It’s been a long journey - and I have waited for weeks to be able to type this...but I can say without a doubt, that last night, both Mike and I were able to feel her kick or punch.
We were lying in bed and Mike was trying to listen for sounds of Delainey with his head on my stomach...all he heard was my stomach. But then he stated to push lightly on my belly (it sort of felt like he was playing a game of Simon on my stomach) and then waiting to see if anything happened. I happened to be playing our new favorite game on his phone so I was only half paying attention and then all of the sudden I felt this movement...like a gas bubble popping - but better. Now I have never felt a baby kick inside the womb before - so I was not totally sold on if it was simply a gas bubble or if it was really Delainey kicking Mike back for poking her. So I told him to "do it again" after which, I got the same feeling. We played this game for about 20 minutes - it was so cool to feel this little "tapping" from the inside in response to Mike's tapping from the outside.
The really cool thing was that Mike was able to feel her kick one time too - he said he felt it on the inside of his hand, where is hand and fingers were placed to press my stomach to get a response. I believe it because some of her little movements were hard to miss - and if she is kicking or punching all the way through the placenta - than she has some power behind those blows!
All I know is that it is truly one of the coolest feelings in the world and I can't wait for the next time she gets active - the movements are not super noticeable if I am not sitting or calm - but I am sure they will get to a point where no matter what I am doing - I will feel them.
So after 23 long weeks of waiting...I finally experienced a very cool step along this pregnancy journey...I was able to feel our little princess kick!
Happy Thursday!
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