

I am having so much fun making hair accessories for Delainey and all of her little friends. And talk about stress relieving and therapeutic!

Check out some of my favorites and let me know if you have any requests!

made especially for Miss Molly - Go Flyers!

Perfect for the little Buckeye fan!


Holy Crap

One of my very bestest friends sent me a link last night to another blog (The Poop Whisperer) with a note in the email saying

"You both must read this!!!  (Unfortunately.  But, it WILL prepare you for the aftermath!)"

She sent this link to both myself and our other pregnant bestest friend.

Not thinking anything of it, I opened it this morning when I got to work and began to read.

WOW!! Let me just tell you that, while I have heard some of this from moms I have talked to - this pretty much just puts it all out there and in perspective.

The blog post is entitled "Postpartum...A List...By Jess" and details out the best things to do and not do in the minutes, hours, days and weeks after the baby is born.

She makes a good point. Most expectant mothers spend the majority of their time and energy reading, preparing and gearing up for how to deal with a newborn postpartum, but there is not really much time or effort spent on preparing yourself for the hell your body will be experiencing after you push a little human out of your who-ha!

Here is the link...I would strongly recommend if you are pregnant, or thinking about getting pregnant, that you read this blog post and save it to your favorites, or print it out, or commit it to memory - I don't know first hand (yet) but I can only assume that many of these things will be major factors in packing my "go bag" and the postpartum kit that needs to be ready to go when I get home.


Finally - Holy Crap...guess this is what I have to look forward to...well that and the birth of our beautiful daughter...I know it will all be worth it, but I am slightly freaked out now!

Anticipating THE ARRIVAL, and the MOMENT

I have to say at this point the nervousness of Delainey's arrival and becoming a father have subsided........for now...I am sure it will come again, but right now I am just very much looking forward to putting on the biggest smile that I have ever had and holding little D in my arms. The thought of that exact moment has replayed in my mind so many times, and yet I know that I will not be able to describe the the moment or the feeling that I will have not only when I hold her for the first time but also every time that I hold her as she grows up in this world.


more crafting

Second round of flowers featuring different types and sizes of ribbons...

I love making these for Miss Delainey, and can't wait to make a few for her friends!

Check them out and let me know what you think!

the B word...

Why is is that two little words can strike fear in my heart and cause me so much unrest...

I am talking about Breast Feeding...and I am going to be totally honest in this blog post so if you are a die hard all babies should be breast fed kind of woman...maybe you should just skip this post.

I am scared sh*tless of this "natural" process.

I have read so many things over the last 30 weeks pertaining to the importance of breast feeding, comparing the benefits of breast and bottle and outlining the natural process of providing sustenance to your newborn child...and I have talked to countless women about breast feeding and bottle feeding, hearing all sorts of stories, experiences, thoughts, and opinions...and honestly all it has done is confuse me more.

Of course I want to breast feed my child...I was to give Delainey the very best and if that comes from my boobs...well then so be it.

But its not that simple. I have heard many things about breast feeding, and honestly, I know that I won't be able to make up my mind until I am actually in the thick of it - at which point in time it is no longer anecdotal speculation but real life experience that I have to draw on.

So many benefits, but it seems to come with so many sacrifices...and honestly, I would be willing to sacrifice anything for our child - but I am just not sure how to truly feel about the entire process.

I am not an overly private person...but there is something about whipping out a boob in public, covered or not, and attaching my child to it.

I don't require a ton of sleep, but the thought of pumping every two hours during the night in between feedings or while Mike feeds Delainey, so that we can stock up on breast milk for the next day leaves me less than enthusiastic.

I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, but bleeding, cracked, sore nipples...sounds fun...NOT!

I am going back to work after an initial 4 weeks off - which means that while I am at work, I need to fit pumping into my day. Not saying that I wouldn't be able to make it work, but that goes back to the semi-personal thing that I am not sure I am comfortable with doing at my place of business.

And it means that I have to continue to change my diet to ensure that what my daughter is getting in my breast milk is good for her. No wine, beer, spicy food, who knows what else - if she is like some babies, with acid reflux, an allergy or has some sort of reaction to something I am eating, I have to take out one thing at a time to figure out what that is...

Trust me, I know the benefits and perks of breast feeding. Its cheaper (hell its free) and formula is expensive. But so is my time and sanity and I am not sure that pumping every two hours once I go back to work is any less of an expense. And sure, breast milk helps to ward off allergies, helps to build the baby's immune system, helps in brain development, etc...but I was a formula fed baby, as was my husband, my sister in law and several of my friends...and we all seemed to turn out alright.

I have promised myself that I am going to give it my best try. At least while I am at home for the first four weeks, and then when I head back to work, see how pumping plays out along with supplementing formula to help with the long days and late nights.

I am trying not to psyche myself out too much...women have done this for thousands of years...but I am also trying not to feel like I am being selfish, or a bad mother or a bad woman because I am not totally sold on breast feeding.

Judge me if you want - at the end of the day, I need to make the best decision for my child, my family and myself...and until we all walk in each other's shoes, I am not sure any of us (moms) have room to judge each other for choices we make.

While breast may be best for the most part...it doesn't necessarily mean it is/will always be best for my family.

More to come on this subject


I have been doing some research on things that need to be included in a diaper bag - scouring the Internet for list after list of items that mothers from all over the world and every walk of life feel is simply essential to include in the newest accessory I will be rocking after July.

Obviously...diapers top the list (duh...isn't that why it is called a diaper bag) but there were several things that I never would have thought of prior to reading these lists.

No brainier essentials include things like wipes, diaper ointments, powder, hand sanitizer, changing pad, pacifier, bottle, food/formula/breast milk (stored properly) a small toy or two for entertainment...but things I didn't think of before reading these lists include
  • plastic bags to discard diapers and store soiled clothes (smart)
  • baby socks or leg warmers
  • blanket
  • tissue
  • change of clothing for the baby
  • burp clothes (ok I thought of this one after I sat here for a few minutes trying to make my own list - but it didn't just come to me)
  • nursing pads
  • nursing cover-up
  • water bottle and snacks for the mom

Crazy how much you have to fit in one (not so little) bag now that you have a little person you are responsible for.

Calling all moms...what sort of things are "essential" in your diaper bags that should be added to this list?

last year at this time

When I stop to think how much has changed in a year, and just what I was doing last year at this time - it honestly stops me in my tracks.

Last year at this time - I was spending quite a bit of time on theknot.com, planning out details for our wedding in August, discussing with my best friends various aspects of wedding planning, picking out shoes, hair pieces, hair styles, make up, table settings, programs, flower arrangements, music, etc...I was counting down the days until we came home for the wedding shower, and even more so, counting down the days until I married my best friend.

Wow - look how much has changed in the past 12 months. Now I spend my time looking at sites like fitpregnancy, the bump and other pregnancy related website. I am planning things like, child birth class, birth plans, child care, and maternity leave. I am counting down the days until our beautiful little princess decides that she has had enough on the inside and wants to break free. I am coming to terms with the fact that most of it I can't plan at all...

Its amazing to me how much life can switch up over the course of one year. A year ago, I was more concerned with picking out the right outfits for me, staying thin, planning a wedding...today, all I seem to care about it making sure that everything is perfect for Miss Delainey. I would rather shop for her than for myself. Making the necessary improvements to our home have taken priority over spending money on things for ourselves. No more sports cars...hello family cars. No more nights out spent with single friends enjoying several adult beverages...now we find that spending time with our friends who have kids, is much more our style.

When you actually stop to think about it...and slow down for just long enough to realize how quickly a year has passed and truly how much has changed...it makes me realize just how quickly life is moving. And being that I don't really see it slowing down anytime in the near future...we might as well buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Nixing the Bikini

My wonderful husband has made it pretty clear that he would like Miss Delainey to keep certain words from her vocabulary. Words like boys, tube tops, boys, shorts, boys...and bikinis. Maybe in his head, if she just doesn't know what these words are...it is not an issue we will have to worry about (HA!)

So when I was shopping with my mom last weekend, we ran into Gymboree to check out some of the ever adorable clothes for Miss Delainey - even though we all know she in no way needs clothes. I of course gravitated right to the bathing suits and particularly the little 2 piece bathing suits with the matching hats, cover-ups, shoes and other accessories (the girl has to look good) and started laughing when I thought about what my husband would say if I brought home a 2 piece swimsuit for his precious little angel.

Of course we all know that his concern is not that she wear a 2 piece now...or this summer as the case may be - but that she stay away from them in years to come.

My response is always - I wouldn't stress about what she wears while we are still able to dress her, but when she brings the Victoria's secret catalogue (because they send about 100 of them a month) to daddy to show him the "bathing suits" that she wants for that particular summer...then he can worry and nix that.

We won't tell that these same sorts of "bathing suits" are the ones he couldn't wait to see me in (well not now of course but in my pre-baby days)

I guess things a just a little different when you have a daughter that you have to keep away from guys like you.

This Year's Marketing Conference

Yesterday I decided to let Bob, Ike, and Adam know that I was not going to be attending the Marketing Conference this year due to the birth of my daughter. Of course everyone was crushed by the news that I would not be attending this year...it would be my 6th....because it will not be the same without me, but they were all very excited for the life changing experience ahead....Bob even said we will be thinking of you, Erin and your future Gamecock....the only thing that is a little disheartening is that this years conference takes place in South Carolina....of course it would....but nothing would keep me away from witnessing one of the best things that will happen to me in my lifetime. Even though the conference is at the end of June I just know in my heart that if I were to go then Delainey would come early....and now that I am not going nothing will happen during that week at all, but if it were I would never forgive myself!



Last night, as I was looking for a bookmark, I found the original piece of paper that has the names that both Mike and I liked - before we knew that Delainey Grace was the perfect name for our little princess.

It was kind of fun to find and look at the names again...we still really love all of them, and might just end up using one of them for Cockeye #2...even though we changed the way we decided to spell Delainey (in the picture is says Delaney) we knew that this name was "the one."

The best part of it is that we had four girls names written down and only one boy's name...whether that means that we deep down inside we knew it was a girl...or the one boy's name was also the ONE...who knows...but just thought I would share this little find.

Just get over it...

I think being pregnant has allowed me to reflect on my childhood and gain a better understanding and respect for my mom...

As I am sprinting down the road to having my own daughter...my only hope is that I am able to be as good of a mother as Sharon has been to me over the past 28 years (I know that I don't tell you this nearly enough but there are not enough words or thanks in the world to truly express how lucky I am)

One thing that seems to be sticking out as of late is my mother's uncanny ability to "get over things" quickly. Its like, she says what she has to say and moves on. And I find that I am (in more ways than I like to admit) just like her in that aspect.

Now don't get me wrong, there are times, issues, things that I hold on to - but for the most part, I make an effort not to stay mad or frustrated or angry once I have stated my peace and feel like there has been a resolution...I would say that I am not really one to hold a grudge (98% of the time) and I know this is something I have learned from my mom.

To be honest - this was one of the things that used to drive me NUTS when I was in my pre-teens and teenage years. How could she just list off all the reasons I was wrong, or be mad at me for doing something I had no business doing, and then not even two minutes later (after she had stated her peace) talk to me like nothing was wrong. That was crazy in my mind and seriously I hated it...

but imagine that - life as an adult (well at least the successful ones) has no room for holding grudges...the time, energy and effort exerted on maintaining this anger or ill will or malcontent for someone or something seems useless when you are faced with so many other more productive things that require that time, energy and effort.

I have said this before - the woman is pretty damn smart...chalk it up to her years of experience as hands down one of the best (I might be biased but who cares) educators in the state or country for that matter, or the masters in early eduction or just her personal experiences and natural approach to life - but by golly...I think it works!

add that to the list of things I will make sure to include in my parenting tool belt - the last thing I want is for Miss Delainey to see the learned behavior of holding a grudge once the problem has been resolved...there is no place in her life for that regardless of her age!

Cheers to being able to speak my mind, state my peace and move on...I feel like I am a much better person, wife, friend, co-worker, manager and future mother for this skill!

What you would change

So during a conversation with one of my co-workers the other day, she said something that made me think.

She said that "she always knew there would be things she would change in the way she raised her child, vs. how she was raised"

It got me thinking about the things that I would change about the way my mom raised me...what would I do differently now that I was walking the very fine line of motherhood...what would I say, or do that or more so, what would I NOT say or NOT do when faced with issues with Miss Delainey.

One of the things that my co-worker mentioned was that when kids at school would make fun of her, her mother's response was always something to the effect of, don't pay attention to them, you don't need friends like that, don't listen to them. And she said, that she always hated that because how do you not listen to something that has already been said. She has since taken the approach with her son that is completely opposite (in dealing with this particular issue) from how her mother handled it.

So this got me thinking about the things that my mom did or didn't do when I was growing up - after all, your parents are your moral sign posts for how you deal with your own children...right?

One thing that always used to drive me crazy was that we always had to talk through things - we had to rationalize why what I had just done was not in my best interest, or disappointed her or was not a good choice...seriously...there were so many times in my childhood that I remember thinking to myself...can't you just punish me and send me to my room...please...do we really have to sit here and talk this out.

But as I grew up...and learned to deal with people and entered into a job, field, career, life, in which being able to rationally approach a problem, discuss expectations, disappointments and solutions for the next time and in general, figure out a way to resolve the issue without raising my voice, or getting angry and shutting down...I realized that not only is my mom a pretty amazing woman, but she is pretty freakin smart too.

Are you kidding me...this can't be a coincidence - that just by chance, the way she raised me to directly deal with and resolve problems through open and honest communication, using "I statements" and approaching things from all sides, would actually be the best way to deal with life in general as I got older. This woman was light years ahead of me the entire time...I could write an entire blog on the "things I wish I knew my mom already knew and should have just listened to her when I was growing up"

You mean to tell me that yelling, punishing, screaming, sending someone to their room, grounding them, etc...or even worse - resorting to physical violence has no place or use in your "adult" life so utilizing it when problems or issues arise in childhood might not be the best option.

Now I am not going to lie and say that Sharon never yelled - I was a trying child at times and she was a single mother doing her very best to make sure I was respectful, and appreciative and well...not a normal (especially the lovely age between 10 and 20) little diva princess. And there were a few occasions that I know I drove my mom to smack me...I can remember two of them very clearly - and let me tell you - I was lucky that was all she did...because if memory serves me, I was being a royal BRAT! But for the most part - anytime there was an issue, or a problem, or something that I did "wrong" we had an open and honest conversation about it and 9 times out of 10...I walked away (although at the time I would have never admitted it) with a better understanding of why she was upset with me and why I probably shouldn't do it again...

while I am sure it will drive Lainey crazy in her childhood and teenage years to have to sit and rationalize and discuss...I am positive that I will be utilizing this very productive method of parenting because I have personally seen the benefits of it.

Thanks Momma!

30 weeks...

Wrote this yesterday but forgot to post it...sorry for the "tomorrow" comments as we are now 30 weeks along in this journey.

So tomorrow marks out 30th week...which means that we have 10 weeks to go...11 at most (our midwife won't let us go past 41 unless there is some medical reason to forgo inducing at 41 weeks.

It all sort of just hit me that we are 10 weeks out...we are 10 weeks away from the biggest life change that either of us will ever experience. 10 weeks away from meeting our daughter! Crazy!!!

10 weeks sounds like a long time when you simply look at it as 10 weeks...but in baby world...HOLY CRAP that is like no time at all.

10 weeks...70 days...less than three months...where has the time gone! I feel like it was just yesterday that we were pumped to be in double digit weeks and then pumped for our 2nd trimester, and then pumped because we had reached the half way mark...and now, we are 10 weeks out - should she opt to stay in there for the full 40 or even 41 weeks.

Mike was born 6 weeks early...I found out this past weekend that I was born 2 weeks early...guess its up to Lainey to decide if she will continue the trend that mommy and daddy started oh so many years ago or start her own...

all we can do is wait and see!



In an effort to channel my energy and find a way to distract myself from everything that is on my mind...I have started crafting.

I made my very first ribbon flower tonight...it turned out really well and I am super excited to pick up a pink stretchy headband for Delainey as well as make a few more for a few special people.

Check out the pictures of my first flower...and be on the lookout for many many more!

Bio Oil and Body Butter

When I first met our friends, Moira and Gunnar, Mo was about 6 months pregnant. Now she absolutly didn't look pregnant - in fact pretty much until the end, if you looked at her from behind, you would not know that she was carrying little Miss Molly. However, I won't spend too much time on this, because as we all know - the way other people see you doesn't really matter one bit when you are the one in the "trenches" and feel like you are the size of a house. Many a conversation has been had about this between one mommy to be and one very adorable mommy as of late!

Sorry - I digress - the point of this post - One of the tricks that Moira let me in on very early was the use of a product called Bio Oil along with applications of the Coco Body Butter from the Body Shop to help avoid STRETCH MARKS!

Once you get over the fact that you feel and sort of look like a greased butterball turkey - I am finding especially as of late - I am telling you, this stuff works!

I ran out of Bio Oil about a week ago - and in between my ever hectic schedule and my lack of desire to stop at Wal-Mart after a long day (yes my friends, this is where you can find this magical stuff) I pretty much relied on only the Body Butter to help avoid stretch marks this past week.

Last Tuesday - I woke up to find...A STRETCH MARK on my right side...I was pissed to say the least. I started scrubbing my belly every morning with a buff puff, especially in the "spot" but knew that nothing would really help until I went back to the Bio Oil.

So this weekend, I made it a point to run up to Wal-Mart and pick up a bottle of this cure all. And wouldn't you know it - it has been three days (Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning applications) and the stretch mark on my side is fading already.

Ok Ok...I know - stretch marks are genetic - as in, if your mom got them, odds are pretty good that you will get them too. And that after a certain point, I am not sure there is anything you can do. But I will share a few things with you.
- Moira has told me on several occasions that her mom has stretch marks with her, but Moira used Bio Oil and Body Butter religiously two - three times a day during her entire pregnancy with Molly...and she does not have visible stretch marks
- After straying for a week, and seeing the result - I will never go without this stuff again during this or any other subsequent pregnancy.
- It is not expensive - around $11 at Wally World for magic in a bottle - it can be found in the same aisle as the mederma and other scar/stretch mark products, but works so much better.
- Use the Coco Butter Body Butter from the Body Shop - not only does it smell wonderful, but it works really well!

another perk from this daily application is that it keeps your belly from itching as well - as you start to get into the later weeks of this adventure...you find that the skin on your belly, back and boobs really kicks in the itching overdrive - it is stretching every day so I guess I can understand why...but this stuff, applied twice a day, has totally helped to squash my itching.

My husband is not a fan of this routine...mostly because the Bio Oil has a little bit of smell - I don't mind it, but he is not a fan, and he doesn't like that it is greasy or slimy to the touch...but I remind him several times a day that this is a small price to pay to ensure that his wife is not totally grossed out by her body post baby (well from the stretch mark stand point at least)

To all my prego friends or those considering prego-ness again...and even those who may be looking for some help in fading existing stretch marks...try these two products!!!

I can't stress enough how happy I am that Moira shared this little piece of insider wisdom (thank you to our neighbors up north as she learned it from her friends in Canada) with me and now I can share it with you!


so small

While my mom was here this weekend, we took on the large task of washing most of Lainey's clothes that we knew she would be able to wear. I didn't wash her newborn things, on the off chance that she joins us weighing in over 8lbs...which is not hard to imagine! And I have yet to wash her 6-9 month clothes (only because she has so many 0-3 and 3-6 month old clothes, those can wait!

When I was getting ready today - I happened to see some of Delainey's clothes were hanging outside of our laundry closet drying. I couldn't help but think how cute this looked because they just looked so small. Normally, our clothes hang there when they are drying and we all know that neither of us have short pants.

I just had to take a picture...can't wait until the pictures are of Delainey and not just her clothes hanging to dry.

Belly Pictures | 29 weeks

Happy Sunday and Easter Everyone!

29 week belly pictures...hard to believe that this Wednesday will mark our 30th week and put us only 10 (maybe 11) weeks away from meeting our beautiful baby girl in person.

Enjoy week 29 belly pictures...I feel like I am truly growing every day and I feel like I am HUGE...but from what I have heard...you just keep getting bigger!

Cheers to a wonderful week everyone!

serious progress...but why...

We made some serious progress on Miss Delainey's room this weekend...to which I must thank both my Husband (for indulging my desire to get this accomplished all in one weekend) and my mom for all of her help in cleaning, shopping, laundry and everything else she did to help this go a little smoother.

However, as I sit here on Sunday, thinking about the few things that we still have left to do...the few things we still need and the entire process in general - I am left wondering if my desire to finish everything related to Lainey's room was in some way my attempt at moving this along. I know that a part of it was that I was beginning to feel slightly unsettled - Delainey is due in just over 10 weeks and up until this weekend, we had nothing but boxes, and piles of stuff scattered around our house. But now, her room is close enough to done that should she decide to come early...remember my husband arrived 6 weeks early when he was born...her room is all ready to go.

But I can't help to think that this may have been my way of coping with the fact that we still have about 10 weeks to go...and that this is one of the times in my life where a countdown means nothing, all the planning in world will not truly allow me to control this situation and there are so many "unknowns" that it scares the heck out of me! At least this is one aspect of this process that I can control and plan and organize...most of everything else, I just sort of have to go with the flow!

up already

It's just after 7am and I am "up and at em" - and have been since about 6:30am. The dogs woke me up, they had to go to the outside and pudga was ready to eat (what else is new) but then I found that I couldn't go back to sleep. The odd thing is that I was up until after midnight last night.

Things are changing - one of them being my ability to sleep late or even for an extended period of time at all. I just can't get comfortable and when I finally do, it doesn't last long. I guess in a way, its not a bad thing that I am up early...there are always things that need to be done and the extra time is helpful!


Nursery Pictures

Still a few more things that need to be done...but here are updated nursery pictures.

Kick Counting

At Monday's midwife appointment, Laura (our midwife) explained that we need to start kick counting every night with Lainey.

Basically, I have to sit still for about two hours and count how many times she kicks during that time. Kicks, jabs, punches, somersaults (not sure she can still do those), or any movement other than hiccups because those are involuntary and don't really tell us anything.

Ideally, we should be able to count 8-10 kicks within that 2 hour period. But I personally think that the real goal is to get moms to stop moving and pay attention to the movements the baby is making.

I know that Lainey spends much of the day kicking and moving - especially when I am sitting at my desk working, or at least that is when I notice it the most.

I have not done the kick counting in a few days - but my goal is to try it tonight. I know she is in there and moving, but I feel like I should make the effort to sit still (really is that possible) for about 2 hours and count her kicks. Not saying this will be easy - but its worth a shot!

Happy Saturday

Mom Vs. Mom

In my quest to understand a lot of what goes on in this world, coupled with my need to explain my own personal feelings and try to better understand the basic psyche that drives me to do what I do every single day...I have been reading and researching a lot about the cost/benefits of being a Working Mom (WM) vs. those of being a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM)

While I am still not totally clear on if there is truly one that is more beneficial than the others...I do have to say that I have learned that there is a major "rift" between WMs and SAHMs - which bothers me because I feel like we are all tasked with enough things that make our lives challenging to begin with - the last thing we need is to have to defend our decisions to the very people that are supposed to understand what we are going through.

Now don't get me wrong - I have found myself (maybe slightly resentful) making comments about SAHMs - and in no way am I downing their decisions - it is simply that I (at the time) felt that they had it easier. Of course your house is clean, and the laundry is done and dinner is cooked...you have 9 - 10 more hours in the day that can be put towards that...but that doesn't make it right. And as I continue to read more and more on this topic - I am making an extra effort to not judge any mom regardless of her decision on this subject.

I am not totally sure which side of this I fall on - to be honest...I can see the pros and cons of both sides - and the more I read and research, the more I find that I am totally torn on the subject.

I commend working moms - my mom was one - she didn't have a choice...but she did a pretty DAMN good job of raising me and still being a major (to this very day) impact on my growth and development. We spent quality time, went on adventures and to be honest - thinking back - I can't recall a time that I felt I was missing out on anything because my mom worked...it was just want she did!

But at the same time, I commend moms that stay home to raise their children. As our world seems to be flying more and more out of whack - and family life or structure seems to be tossed out the window (I mean I see it in the way teachers have to focus on life skills before they can even think about actually teaching reading, writing or math) and the fact that there are kids that go to kindergarten with a vocabulary of only 85 words...scares me and speaks volumes about the direction our society is headed...it is refreshing to see that moms and even some dads are taking on the challenge of making sure their child is cared for in the best possible way - by the parent. It takes a ton of sacrifice of oneself to stay home and focus on family as number one, above all else.

Let's be honest - this conversation is null and void if the choice to go back to work is based solely on the financial impact it would have on your family. I know that Mike and I could not afford to live let alone raise a healthy, well adjusted, exposed child if one of us didn't work...it is simply not in the cards.

So I find that I justify this "choice" by listing off reason after reason why I would feel unfulfilled if I didn't work...there has to be some reason other than money that makes me get up every day, drive an hour to work each way and spend 8-9 doing things for other people that keeps me away from my family and soon...away from my daughter.

But one of my very best friends - who also happens to be going through the same dilemma that we are facing - asked me a question the other day that totally made me think and start to question where I stand on this issue in general.

She asked - if money was not a factor - because Mike got a job that allowed you to stay home and live very comfortably from a financial stand point...would you still feel the way you do about going back to work.

Regardless of where you stand on this...or where you think you stand - because things change when you have kids - or even what limitations your financial and family situation present...I have to believe that every mother is doing what they deem to be the best for their child.

I just hope that both "sides" can see the value in the choice or sacrifice that the other side had to make!

Oh Boy...

Today is the first day that I have simply felt uncomfortable...no matter where I sit, what I tried on this morning, if I get up and walk around...nothing seems to be helping.

My back hurts (because it is being strained by my growing belly) and my belly feels like it is going to fall off my body.

The thing that is a little unnerving to me is that I am only at 29 weeks (and some) which means that I still have a solid 11 weeks left to go.

I know that this is about the time that you start to notice the major stain or stress on your body - you feel wobbly, unstable, and just uncomfortable as you continue to grow and make (what little room you can) for the growing human inside you - but HOLY CRAP...I just want to lay on the couch and not think about having to function - well at least that is what my body wants me to do...my head is saying...NO WAY DUDE...Too much to do!

let the internal struggle begin!


is it really clean

I am having this internal struggle with these so called "green" products that I am supposed to be using. Why you ask...well - I am just not sure they truly get things clean.

I remember having this type of conversation with my friend, Moira, back when she was pregnant with Molly and they were moving into their house. There is just something to be said about the smell of Lysol, Clorox and Bleach in general...something that lets you know that no matter what - this is CLEAN.

But I just don't feel like I am getting that same sense of clean confidence with the green cleaners - even the ones from my trusted brands like Lysol and Clorox.

My time to clean is so limited, and with two dogs and a husband, it is hard to wrap my mind around taking the time to clean if what I clean doesnt feel well, clean.

This takes me back to a fond college memory - where one of my bestest friends and college roommate told me that she just loved the smell of clorox...yes...this came out of a 21 year olds mouth. Now - I won't mention any names...but I am pretty sure we are all well aware of who it is I am talking about.

But I totally get it now...the kitchen feels a little cleaner when you can use Clorox wipes and Lysol spray to wipe things down...the bathrooms don't feel clean unless Comet and Soft Scrub with bleach have been applied to every last hard surface. I am even struggling with the mandatory White Vinager and Water mixture that you HAVE to use on the Pergo flooring - something in my head just hasn't clicked that this actually works to clean things.

Call me crazy - or a product of my super clean mom, or my Clorox happy roommate - but its been a really big struggle for me.

I won't lie and say that I don't use Clorox Wipes for just about everything. But Mike has taken over cleaning the shower and I bought one of those wands that keeps you from having to get your hands dirty or get to close to anything when you are cleaning the toilets...but I am not going to say that I have fully embraced the notion of green cleaners.

so excited...

This is shaping up to be a big week for Miss D - at least in the room setup area.

Sunday and Monday - daddy went to town starting to get the room together. He painted and cleaned the carpets. And yesterday, he moved the majority of the stuff that was in the nursery into the other room (including the futon) so that we could start getting things set up.

He also tackled the changing table - check out the previous post for his "play by play" of that task.

Tonight I am looking forward to making even more progress on the furniture set up! Especially because Grandma (my mom) is in town for the weekend.

She is being such a huge help in "deep cleaning" the house - since I am unable to use things like Clorox, bleach and Lysol - three things I deem very necessary for the house to actually feel clean. More on that subject later. But, she has already cleaned the guest bathroom and washed down the walls in the guest room. What would I do without her!

More updates as we make more progress on the room...and hopefully a few pictures to go along!

Delainey's Nursery

Delainey's nursery is starting to come together in preparation for baby Delainey's arrival. The room as been painted a much better color than the puke green that was in there when we bought the house. I started to put together furniture for her room last night as well. I started with the changing table, mainly because the box was already in the room, and let me tell you it was a task. After sifting through the over 250 pieces, including screws and nails, I began reading the directions and familiarizing myself with the 28 step process. 2 1/2 hours later we had a completed changing table in the room and it really made the room look a lot different to me. I will be tackling some more furniture this weekend! Erin was very supportive in assisting me when I needed another hand.


RATS | Part 2

Update on the Tire Fiasco...

both tires needed to be replaced. Awesome...two tires with less than 6,000 miles on them...oh well...trying to focus on the joys and blessings in our life! There were two little holes in the tires, in the one place that could not be "patched" - smile - it could have been worse!


After a very productive weekend, we woke up to two flat tires (again) on the CR-V. Let me back up a little. On Saturday morning, I was going about my morning routine and Mike came into the bathroom to tell me that I would not be following him to Perfection Honda when he took the Accord to get the oil changed because we had two flat tires on the CR-V.
Frustrated, I tried to think of why we would have not one but TWO flat tires. I finished up my “routine” and headed outside to check out the damage.
There is was, plain as day, the two passenger side tires of my less than six month old car, were both flat. Like totally flat, no chance of driving this bad boy, rims almost touching cement on the driveway. GRRR…talk about a heck of a way to start a Saturday!
Of course, in true Mike fashion – he asked me what I drove over – and I looked at him smiled and kindly reminded him that he drove the CR-V on Friday. After a little laugh – and some pointing out that I was glad he took the CR-V on Friday because I know this would be blamed on me (especially when I wasn’t around) we started to figure out what to do.
I have had AAA for years – I am covered under my mom’s plan – which trust me, has come in handy more times than I want to admit. But when I went to look for my card, the only one I had expired January 31 of this year. I called Sharon to find out if she had sent me the new card – but either way, we needed to figure something out.
When we bought the cars back in October, because we bought two of them, they gave us complementary service and such – which we now know also, includes towing up to $50. Thank goodness we only needed to go 3.5 miles – which (quote the driver) should be covered by the $50. Wow…I would hate to think what it would cost to go 10 miles.
We called the service number, they set up the tow truck and said they would be out in about 45 minutes. After the tow truck arrived and loaded up the CR-V, Mike and I jumped in the Accord and headed over to Perfection Honda (mind you I was just here last Saturday to get the oil changed in my car and the wiper blades replaced…pretty much my favorite place to be on a Saturday) When we got there, we set up Mike’s oil change and explained to Greg (the very nice man working the service desk that day) what we found this morning.
We settled in to wait – enjoying the Perfection Honda Customer Service Lounge – complete with Krispy Kream doughnuts (which Mike partook in) and a TV (no need to miss the NBA Playoffs) to find out what the damage would be on two new tires.
After about 20 minutes, Greg came over to tell us that they had run the tests on the tires and that they didn’t find anything wrong with them. I guess they over-inflate them and then put a soapy solution on them to see where it bubbles to determine where the problem is to patch. He said that it appears that someone just let the air out of both tires.
At this point in time – we were both a little annoyed – who would do that – and relieved because it means we did not have to replace the tires. While they finished up on Mike’s car, we sat and laughed as my (now reformed) husband told me about some of his youthful escapades. In the back of my head, I thought – well this would be why some stupid kid (Wow I am getting old) thought it would be a riot to let the air out of my tires last night…stupid @ss! Karma is a…well you know the word!
After Mike’s oil change was finished, we decided to head to Best Buy (Mike needed to stock up on his country music selections…HA!) and Chick Fila for lunch. We had to run to Lowes after, but in an effort to “Shop Local” we decided to head home, drop off one of the cars and head over to the Lowes in Rio Rancho. **Ok ok, this is only partly true…we made the decision to shop local only after I realized that I had left the Lowes gift cards at home**
On our quick stop home, Mike finished the other side of Delainey’s room with the carpet cleaner – I told you he was super productive this weekend – and then we got into the CR-V to head to Lowes. After our successful (maybe too successful) trip to Lowes, we got back in the car, and noticed there was a little orange exclamation point on the dashboard that has since lit up. Being that I have no idea what most of the indicators in this car mean, I got out the handy little guide book and looked it up…well all be a monkey’s uncle (not sure where that came from) it means that our tire pressure is low.
WTF…we just spent an hour at Perfection Honda and they said there was nothing wrong – but now…now…the tire pressure light is going to come on!
Mike had to go to work at 6:30 and I was heading over to my friend Moira’s house for dinner and Mad Men, so we said that we would watch it and if need be, we could take it back tomorrow.
Talk about a slow leak…when we woke up the next morning and most of yesterday – the tire looked like it was losing air – but not at any great rate. Knowing that it was Sunday and that Mike had today off, we opted to let it go for the day.
Well – when I went out to go to work this morning – there was my little CR-V at a slant because both the front and back passenger side tires were almost completely deflated.
So…my wonderful and amazing husband is busy dealing with this “issue” today – and trying to get it resolved before our 2:30 appointment with our Midwife.
I have had one flat tire in my life – it was in Iowa as I was running to Wal-Mart one day during work – thank God for AAA!
However, in the last 72 hours – I have had FOUR flat tires…and no real reason (yet) as to why.
We will let you know how this whole thing turns out…until then…keep your fingers crossed that is just needs to be patched and that we don’t have to replace the two tires all together.


Nursery Update

Mike hard at work

We made some major progress on Miss Delainey's room today - I am so proud of my husband for all of his hard work and effort in making sure we finished painting today. He knows how important this is to me, and even more so, he understands how hard it is for me to be "sidelined" from helping...so he is going above and beyond to make sure that we accomplish everything I want, even though he is the one solely responsible for making it happen.

Here are some pictures of Mike painting the nursery - which is now a beautiful navy blue color as opposed to the gross pea green the room was before. And of course...the finished paint job!

We will keep updating as we make more progress!

Happy (productive) Sunday!

daddy admiring his work...nicely done!

love the look of navy walls and white trim! But the fan is being replaced next weekend.

goodbye green walls...you won't be missed!

Belly Pictures | 28 weeks

We started our third trimester on Wednesday!! 12ish weeks to go!

Enjoy this week's belly pictures.

just can't do what I used to

I am quickly learning that even though my head says - you can do this and you should keep going - my body is yelling stop!

One of the many "joys" of pregnancy is that you get tired very easily. Another is that you are limited in what you can do.

As we are starting to work on the nursery, I am finding that there are so many things that I really want to do but just can't. I wanted to start painting this morning - Mike got home around 5am this morning because they had an event that lasted pretty much the entire night, so he is obviously exhausted and still sleeping - but I can't be around paint. Even though I could totally be sitting on the ground painting the area that we can't get with a roller (between the baseboard and the corners) but I can't expose the baby to the smells of paint. I could also be organizing the other room, but I can't move things that weigh a lot.

So here I sit...not sure what to do...bored and anxious and really just wanting to be productive. But totally unable to be!

oh well...guess I should enjoy the "excuse" to be lazy!

working on the nursery

Mike and I started officially working on Miss Delainey's nursery yesterday after a very strange morning.

Mike cleaned the carpet in her room with the professional carpet cleaner from the Star Center (some of the perks of his job I guess) and we took a trip to Lowes to pick out the paint and gather a few items we needed for her room like a light fixture.

All in all (aside from the two flat tires we found on my CR-V yesterday morning and the hour we spent at Perfection Honda "dealing" with this) it was a very productive day.

Check out the picture of the nursery "before" - yes those are pea green walls - yes they were this color when we bought the house and just were not a total priority because really this room had been very rarely used until now...but now...the green goes!

imagine that...Pudga felt the need to be in the picture!
Phase 1 of the nursery (cleaning the carpet) has started...the futon is still in the nursery but we are going to move it out today. It is starting to get real...Miss D will be here in less than 12 weeks (well that's if she feels like coming "on time")

Cheers to a productive Sunday!


Maternity Clothes

One of my least favorite things about this whole experience is the requirement that you expand your wardrobe to include clothes that have a lot more room in the belly, hips and butt. Elastic waste bands, waistbands that extend up to your boobs and anything that stretches, seems to be super fashionable in my world these day.

So for those of you that know me, you know that I LOVE shopping - just ask my husband! But I am pretty sure for the first time in my entire life, I despise shopping. I hate that I have to spend money on maternity clothes, clothes that I will not wear for more than a few months and honestly, clothes that are super expensive considering that you will wear them for only a few months.

Although maternity clothes have made huge strides in the past 10 years...they are still maternity clothes. And although they make eating lunch or dinner out - and eating a little too much - just a little more comfortable, they still have elastic waste bands.

Last night, I was showing Mike my belly, and he couldn't stop laughing at what my maternity pants looked like. They are black capri jersey pants that I work out in or hang out in, and they have a full panel that comes up to about my sports bra. With the full panel, and black sports bra that is larger than life these days, I look like I am covered from almost head to toe to rock a spring look. One thing I will say is that they make covering up an art!

Oh well - for now I will just have to sit back and enjoy it - and laugh along with my husband at some of the looks that now make up my "style"

oh the joys!

How are you feeling

I got the cutest text message today from one of my best friends (who also happens to be pregnant) asking when people stop asking how you are feeling.

That made me laugh - because my honest answer was...they don't...and it will actually get to a point where they will ask you how you are feeling and as soon as you answer, they will walk away.

How are you feeling is a super nice question that people ask because they are genuinely interested and want to know how you are feeling - but after a while, it gets hard to not be brutally honest with everyone that asks.

However, from what I have learned - the honest truth is not what people want to hear.

I have also read in a few of my books that about this time, you start to get a little apathetic towards your "current situation" - like can we please talk about something other than my pregnancy. Its even worse because my job/career requires me to network and build relationships with a lot of people...which means a lot of superficial conversations (and some real ones) that tend to revolve around my pregnancy.

either way - I appreciate that people are interested and concerned - but just wish we could talk about something else every once in a while.

Sesame Street and Reflection

As I sit here in my office today and hear and see the show load in for tonight and tomorrow's Sesame Street Live performances I cant help but look at this in a different way than I ever have before. This is probably the 6 or 7th Sesame Street event that I have worked and this one feels much different. It feels much different because next time I work a Sesame Street Event little Delainey will be with me and Erin. To be honest I can't wait for her to "grace" us with her presence. Today, I am also reminded of many childhood memories, including my first trip to see Sesame Street Live. If I remember correctly, and I am sure Mom and Dad will correct me if I am wrong, I believe it took place at the Township Auditorium. I don't remember specifics of the show, but I do have mental images of that day that I still remember. I remember vividly sitting on my dads shoulders as we walked on the concourse. For this particular Sesame Street Event what I remember most is spending time with my Dad, and having so much fun. To be honest I am not sure if mom was there. (sorry if you were mom!) I have always cherished time with my Dad, yet I do not think I ever told him how much I liked/like hanging out with him. When I was growing up my Dad, being the hard working man that he is, wanted my mom to be able to stay home with me and Jessie. During this time he used his musical talents to bring in extra income, sacrificing weekend time with his family, his sleep, and his health (due to the smoky clubs of course) to provide us with the best life that we could ask for. Looking back on it now, I am not sure that I will ever be able to show my appreciation to both him and my Mom for what they did and still continue to do for me and Jessie. I hope and pray that Erin and I can have that much of a positive impact on Delainey during her growth and development in this world. I love you mom and dad! (Nina and Poppi)


Belly Pictures 27 weeks

It was a pretty busy week - not much time or energy to blog this week and not really much changing in our world...

I am making progress on organizing everything in the two rooms, and Mike is going to paint next Monday (he has to take a day off so he might a well make it productive) and clean the carpets.

27 weeks...Wednesday marks 28 and the start of our third trimester! It's going so quickly - July will be here before we know it!


Belly Pictures | 26 weeks

Sorry these are a little late - I spent most of the day trying to clean and organize the two bedrooms (our guest room and Delainey's room) to create some sort of order in both - still a long way away from that goal!

Enjoy this week's belly pictures - I have been taking daily pictures counting down from 100 days out (until July 6) but will still do these weekly belly pictures to show the week by week progression.

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

26 weeks and almost out
of our 2nd trimester!

top down belly shot

lots of pratice

I personally believe that Miss Pudga has been doing her best to ensure that we have plenty of practice for little Lainey!

Not sure she minds the extra attention she is getting as a test subject either!

Check out some of the pictures as Mike gets a little extra practice courtesy of oga.

Pudga snuggled with Daddy

testing out the glider

seems to be working well

2 years ago today...

Will You Marry Me?
Two years ago today - my best friend asked me to be his wife...

Two years ago today - my best friend surprised me by flying my mom in to see the whole thing

Two years ago today - I said yes

Two years ago today - I was welcomed into one of the most amazing families in the world

Two years ago today - my best friend became a part of my family

Two years ago today - my life changed forever - and I have never been happier!

I love you Michael John Killion - my husband, my best friend, my better half!

95 and the last Thunderbirds Game

I went to the last Thunderbirds game yesterday to spend time with Mike. Here is our 95 day out picture (I personally think I look like a house) and a picture of Mike and I during the game. He just looks so handsome!

95 days to go...well until July 6th

Me & Mike at the final Thunderbirds game of the year