So when you look at what college will cost when our little princess is ready to head off to those magical 4 years of growing up and partying down (she only gets four unless there is some really awesome reason why she needs 5) it gets a little depressing as the estimate for a public university eduction including books (should those still be around) room & board and tuition is just over $160,000 per year - and don't even get me started on what a private education will cost!
obviously - we need to start planning ASAP and prepare for this major expense as I don't want Delainey strapped with the loans that my husband and I are paying off right now for my eduction and I also don't want to rely on Miss D getting an athletic scholarship or even an academic one - if she does...awesome and she will be able to put the money we are saving towards something else but I in no way want to count on that.
so in an effort to start the saving process as early as possible...I am selling the Black & White Damask Table Runners that we used on our tables for the reception. They are elegant and classic and would be a perfect touch for any wedding, shower or event.
In all actuality - Sharon is the one that bought them and will be getting whatever money comes from this...but I needed some way to tie it into Miss D!
I have posted an ad on craigslist and posted on Facebook - but if anyone knows anyone that is getting married or hosting an event or just really wants 12 table runners...let me know! We are asking $10 per runner OBO...
crazy side note - when we looked at renting runners very similar to these and it was over $40 per runner just to rent them...I found these on Etsy and they were perfect, beautiful and so much less expensive!
Let me know if you need more information or have questions - and please direct any interested parties to me via email (
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