicking up a storm and has had quite a big week 25! She has been on a plane, experienced Cleveland, enjoyed Chipotle and spent time with her GG! She is developing baby fat (about time I was able to share some of this "joy") and can now tell which way is up and which way is down. Her hearing is developing and she enjoys country music, the sound of daddy's voice and even a little Muse!

Mommy and Daddy are also doing well - my back is not hurting me as much and I am attempting to make the best of this continued weight gain. Mike is being extremely helpful and supportive...even if some of the stuff he is "supporting" may not be true ;0)

Cheers to another wonderful week in Delainey's World...15 (or so) more!

Shopping with GG

My grammy and I just got back from a quick trip to Kohl's. I had a few things to return and wanted to check out some of the accessories - seems like black is the major color for maternity clothes - at least the clothes I like.

While we were there - grammy and I started looking at all of the adorable clothes for Miss Delainey - and as we walked through the entire baby section, she would hold up things that she thought were cute, and my reaction seemed to be - more often than not - Oh she already has that...or yep - she has that too! In the end - it seemed like just about anything cute that Kohl's has stocked - D already has!

Oh well - guess we can check off "needing clothes" from the long list of things we have to acquire before our little diva makes her debut.

The best part was getting to spend time with my grandma - something that I always cherish and look forward to. Something I hope that my daughter (and I know she will) will enjoy as she grows up. And I can't wait for Miss D to get to know her GG (that stands for Great Grandma) and see just how wonderful she is!


Belly Pictures | 24 weeks

Happy Sunday!!

24 week belly pictures and a few more for fun! Og, because she is a momma's girl, hasn't really left my side in a while. She has been following me around, and wanted to be a part of this week's pictures.

I feel like I am getting bigger every day, like every time I walk by a mirror - I look bigger. But it is for a good cause as Miss Delainey seems to be healthy and active...and anything I can do to ensure that is the case - I am happy to do!

I am a little red in this week's pictures - I feel asleep outside yesterday with my pudge...and in NM sun - it is very easy to get red.

Check out this week's pictures!!

my beautiful little pudga - complete with dirt on her face from digging outside

Happy Sunday!!!


So one of the many joys that is accompanying my 10 months of pregnancy is Backne. I have never had perfect skin - but I have never in my life had issues like this. The occasional breakout around that "time of the month" or after too many nights of not washing my face. And during volleyball season in college, my back would breakout due to sweat and sportsbras...but this is OUT OF CONTROL!

This recent (and by recent I mean the last four months) breakout has blessed me with big goiter like pimples that seem to have their own pulse, small ones that I can feel but really don't do anything, and even the occasional multi spot breakout patch...they hurt, they look terrible, the feel gross and (if any of you know me) I have an issue with picking. And its really only on my back, shoulders and upper arms.

The worst thing is that there is really nothing I can do about it - my midwife has suggested that I use some sort of scrub (like apricot) which I have to pick up at the store to try it out or to find a way to exfoliate more often. I can also use tea-tree oil to help dry them out. All of which I have to make specific stops to pick up...I will give it a try and let you know what comes about.

Trying Weekend...

This was a very trying weekend for Mike and I...and because of that, Delainey has been super active. Seems like whenever she knows that I am upset, or stressed or not having a good day, she makes sure that I know she is in there and that she would like me to calm down, cheer up or remember that it is more important that I focus on my health and her health, instead of letting life get to me.

Even with everything Mike and I were dealing with this weekend - it was nice to know that we have something more important to worry about...the health and well being of Miss Delainey. And in true Delainey fashion, she made sure we remembered that.

I feel like this was not only a good pregnancy lesson, but is also very much a good life lesson. Even when things get tough - there are more important things that you need to worry about - like your health and the health of those that you love - stress is a dangerous thing in a massive amount - and something we need to keep out of our lives to the best of our ability!

Happy Sunday!


and I thought I loved you then...

Our first dance as husband & wife...cheers to many more dances along the way!
I have heard from so many different people that experiencing pregnancy and the birth of your own child makes you look at your spouse in a totally different way. I have heard that it makes you love them more, love them in a totally new way, develop an entirely new respect for them, fall in love with them all over, or develop feelings you never knew you could feel for another adult.

Of course - it will change the way you are able to love...there is now a human being that you are completely responsible for...but I am really starting to understand what everyone was talking about when it comes to your spouse.

This experience...well the 24 weeks and 1 day we have been through already has truly made me fall in love with my husband all over again, love him in a totally different way, develop an entirely new level of respect for him and even made me love him more...which is a pretty amazing thing considering that I would have told you last September (PDC) that I loved him with my whole heart, that I couldn't imagine loving him more, and that I had the utmost respect for him. Boy...your heart and head can really throw you for a loop.

I look forward to the day that I get to see him holding our daughter...the very thought of it brings tears to my eyes now (once again...emotional wreck...pregnant!) but it's more than that...its knowing that we are in this together, and its knowing that he is fully committed and as scared and anxious and nervous and excited and amazed as I am about this entire process...and that through this...we will be stronger as individuals and as husband and wife.

cheesy maybe...but I am not kidding you when I say that I can't even count how many times I have heard these thoughts from friends and family - and I honestly couldn't agree more!

I love you PH!!

what would you do?

So I have been dealing with this internal struggle as of late...there is a major part of me that really wants to do a maternity photo session. I mean these are pictures that you will have for the rest of your life, that capture not only your first pregnancy, but one of the most special moments in your life.

But then there is another major part of me that is dreading this - and wondering if I should really bother to do it at all.

In all honesty...I know that Mike sort of doesn't care either way - if I came home today and said, Baby, I really want to do this...he would be on board and supportive. But if I said that I didnt want to - he would argue or try to convince me otherwise.

There are just so many thoughts running through my head...would I love to have these pictures years from now to show Delainey...or have to remind myself of this beautiful experience...Sure! But then my mind drifts to the fact that I honestly hate the way I look and it makes me wonder if I really want to capture this on film (well digital images) forever...that part of Sandlot plays over and over in my head when I say or think the word "forever" FFFOOORRREEEVVVEEERRR....

But at the end of the day, I am just not really sure what I want. And the worst/best part is that I have a wonderful photographer all lined up and ready to go - he is amazing and will totally work with us to get the pictures we want - and will make us feel totally at ease and comfortable. But I am just not sure if I am totally sold on this yet.

Oh well - I will give it some more thought - and in the end - will probably end up doing them...but who knows!

Thoughts...feelings...positive words from those who did it vs. those that didnt...wishes, regrets, opinions...please?

very cool blog

I am a little bored today - I am working ahead to prepare for my maternity leave and I am getting to a point where I really don't have much to do at this stage in the game. I am sure more will come, but today - nada!

So I have been searching the Internet for unique pictures for our maternity shoot - sort of inspiration. I am not totally sold on the idea of doing one. I feel like if I don't do one, I will regret it and always wish I had pictures from this special time - but at the same time...I don't really feel pretty, attractive or like I want to be captured in photos forever - outside of the ones I take every week to track the belly growth. I am sure I am just going through another one of my moods - but I will write more on this later.

Any-who...when I was searching online - I stumbled across this blog that I thought was very cool. Basically, this guy took pictures of his wife starting at week 17 all the way through her pregnancy and wrote little notes or letters to his unborn child. Talk about tearing up - as they started to get closer to week 40...he notes were even more adorable and some of them brought a tear to my eye (I'm pregnant and emotional...what can I say)

Either way, I read through each of the posts and felt like not only was this a totally cool way to capture this special moment...but also a unique thing you can show your child in the future. I think I am going to talk to Mike about starting to write little notes to Delainey - with what he his thinking, feeling, etc...I think if he can do that every week or even a few times a week - and then we can post them with his picture next to them - she can see in several years (as can our family and friends now) just how much he has grown and changed and done his best to prepare for the arrival of his first child!

Here is the blog that I was talking about - take a minute to check it out and feel free to share your thoughts - or just let it simmer!

I will keep you updated on our next project - dear delainey...love dad...



A Big Delivery Day for Delainey

Today was a big delivery day for Miss Delainey. She received a Baby Einstein Play mat from Aunt Carol and Susan and a constellation turtle from her Coventry family!

Her room is quickly filling up with all sorts of fun toys and play things that I know she will enjoy and put to very good use.
Even Og and London made the rounds to inspect everything and make sure it was all up to Delainey's standards.

Thank you very much to both Aunt Carol and Susan and another round of thank yous to our Coventry Family for these amazing and thoughtful gifts! She is truly blessed as are her parents!

24 weeks...

Wow...today marks 24 weeks on this journey! I sent Mike a text today saying "24 weeks...only 16 more to go (hopefully)" which when you put it like that...seems like no time at all!

I know they say that as you get older, time really does move faster - but I guess I never really believed them until recently. It seems like time is simply flying! 16 weeks...CRAZY!

We are doing well - Delainey has been kicking up a storm. Mostly when I am getting ready to lay down to go to sleep or trying to unwind after work - but I am not complaining. I am just happy that I get to feel her little feet and hands getting her Ty Bo on in my stomach!

Still having a lot of back pains - I have asked for the assistance of a good friend who is a personal trainer, if she could send me any sort of exercises that could help to relieve and/or strengthen my lower back to help deal with this pain...it doesn't seem to be going away and I would very much like it too!

Still waiting as patiently as possible for our billet to make his way back to Michigan...patiently may be a slight exaggeration. I am just so ready to be able to start working on the nursery...I want to make sure Miss Delainey has a beautiful place to call her own!

I have gained 16-20 lbs...depending on when I weigh myself and I feel ok...not thrilled about the extra weight, but its for Delainey and that is all that matters!

According to thebump.com, Delainey is still about the size of a papaya and is now starting to fill out - she is gaining fat under her skin, helping to make her not so transparent. She is also developing a reddish hue as capillaries are starting to form.

16 weeks...112 days (if she opts to arrive on her due date) but either way...we are making progress!

Happy 24 weeks everyone...may the next 16 be happy, healthy and safe!


Our Coventry Family

When I was growing up - I spent quite a bit of time at my mom's elementary school - she taught 2nd, 3rd, 4th, sometimes 1st grade at the same school for much of my youth, and some of my fondest memories were spent wandering the halls of Coventry Elementary School. Even more than that - she had (and still has) an amazing group of friends that I lovingly referred to as my Coventry family. They helped to raise me and they are truly special women!

And these special women were kind enough to send Delainey Grace a Rainforest Jumperoo with one of the sweetest notes...

We are blessed to know you and have you in our lives - I can't wait for Delainey to meet each and every one of you, so that I can share with her the wonderful stories and memories I have from my days as Little Riley.

Beth, Roberta, Deb, Betty and Terri...words can't express how much you ladies mean to me and how truly wonderful you are! Thank you again for thinking of Delainey (and her parents)! We are so lucky!

My Old "Friend"

Well kids, it looks like the back pain monster is once again rearing its ugly head! Although this time, it is more in the center of my back than it is on either side - and it really bothers me when I get up after sitting for a long period of time (yes I know I am not supposed to do that but tell my bosses that) or when I bend over...

Even the Yamuna Ball is not doing much to relieve this back pain -

Maybe a lunch time workout will help to squash this pain for a little while - or maybe it will just be one of those things that I will have to learn to deal with for the next several months. I do have a protruding bump popping out of the other side - so I guess I can see why my back is screaming right now.

well - the several weeks of being pain free were enjoyable while it lasted - cheers to extra strength Tylenol, a heating pad and lots of stretching!


Belly Pictures | 23 weeks

23 weeks - 17 weeks to go!

As we sit here and enjoy another Sunday, I figured I would get these pictures posted early so that I can tackle other projects that are on my list for the day. It is a beautiful 65 degrees outside - Og, London and I spent the morning outside in the back yard drinking (decaf) coffee, listening to music and relishing in one of my favorite things about this place...the sunshine and beautiful weather! I would like to send a shout out to my friends and family that are still dealing with snow, ice, rain and cold weather in the mid-west...I feel for you and want each of you to know that any time you need to get away - you are always welcome here!

I have decided to drop the & 4 days when posting belly pictures - we will just stick with the week as they are taken every Sunday. In the back of your head - you can just remember that it is 4 days into our weekly progress!

Delainey is certainly making her presence known as of late - I wore my belly buds the past two mornings so that Miss Delainey can listen to some music and she has been letting me know what songs she is a fan of and which ones we can skip on the playlist. As of right now - she is a big fan of female county music and hip hop...it is so cool that she responds to things like music and that now I can feel it.

From the top down...belly is really starting to stick out

Close up of the belly!

notice the awesome face I am making in the side mirror...the picture just doesn't come out unless you hold your face just right!

taken last night before the Basketball game - I wanted to show what I look like in regular clothes


My how things change

So I met two very wonderful people for lunch yesterday, well actually three but Molly didn't really have a choice in tagging along. But prior to that, I stopped at Old Navy, Macy's and Motherhood Maternity to see if there was anything that sparked my interest. I am desperate need of bottoms to wear with the tops that I have been able to find, but I am so picky that I just can't seem to find things that I like, feel comfortable in and actually want to invest in (hello...Maternity pants are EXPENSIVE - especially when you can really only purchase them from one place at $80 a pop...thank you long legs!) So I am welcoming spring and summer with open arms because I can wear capri pants, shorts (if I ever like my legs again) skirts and dresses without having to put leggings or tights under them. However, I find that when I go shopping - it actually makes me angry. How can this be...I love shopping! But honestly - I usually end up leaving pissed off because I 1) hate the way I look 2) feel like every time I look in the mirror I feel bigger and 3) nothing fits - not even maternity stuff seems to fit well. For example - I went to Motherhood Maternity because I have seen some cute dresses and skirts online - well let me tell you - they are all SHORT...like so short that I would not be able to wear them to work - and its not like my work is overly professional - I can get away with wearing things that would be not welcome at most work places - YAY CREATIVES! However, even these were too short. So, in complete frustration, I put my clothes back on and left - I can't tell you how often this happens but since February 17th, I have been able to find solace in something else...being able to shop for Miss Delainey. And boy am I good at it! When I stopped into Old Navy, I was looking for maternity clothes, but when I came to terms with the fact that they didn't have any - I found myself wandering around the baby section - and walking out with three outfits. Let's just say, it is so much more fun to shop for Delainey now. Same thing happened when I stopped at the Old Navy on the other side of town after work - I know they have a maternity section - although not a very good one - and after about 20 seconds of wandering around that section...I found myself in the baby section once again...and of course walked out with three very cute little outfits. Not to mention, the little online shopping trip I "took" on Gymboree.com...lots of great discounts, a coupon and a gift card later - and Miss Delainey will be one well dressed fashionista!

In the end...I was able to find a dress and a pair of capris...and I have to order a few things from Old Navy.com today...but that doesn't mean I like it or am happy about it. I am so ready to be able to get back to shape - and Miss Delainey is not even here yet...still four more months of waiting for her to make her entrance into this world. But I will say that I truly enjoy shopping for my little diva princess!



A few things...in yesterday's Sandoval County Leadership class...which I am an esteemed participant of we talked about a lot of things. Somehow education came up and one of the participants is a principal at a local elementary school and he said that they have kids that start kindergarten with a vocabulary of 20 words.

Not our Delainey she will be read to every night just to ensure that she is learning all that she can in those important developmental years of her little life.

As for education on another note I have been reading a few things in Erin's little books to educate myself on some things before Delainey arrives....it is all pretty interesting and I want to learn more..but most of the book is about what the Mom goes through so I think I am going to look at some other potential reads to continue to educate myself...ok back to work!

What Was That...

So as most of you know - I have been waiting as patiently as possible for Miss Delainey to make her presence known to me in the form of kicking and punching - maybe the only time in my life I actually wanted her to kick/punch me so that I could feel her little body inside mine.

 It’s been a long journey - and I have waited for weeks to be able to type this...but I can say without a doubt, that last night, both Mike and I were able to feel her kick or punch.

We were lying in bed and Mike was trying to listen for sounds of Delainey with his head on my stomach...all he heard was my stomach. But then he stated to push lightly on my belly (it sort of felt like he was playing a game of Simon on my stomach) and then waiting to see if anything happened. I happened to be playing our new favorite game on his phone so I was only half paying attention and then all of the sudden I felt this movement...like a gas bubble popping - but better. Now I have never felt a baby kick inside the womb before - so I was not totally sold on if it was simply a gas bubble or if it was really Delainey kicking Mike back for poking her. So I told him to "do it again" after which, I got the same feeling.  We played this game for about 20 minutes - it was so cool to feel this little "tapping" from the inside in response to Mike's tapping from the outside.

The really cool thing was that Mike was able to feel her kick one time too - he said he felt it on the inside of his hand, where is hand and fingers were placed to press my stomach to get a response. I believe it because some of her little movements were hard to miss - and if she is kicking or punching all the way through the placenta - than she has some power behind those blows!

All I know is that it is truly one of the coolest feelings in the world and I can't wait for the next time she gets active - the movements are not super noticeable if I am not sitting or calm - but I am sure they will get to a point where no matter what I am doing - I will feel them.

So after 23 long weeks of waiting...I finally experienced a very cool step along this pregnancy journey...I was able to feel our little princess kick!

Happy Thursday!