

Last night, as I was looking for a bookmark, I found the original piece of paper that has the names that both Mike and I liked - before we knew that Delainey Grace was the perfect name for our little princess.

It was kind of fun to find and look at the names again...we still really love all of them, and might just end up using one of them for Cockeye #2...even though we changed the way we decided to spell Delainey (in the picture is says Delaney) we knew that this name was "the one."

The best part of it is that we had four girls names written down and only one boy's name...whether that means that we deep down inside we knew it was a girl...or the one boy's name was also the ONE...who knows...but just thought I would share this little find.

1 comment:

  1. Xander is our favorite boys name and Kenzie is my best friends daughters name. Good picks!
