
what would you do?

So I have been dealing with this internal struggle as of late...there is a major part of me that really wants to do a maternity photo session. I mean these are pictures that you will have for the rest of your life, that capture not only your first pregnancy, but one of the most special moments in your life.

But then there is another major part of me that is dreading this - and wondering if I should really bother to do it at all.

In all honesty...I know that Mike sort of doesn't care either way - if I came home today and said, Baby, I really want to do this...he would be on board and supportive. But if I said that I didnt want to - he would argue or try to convince me otherwise.

There are just so many thoughts running through my head...would I love to have these pictures years from now to show Delainey...or have to remind myself of this beautiful experience...Sure! But then my mind drifts to the fact that I honestly hate the way I look and it makes me wonder if I really want to capture this on film (well digital images) forever...that part of Sandlot plays over and over in my head when I say or think the word "forever" FFFOOORRREEEVVVEEERRR....

But at the end of the day, I am just not really sure what I want. And the worst/best part is that I have a wonderful photographer all lined up and ready to go - he is amazing and will totally work with us to get the pictures we want - and will make us feel totally at ease and comfortable. But I am just not sure if I am totally sold on this yet.

Oh well - I will give it some more thought - and in the end - will probably end up doing them...but who knows!

Thoughts...feelings...positive words from those who did it vs. those that didnt...wishes, regrets, opinions...please?


  1. Do it! Definitely do it, regardless of how you think you look! You look great btw, but it will always be a reminder of your first time being pregnant! Coming from someone who didn't do it, (I was up in the air with it too), and decided against it, and now wish I did! -Also, definitely get pics of Delainey when she is first born, 1 month old or younger, that's another HUGE regret I have with Molly.

  2. I would do it. I did it with Lucas and I put some of those pictures in his room. I didn't do it with Sofi and I regret it. They are great pictures to show them when they are a little bigger and understand the concept of them being in your tummy.
