I am a little bored today - I am working ahead to prepare for my maternity leave and I am getting to a point where I really don't have much to do at this stage in the game. I am sure more will come, but today - nada!
So I have been searching the Internet for unique pictures for our maternity shoot - sort of inspiration. I am not totally sold on the idea of doing one. I feel like if I don't do one, I will regret it and always wish I had pictures from this special time - but at the same time...I don't really feel pretty, attractive or like I want to be captured in photos forever - outside of the ones I take every week to track the belly growth. I am sure I am just going through another one of my moods - but I will write more on this later.
Any-who...when I was searching online - I stumbled across this blog that I thought was very cool. Basically, this guy took pictures of his wife starting at week 17 all the way through her pregnancy and wrote little notes or letters to his unborn child. Talk about tearing up - as they started to get closer to week 40...he notes were even more adorable and some of them brought a tear to my eye (I'm pregnant and emotional...what can I say)
Either way, I read through each of the posts and felt like not only was this a totally cool way to capture this special moment...but also a unique thing you can show your child in the future. I think I am going to talk to Mike about starting to write little notes to Delainey - with what he his thinking, feeling, etc...I think if he can do that every week or even a few times a week - and then we can post them with his picture next to them - she can see in several years (as can our family and friends now) just how much he has grown and changed and done his best to prepare for the arrival of his first child!
Here is the blog that I was talking about - take a minute to check it out and feel free to share your thoughts - or just let it simmer!
I will keep you updated on our next project - dear delainey...love dad...
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