
One Month Old

It is kind of funny...I remember when my friends had babies, and they were on maternity leave...and I would check their blog page every day to see if there were any updates - and there never were. I would think to myself...what are they doing - and why do they not blog more...I NEED to know what is going on with their worlds...

well let me tell you - I now know why they were not blogging more.

I am not sure if it the exhaustion, or the randomness of the schedule, or wanting to spend every waking minute with my little love...but I have been totally slacking in the blogging department.

So...Lainey is now one month and one day old...it is so hard to believe that a month ago today, we were getting acclimated to the newest member of our family and very much ready to go home - it was a really long hospital stay.

She has changed so much in the past month - when I look back at pictures from the first few days of her life, and the first week she was home and compare them to the way she looks now...she is so much more alive...you can just see her personality coming to life.

She stays awake for longer periods of time now, and is entertained with little things (not physically little a that is totally not safe...but things that we take for granted because they are second nature to us) It is so fun to watch her grow and change and explore her little world - and to be along for the ride as he little world grows.

1 month old
(I know the date says 7.17 but I promise this was taken yesterday) 


Delainey's newborn pictures

Grandma is posting this link to help out the new mommy and daddy!  They are very busy with their new little angel.  Here is the link to Delainey's newborn pictures. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed watching Thatcher take the pictures.  I know you will agree with me that she is just precious!


Moby Wrap

I am such a huge fan of the Moby Wrap...

we were lucky enough to get a wonderful baby bjorn from my dear college friends for our shower...but I learned that you can't use that until the baby is a little older. With the impending trip to Cleveland (what was going to be only a few weeks into Lainey's life) I wanted to get something that we can use to cart Lainey through the airport and keep her safe and close - other than in the car seat/travel system.

I picked up a Moby Wrap from Babies R Us a few weeks ago, and put it to use this morning. My mom, Lainey, the puppas and I went for a walk - well sort of a walk as I made it up and down the street and then had to call it a day - small steps - and I pulled out the Moby Wrap to try it out. I tied it on, slipped Delainey in and off we went.

She was asleep in no time, and has yet to wake up - this was almost 40 minutes ago. And I have not taken the Moby Wrap off...she is still snuggled and swaddled on my chest - leaving both hands free to do other things - important for someone who is getting wrestles only a few days into my maternity leave.

Highly recommended to any moms that like to keep their babies close and snuggled - but also have the urge to do other things at the same time - Hello Multi-Tasking!!

Check out Lainey snuggled in our Moby Wrap.


Breast Feeding...4 days in

Well we have been home for a total of two nights at this point in time...and both of them have been very different. Not only from what we were used to prior to the arrival of Miss Delainey, but also different from each other.

She is less than a week old -  neither Mike nor I expect her to sleep through the night...and wow this child can eat. Pardon the bluntness of this statement, but I seriously think it is her mission to suck the nipples right off my boobs...she is feeding every 1.5 to 2 hours...and I am not sure how much more my tender, cracked and sore nipples can take.

But, I did want to post that breastfeeding is truly an amazing process. While it hurts today, and will probably hurt tomorrow...I know that this will pass and it will become even more enjoyable. The bond that you share with your child when you know that you are providing the sustenance that is keeps her belly full, nourishes her growth and helps to fight off infections...and that she turns to you for this.

It is not easy, it is taxing and time consuming and painful at times...it is so worth it. And this is from the girl that was not sure if she saw the true value of breast feeding because of all the sacrifices that come along with it. But I can share my story and my story only.

I have a lot of respect for women that make the choice to breast feed just as I understand and have a lot of respect for those women that feel breast feeding is simply not for them. It is honestly a personal choice and I can see the pros and cons of both choices.

I do feel bad for my husband, breast feeding is something that is beautiful and amazing, but something that only you can do...which tends to leave daddy out of the process. But we have made it a point to make sure that Mike has duties and responsibilities associated with Delainey's feedings as well - for example - he is on burping duty...and he is awesome at it. I have seen it several times, but the second you hand her over to daddy - and he touches her back, she lets out the biggest burp and you can see the relief on her face. He is also charged with making sure that she latches well - as someone who is just in the beginning stages of breast feeding - I have to make sure that she is latched correctly, in an effort to make sure my nipples can take this. He has been extremely helpful and supportive.

We have read many things that say that the success of a mother's choice to breast feed is directly associated with the level of support that she gets from her husband. Well let me tell you, Mike has made it his mission to truly support me in whatever decision I make...and we are both happy that we have made this decision for our daughter.

Happy two days at home...


Delainey Grace Killion

So as many of you know...well those that have been following us on Facebook (gotta love technology) that we welcomed our beautiful little girl into the world on Thursday morning at 10:44 a.m.

She weighed 6 lbs 10 oz and was 20 inches long...and totally and completely perfect!

I am sure that in the very near future I will blog about some of the many emotions and feelings I felt and am feeling in conjunction with this amazing and wild ride into motherhood, but I can tell you one thing...I have never in my life fallen so hard for something so fast. I have heard from many mothers that it is a feeling unlike any other...and to be honest, I could not agree more.

I obviously love my husband...but I choose to love him. I chose to make him a part of my life and to love him and to spend the rest of my life with him...but this - little perfect amazing person...this is a love that I have never felt before. I cried when she was born, I could sit all day and just look at her and I felt helpless when she was getting blood drawn...for the first time in my life, I would have given anything to have it be me and not her.

So I introduce to you, the newest Killion!!! Miss Delainey Grace Killion - I can't wait to share more pictures, stories, and experiences with everyone we love...where ever you are!


Completion of 24 Hour Urine Collection Marathon

The urine collection is complete. Erin's blood pressure has been much lower than it was last night but it is still relatively high for what she usually measures in at. The collection process is officially complete now we are just waiting to hear back on the results. We should know something in the early morning. Erin is actually catching some zzzz's now and I hope that she is able to get a good amount of rest tonight especially if the results come back positive for pre-eclampsia and we have to induce tomorrow.

We will keep everyone updated as we get the information.

Love you all!


We wanted to post an update on what has been going on in the past 24 hours...

Mike and I had our weekly appointment yesterday at 3pm. We met at UNM and waited to be seen by our midwife. During our appointment, they checked my blood pressure and it came back higher than it has been at any of my other appointments. They checked it several times after that, and each time, it remained that high.

This apparently got us a one way ticket to OB Triage. We later learned the high blood pressure is a symptom of pre-eclampsia which is super dangerous for the mom and the baby...here is more information on pre-eclampsia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pre-eclampsia)

While we were at OB Triage, they hooked me up to a BP monitor that checked every five minutes. While I was sitting there, my blood pressure spiked so they admitted me to triage to check my vitals and monitor the baby. They took blood, checked my temperature and hooked me up to a fetal monitor. We sat in the OB Triage room for four hours, they did an ultra sound, checked my BP every 15 minutes and finally after what felt like forever, the doctor came in to explain the next step.

They explained that it may be pre-eclampsai and that they were going to admit me to the hospital to be monitored for the next 24 hours. I was going to have to do a pee test (they collect my urine for 24 hours and test it for proteins) and make a decision after that. If any other symptoms of pre-eclampsai appeared, they would induce me. If not - they would wait for my blood work, pee test results and make some decisions from there.

So now it is 3:30...i have not been home since 7am yesterday morning...and we have been at UNM for 24 hours now.

The OB doctor came in this afternoon to give us a little more information - basically they think it is pre-eclampsia but are not 100% sure. If it is not pre-eclampsia, then it is Gestational Hypertension...which is also not a good thing for moms to be, and will mean that we will be induced next week. From talking to the OB doctor today, we have learned two things. After 10pm tonight, they will test my pee and make some decisions tomorrow morning. If they determine it is pre-eclampsia, Delainey will make her grand entrance before the weekend. If they determine it is Hypertension, they will wait until I am 38 weeks...and then induce. We will be 38 weeks a week from tomorrow.

We are in the hospital until at least tomorrow mid day, and may be leaving with Miss Delainey...but at this point in time...we are just waiting to find out what the next steps are.

keep us in your thoughts and prayers...the doctor said that this is the most common complication for healthy women...that regardless of what you did or didn't do during your pregnancy, there is really nothing that you could have done to counter act this - it's just one of those things that is out of your control. If you are pregnant - do some research and pay attention to your signs and symptoms...most of the time, pre-eclampsia occurs pre-term which can put you and the baby at a greater risk - we are pretty lucky that we are 37 weeks and according to the ultra sound they did yesterday, Delainey is full grown and would just need to be monitored a little longer after she is born if they induce soon.

fingers crossed that we know something soon...we will do our best to keep you updated as we learn new information.


Diapers and Beer

This Saturday me and some of my closest friends got together for a diapers and beer party. This get together was yet another celebration of Delainey's anticipated arrival. Everyone that attended brought a pack of diapers and their selection of beer. We played poker, watched the UFC PPV and watched movies that threw around the F word like it was a noun, verb, adverb, and adjective....Casino with De Niro and Devito.

All in all it was a great time...don't get me wrong I have been involved in crazier parties in the past, but it was fun just to hang out and have a few beverages. With that being said usually there would be little left over but this time I have about 75 percent of my garage fridge filled with an assortment of beer. This would never have happened 5 years ago. 5 Years ago we all would have drinken ourselves into oblivion just to prove a point to nobody at all.

All of this combined with the simple fact that we are all indeed getting older really reassures me that I am growing up and preparing to be a first time father.

I did decide to give myself a mohawk which I am sure will surface somewhere soon.

23 days until the due date!


Yoga Pants

If I can give mommies to be a little advice...invest in several pairs of yoga pants...mainly black - but other colors work well too.

The ones that I have found that work best for me are from Target's Liz Lang Maternity line and are just under $20. They wash up well and continue to look nice (at least in my mind) despite the fact that they have pretty much become the staple of my wardrobe.

They run a little big - I have a pair of large and a pair of extra-large...and the large are by far the better fitting pair - and I put both pairs in the dryer and have yet to see any issue with shrinking.

Why yoga pants you ask...well let me tell you - you will get to a certain point in your pregnancy where the following things are likely to happen regardless of how well you plan or what you do to try to avoid it.

1. You will no longer fit into the majority of your maternity clothes...the clothes you bought to "grow" with you will simply give up and there will be no more room for them to expand. While they may fit over your belly, and still look ok on top...you will notice that they continue to get shorter - so you have to wear a tank top under the shirts, or they just won't be very comfortable, or they will just flat out not fit any more.

2. Because these are the clothes that you have been wearing for many many weeks - especially if you are working mommy to be and have to get up and get dressed for an office setting every day, these clothes will look like they have been through hell and back. I have clothes that I have had for years that are in better shape than my maternity clothes...and it figures that they start to have holes in them, or have stains that you can't explain, or simply not fit right around the time that you have committed to yourself that you will NOT spend any more money on maternity clothes - because you only have so many days that you have to venture out in public (i.e. work) and pretend like you actually care a little about what you have on.

3. what was comfortable in the early/middle months of pregnancy - not so much now. I will admit it - I rocked heels, tight fitting clothes, pants with the panels that sit below your bump, etc...and I am not saying that this will happen to you - but as of late...the thought of heels makes every part of my body hurt, and the pants/jeans that I have that sit below my belly, actually press so hard into my stomach (they fit every where else) that it leaves red marks for days and tight fitting clothes just remind me of how disproportionate I actually look.

4. While I have very few complaints when it comes to being tall - I will complain that maternity clothes are not made for tall people...especially not tall people with growing bellies. While most of my spring/summer dresses fit through month 7 or 8 of my pregnancy, they are now pretty much mini-dresses and no longer work for work. I have added leggings to most of them to be able to still wear them - but there is just something about wearing leggings all the time with dresses that makes you feel like a 10 year old.

so here I am...26 days away from the ever elusive due date (I know I know - she will come when she wants but I have to have something to count down to) and every single morning is a struggle to get dressed. I have resorted to wearing my black yoga pants pretty much every day...sandals are my best friends and anything stretchy or with a full panel elastic waist see the light of day much more than my "stylish" maternity clothes.

I will not spend another dollar on maternity clothes - not to mention that I now need to look at investing in nursing clothes - another post for another time, but I may have to go this weekend to pick up one or two more tank tops from Gap Maternity - they are long and stretch and wash up really nicely and I figure, they will come in handy even after Delainey is born and I work to get my pre-baby body back (another post for another day)

So word of advice...go now and invest in several pairs of comfortable yoga style pants - they just may be the staple of your maternity wardrobe during you last few weeks!


Belly Pictures | 35 Weeks

Sorry these are a little late...

Enjoy our week 35 belly pictures!


Birthing Ball

So my latest discovery - and I am not pretending that I am the first one to ever come to this discover, but it is something I feel like I should share with all my pregnant friends - is a Birthing Ball.

I actually read about this a few times in various books that touched on the subject of finding more comfortable ways to sit and relive pressure, but it wasn't until we went down to our birthing class a few weeks ago that I was able to get a trial run with it...and let me tell you - it was awesome.

What is a Birthing Ball - honestly, it is nothing more that one of those large plyo balls that you can use (often gyms and trainers have them to use for stability exercises, core workouts and such) that are great to use for sit ups, back workouts and stretching...I have used these before and enjoy the work out they provide...but I have a totally new found respect for them now!

I went to Target the other day to purchase one - they are not expensive, I got a large one for around $10 - and had Mike inflate it with the pump this past weekend. I have pretty much been using it all weekend and even last night, when I couldn't sleep and couldn't get comfortable, I pulled it out to sit for a little while.

Just rocking from side to side and back and forth - with both feet on the ground and near a solid or sturdy item to help you should you start to lose your balance or need help up - seems to work wonders on relieving the tremendous amount of pressure that I am currently experiencing in the lower half of my body. I even commented to Mike yesterday, just how crazy it was that a little (well not so little) ball could really provide this much temporary relief.

I am running out to Target at lunch today to purchase another one for the office - It will be nice to be able to sit on that as opposed to sitting on my crappy desk chair in the remaining few weeks of this pregnancy. We are also planning on bringing the birthing ball with us to the hospital when I go into labor. While we were told that they have a few available for use - they do not have enough for every room on the L&D floor and if we want to ensure that we are able to have one to use, the best bet is to bring our own. Check and Check!

Seriously - pregos...if you are even remotely starting to feel pressure and a little pain in your lower half...namely as the baby's head starts to press lower in your pelvic region...this thing is a true relief!

so this is what midnight looks like

For the past several months of my pregnancy - I have made sure that I go to bed by 10:00 pm every night. Mostly because at that point in time, I am usually tired enough to justify going to bed, and I know that the next morning will come very early, and it helps me (even on the weekends) to ensure that I am able to get up early and get things done.

But last night...I simply couldn't get comfortable...I tossed and turned and finally decided that I needed to head out to the living room to see if walking or even sitting on the birthing ball - which happens to be nothing but the big inflatable plyo balls that are great for doing sit ups and stretching your back - which I have found as of late, works really well to relieve some of the pressure on my lower half.

I know that I was tired...I could hardly keep my eyes open as I was sitting there but it just felt so much better than laying in bed.

The dogs both came out occasionally to check on me - and I assured them I was fine and told them to go back to bed...so they groggily trotted back to the bedroom to snuggle with Mike. And there I sat, just rolling side to side - enjoying the few minutes (well 30 actually) of pressure relief the birthing ball offered.

Once I finally climbed back into bed - I fell asleep rather quickly...and only woke up a few times during the night to go to the bathroom or change positions. If only someone could invent a way to sleep on the birthing ball so you are getting the best of both worlds near the end of your pregnancy. That would be AMAZING and totally worth the investment!


Belly Pictures | 34 weeks

Happy 34 weeks...

Wednesday marks 35 weeks and only a few short weeks from some major milestones like "full term" and nine months!

Crazy to think that Mike was born at 34 weeks only 28 years ago. I would say that I am glad we made it through this week without any real complications...but we still have a few more days to go before I can say that.

Cheers to week 34!!!

34 weeks and counting

Rally Beard...

Mike has decided that he will contribute to the next few weeks leading up to Miss Delainey's arrival by opting not to shave his beard or his head.

I know that many dads do this in the weeks prior to their daughter/son's birth...and I actually think it is sort of really cool. While I could do with out all the extra hair - especially because I love when he shaves his head...but I also really like that he is doing his "thing" to get psyched for Lainey's big appearance. I also think that a part of it is because he loves the excuse of being able to not shave...but I know that is not the whole reason.

Check out the picture of "the beard"

34 week rally beard!

it's been a while...

Well - its been a while since the last time I posted on this bad boy - and for that I both apologize and would love to be able to explain why...but at this point in time - I am not sure I can really give you a reason. I would like to say that it was because I have nothing to say...or that I have been SOOO busy that I simply couldn't make time - but I honestly think that the reason is because I was going through my introverted period of my pregnancy. I was attempting to internalize many of the feelings and processes that I was experiencing, and right or wrong...I just felt like keeping it to myself.

Thanks to my husband for keeping up with the major things in our life on the blog...and for those of you that have "stuck" with us during this little absence.

I will make more of an effort to keep things updated as we get to the "end" - and then even more of an effort to keep the blog updated once Lainey is born and we have new and different experiences every single day!

Happy Monday...hope everyone is enjoying the day off and remembers why today is so special!


More Prepared?

Saturday Erin and I went to an all day Baby class. We covered lots of important things including, breathing techniques, false vs true labor, breastfeeding, swaddling, bathing, and other things. All and all it was a good experience for the both of us and it answered some questions that I had. We also got to tour the facility and see the birthing rooms and other rooms. I think for both of us it allowed us to say that yes we have done the class which brings us one step closer to the actual birth. Everyone else in the class was at least 36 weeks so all of the couples were 2 weeks ahead of us in their journey.

This class also provided 8 hours of great people watching. I know that we are both nervous to be parents to some degree but after seeing the other couples....lets just say that it eased my mind a little and we will be just fine. We have a great support system and we are just really excited to get this whole parenting role started...well at least I am.


Belly Pictures | 32 Weeks

Better late than never...

here is our 32 week belly pictures...a day before we hit 33 weeks.

50 days away from little Lainey's due date...anyone want to take bets if she makes it?


Great Fun with Great Friends for a Great Reason

Yesterday we had a get together at our friends Jenn and Joe's house for Delainey's baby shower. It was a great time with great friends in celebration of the anticipated arrival of Delainey. Erin and I could not ask for a better group of friends. It seems that everywhere our careers have taken us we always form friendships with wonderful people. New Mexico has been no different and that was evident by the support of the group that took part in this great event. I can't thank Jenn and Moira enough for the planning and preparation for yesterday's special day. The official countdown has begun...although I am sure Erin has been counting down since the start of the 3rd trimester. It is only a matter of weeks before Delainey sees this world for the first time and Erin and I get to embark on another great chapter of our lives together.

Thanks everyone for making yesterday a day filled with laughter, friendship and love!


October 15, 2008

While cleaning out her email archives today, one of my best friends found this old email.

She forwarded it to me with a message "I'm cleaning up old emails and found this in my archives...wow! How Cute!"

Not really knowing what she had found - I scrolled down to read the original email...which was titled LOVE.

And this is what it said...

Oh my god…I love what it feels like to be in love…

We were talking on the phone last night and he was like…well I am going to watch cops and then go to bed…and I was like…ok sleep well…and he said…I love you (which is the first time he has said it at the end of a conversation - like he will say it in emails or text messages or when he is drunk - but this was sober, words and feelings) and I was like almost in tears and said…I love you too…

I fell asleep with a smile on my face, have had a smile on my face all day and simply love the way I feel…

I told him today that he has no idea how amazing he made me feel when he said he loved me last night that I have not stopped smiling all day…and he said…yes I do - because it felt amazing to say it.


I sent this to three of my best friends, some of the most important people in my life...Rissy, Ney and Jilly.

I remember this day as if it was yesterday...and I started to cry - like not just tear up, but tears streaming down my face crying as I read and re-read this email.

And now...as we are a few short weeks away from welcoming our beautiful daughter into this world...I am reminded all over again (just in case I needed it) the way he makes me feel every single day of my life and how lucky I am to have shared in the journey - although bumpy at times - with him. And that everything that we "experienced" along the way...was worth it!

I love you more today than I did yesterday and (even though I didn't think it was possible at the time) way more than I loved you the day I sent this email.

A very big THANK YOU to Renee Canfield for reminding me just how much I love him, and just how much I love her!


Belly Pictures | 31 weeks

Happy 31 weeks!!

Enjoy this week's pictures.

Happy Mothers Day!

Reflections on Mothers Day

As I sit here, thinking about how much I wish I could spend today with the amazing mothers in my family, I have a rush of feelings surrounding me.

Being almost 8 months pregnant, I am finding that this mothers day is very different for me. I have spent most of the past 7 years away from my mom on Mothers day, meaning that normally my day is pretty low key. This year, as I am not totally a mother yet - but know that this will be the last mothers day where I wont be a mother...I can't help but think about all the wonderful things the mothers in my life have done to inspire me.

To my mom, my grammy, my aunt patti...thank you for the love, support, memories and wisdom you have shared and continue to share. My only hope is that I can be as good of a mother to my daughter as you have been to me! More than my mother, my grandmother, my aunt...you are my friends and for that I am blessed!

To my amazing mother - in - law...thank you for raising a son that is able to love, respect and rejoice in the good and bad of our relationship. And thank you for welcoming me into your life and family. I could not ask for a more loving person and friend!

To my beautiful friends who joined the elite sorority of motherhood over the last year...you are all amazing women and I couldn't ask for a better group of women to share in this special experience. I will turn to you all over the years for help, advice and love...as I hope that you will be able to turn to me.

I wish every mother a very happy mothers day - may today be filled with the love and joy you share with everyone on a daily basis.



Today I was lucky enough to get a very nice note from my momma...well an email - but in today's communication model...I count an email on the same level that I count a text, phone call or Facebook message. Someone is taking the time to let you know that they are thinking about you!

This awesome note made me smile and feel better...my wonderful and beautiful mother had this to say...

"Just wanted you to know that I think you are an amazing woman and I am oh so proud of the woman you have become!  You are very talented and creative and you have learned to handle all situations.  Please do not let this stress you out or Miss Delainey!  I want what is best for both of you!  Let me know if I can do anything to help with the situation.  Remember you are wonderful and amazing and I am so very lucky to call you my daughter!  Love you lots and lots!"

So as I sat here and read this much needed pick me up from my momma...I thought back to one of my favorite memories of growing up.

When I was little, my mom used to write me little notes and put them in my lunch box. Every day at lunch, I would dive into my treats and find my mom's little hand written post-it note. Most of the time it said something to the effect of...I love you. You are wonderful. Hope you are having a great day....and sometimes it was more specific to a certain thing that was going on in my day. But it always let me know that she was thinking about me, and that she loved me and that I was important!

As I have been doing a lot of research on the benefits of being a stay at home mom vs. a working mom...and what I have found is that it doesn't matter if you are a working mother or a SAHM...what matters is the kind of mother that you are. There are plenty of mothers that work that are wonderful mothers of well adjusted, outgoing, happy children...and there are just as many mothers that stay at home, who's children are no better off. I often find that I look to my own mother for examples or resolve in my decision to work after Lainey is born.

As I think back to the things that made me feel like my mom was a huge part of my life, took an active interest in everything that was going on, and never made me think twice about her working or feel like I was missing out on something because my mom worked - these little notes are one of the many things that I recall.

I know that most of the time, I rolled my eyes, or maybe I didn't. I don't remember if I ever thanked her for taking the time to add a special note to my lunch box every day...but I do know that thinking back...it was one of the best parts of my day and something I will make sure to include in Lainey's life...even if it is just a text message or email saying...I love you and am so proud of you!

Puppy...I mean Pudga Training

One of the things that I think Mike and I have been putting off - maybe because we don't know how to truly start it, or maybe its because we feel a little silly or maybe it is because we both know it will take a lot more than everything we have read says it will...is getting our puppas ready for the arrival of Miss Delainey.

Let me back up...not our puppas...I am not worried about both of them - but it is getting our Pudga ready to take a back seat - she doesn't even sit in the back seat of the car - to the newest diva in our family.

I wish that I could truly explain to you just what a diva princess (blame me) Pudga really is. Ready for a little glimpse into her life...

  • she sleeps on a tempurpedic bed every night...because she has to snuggle right next to me. London sleeps on the floor - although don't let him fool you, he has two huge blankets and a pillow to snuggle with so he is far from hurting for love or attention.
  • She thinks the boppy body pillow was purchased so that she would be more comfortable when she sleeps
  • she gets carried to bed and placed gently on the pillow every night (don't ever let him tell you she doesn't have him wrapped around her little paw too)
  • she has learned that the bell hanging on the door can also be used to request food, cookies, water or just be annoying, as well as to go outside - the original purpose.
  • She eats at 6:30 every morning...Monday through Sunday and she will not let you sleep past that time. They say that dogs can't tell time, I promise you that she knows it is 6:30 and that it is time to eat. Only after she eats, does she snuggle back into bed for round two of sleep.
If you have met her - you know what I am talking about. If you have not - you are probably sitting there thinking...this stupid dog lives better than most people and how have you two let her get this out of control.

Ok - I will fully take responsibility for her current state. She is a princess - and I have made her every bit of the monster that she is today. But as Mike calls her, she is my Wubba...she calms me down, chills me out and is hands down the most therapeutic thing in the world. In fact - I am honestly trying to figure out how I can get her to the hospital with me when I go into labor...obviously I don't want her there for the delivery...but during the initial stages, when there is pain and discomfort and a lot of waiting...I know that she would be a calming force for me.

I know...she can't come and it may sound silly - but all of this is why I am a little worried about how Miss Pudga will react to Miss Delainey.

She has been around little babies...and she is a perfect little angel...they tug on her face, play with her ears, mess with her paws...and she just sits there and takes it. Its a good thing that Mike is always messing with her and she is fine with it...I think she believes that because she "puts up" with the crap Mike does to her, she is entitled to act like a princess.

I am not worried about her lashing out at Delainey - I am just worried that she will dive into a deep depression and feel like I am ignoring her - and that breaks my heart. Yes I am aware I have issues!

I know she will revert back to her (even) eviler ways...just this morning she ate one of my make up brushes. But I also pray that she will see that there is enough love for everyone and that she is not second fiddle but an important part of my life and more importantly, Lainey's life.

Oh Pudga!

Planner Personality

I believe that part of the joy of pregnancy is that it forces you to come to terms with the "type" of person you are.

For example...I am a planner. I make lists, I organize things, in short...I make an effort to plan as much of my life as possible.

Packing for a trip, I make a list - I don't always follow that list, but at least I have it as a starting point and reference.

I am quickly learning that with pregnancy and the impending birth of our daughter...it is not always possible to plan. I personally have no control over when Delainey decides that she is ready to join us on the "outside" nor do I really have any control over how the process goes.

In an effort to maybe (over) compensate for this inability to plan the major things that will be taking place soon...I find that I am over planning for other things. Take for example my "Go Bag List" - yes I have a working document that lives on my desktop complete with four separate columns and spaces to check off each item as I acquire it or pack it. A column for things I need to pack/take to the hospital, one for mike and one for Delainey. The fourth column is for things we still need to get in preparation for the hospital.

This may also explain why I was so anxious to get the nursery ready, to pick a name, and to find out the sex of the baby.

I have no choice but to come to terms with the fact that I in no way can plan when, where, how or at what pace Miss Delainey decides that she is ready for life outside. And that I pretty much have to turn over that plan to God or nature or Delainey for a while even after she arrives.

Consider it a work in progress!


For those of you that know me...you know that while I enjoy conflict probably more than the next person...in that I don't run from it or hide from it - but will often face it head on in hopes of finding a resolution and moving forward...I don't believe in letting things "brew" - I say what I have to say and look for the best solution in an effort to avoid similar conflict in the future... I am not one that likes conflict simply for the sake of conflict. And I find that more and more I am shying away from conflict if the results (based on previous experience) are becoming less and less about finding a solution and more about just looking for a fight.

I speak my mind...but only to the point that I feel like what I am saying is being heard and received.

I hope that I can raise our daughter to speak her mind, stand up for herself and face conflict head on...but also know when to waive the white flag and walk away from something that causes more stress then it is worth. I hope that I can instill in her that she is a strong, independent and amazing women and daughter...and that through my ability to differentiate between conflict worth my time, energy and patience and one that seems to be a losing battle, I can set an example that will set her on a path of successful conflict management for years to come.


a freight train

So it just sort of hit me...the way a wrecking ball just sort of hits the side of a building it is trying to destroy...that we are only nine weeks away (if Delainey Grace opts to stay safe and sound until the end) away from being parents.

trying to take a few deep breaths...can I do this...am I ready to be a mother?

First of all - where have the last 30ish weeks gone...30 doesn't sound like a lot of weeks...but when you break it out (four weeks per month) that is 7.5 months...Holy Cow - seven months...are you kidding me! I remember taking the pregnancy test (three times) and then telling mike that we were pregnant and then telling my best friends and then telling our parents and then telling work and then watching for a baby bump and then finding out that we were having a girl and then waiting for her to kick and now...as I sit here, thinking about how 7 and a half months have quite literally flown by, I am thinking to myself...now we are just waiting for her arrival.

I remember all of these things like they were yesterday, they feel like they were yesterday...time is moving so fast.

right now, this pregnancy feels like an impending freight train...the kind that you can't stop even if you wanted to - not that I want to...I am so excited to finally meet my...scratch that...our daughter. I can't wait to hold her, and smell her head and feel her skin next to mine. I think about the emotions that will flood inside and probably out when I see Mike hold his daughter for the first time...even now I am tearing up.

I think about how happy we will both be when Delainey meets her Grandma, and her Nina and Poppy and all the important people in her life.

I am both excited and slightly nervous for the time we bring her home from the hospital...and she gets to meet the rest of her family (Pudga and Lonard) for the first time...to see how they react and watch them fall in love with her.

But I am also scared to death...

I told Mike last night that I am pretty freaked out by the thought of labor and delivery. Obviously, there is not really anything that can prepare you for this experience...and the "unknown" is what I think I am struggling with. What will happen, how will it happen, what will it feel like, what if something goes wrong. My mind says...go with the flow...but that is so much easier said then done for someone with a planner personality.

And aside from the actual labor and deliver...we are having a child...a baby...a human that depends and relays totally and completely on us...talk about pressure!!!

9 weeks...maybe one more...maybe not so many.

65 days!

I emailed one of my best friends - who also happens to be pregnant - and said something to the effect of...it just sort of hit me that we only have nine weeks left...and I am freaking out.

Her response was both cute and reassuring...I am going to assume that I will need to print it out and look at it every time I start to feel the this way.

Thank God for good friends!


Belly Pictures | 30 weeks

week 30 belly pictures!

only 10(or so) more pictures to go...

Happy Sunday and Have a wonderful week everyone.



I am having so much fun making hair accessories for Delainey and all of her little friends. And talk about stress relieving and therapeutic!

Check out some of my favorites and let me know if you have any requests!

made especially for Miss Molly - Go Flyers!

Perfect for the little Buckeye fan!


Holy Crap

One of my very bestest friends sent me a link last night to another blog (The Poop Whisperer) with a note in the email saying

"You both must read this!!!  (Unfortunately.  But, it WILL prepare you for the aftermath!)"

She sent this link to both myself and our other pregnant bestest friend.

Not thinking anything of it, I opened it this morning when I got to work and began to read.

WOW!! Let me just tell you that, while I have heard some of this from moms I have talked to - this pretty much just puts it all out there and in perspective.

The blog post is entitled "Postpartum...A List...By Jess" and details out the best things to do and not do in the minutes, hours, days and weeks after the baby is born.

She makes a good point. Most expectant mothers spend the majority of their time and energy reading, preparing and gearing up for how to deal with a newborn postpartum, but there is not really much time or effort spent on preparing yourself for the hell your body will be experiencing after you push a little human out of your who-ha!

Here is the link...I would strongly recommend if you are pregnant, or thinking about getting pregnant, that you read this blog post and save it to your favorites, or print it out, or commit it to memory - I don't know first hand (yet) but I can only assume that many of these things will be major factors in packing my "go bag" and the postpartum kit that needs to be ready to go when I get home.


Finally - Holy Crap...guess this is what I have to look forward to...well that and the birth of our beautiful daughter...I know it will all be worth it, but I am slightly freaked out now!

Anticipating THE ARRIVAL, and the MOMENT

I have to say at this point the nervousness of Delainey's arrival and becoming a father have subsided........for now...I am sure it will come again, but right now I am just very much looking forward to putting on the biggest smile that I have ever had and holding little D in my arms. The thought of that exact moment has replayed in my mind so many times, and yet I know that I will not be able to describe the the moment or the feeling that I will have not only when I hold her for the first time but also every time that I hold her as she grows up in this world.


more crafting

Second round of flowers featuring different types and sizes of ribbons...

I love making these for Miss Delainey, and can't wait to make a few for her friends!

Check them out and let me know what you think!

the B word...

Why is is that two little words can strike fear in my heart and cause me so much unrest...

I am talking about Breast Feeding...and I am going to be totally honest in this blog post so if you are a die hard all babies should be breast fed kind of woman...maybe you should just skip this post.

I am scared sh*tless of this "natural" process.

I have read so many things over the last 30 weeks pertaining to the importance of breast feeding, comparing the benefits of breast and bottle and outlining the natural process of providing sustenance to your newborn child...and I have talked to countless women about breast feeding and bottle feeding, hearing all sorts of stories, experiences, thoughts, and opinions...and honestly all it has done is confuse me more.

Of course I want to breast feed my child...I was to give Delainey the very best and if that comes from my boobs...well then so be it.

But its not that simple. I have heard many things about breast feeding, and honestly, I know that I won't be able to make up my mind until I am actually in the thick of it - at which point in time it is no longer anecdotal speculation but real life experience that I have to draw on.

So many benefits, but it seems to come with so many sacrifices...and honestly, I would be willing to sacrifice anything for our child - but I am just not sure how to truly feel about the entire process.

I am not an overly private person...but there is something about whipping out a boob in public, covered or not, and attaching my child to it.

I don't require a ton of sleep, but the thought of pumping every two hours during the night in between feedings or while Mike feeds Delainey, so that we can stock up on breast milk for the next day leaves me less than enthusiastic.

I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, but bleeding, cracked, sore nipples...sounds fun...NOT!

I am going back to work after an initial 4 weeks off - which means that while I am at work, I need to fit pumping into my day. Not saying that I wouldn't be able to make it work, but that goes back to the semi-personal thing that I am not sure I am comfortable with doing at my place of business.

And it means that I have to continue to change my diet to ensure that what my daughter is getting in my breast milk is good for her. No wine, beer, spicy food, who knows what else - if she is like some babies, with acid reflux, an allergy or has some sort of reaction to something I am eating, I have to take out one thing at a time to figure out what that is...

Trust me, I know the benefits and perks of breast feeding. Its cheaper (hell its free) and formula is expensive. But so is my time and sanity and I am not sure that pumping every two hours once I go back to work is any less of an expense. And sure, breast milk helps to ward off allergies, helps to build the baby's immune system, helps in brain development, etc...but I was a formula fed baby, as was my husband, my sister in law and several of my friends...and we all seemed to turn out alright.

I have promised myself that I am going to give it my best try. At least while I am at home for the first four weeks, and then when I head back to work, see how pumping plays out along with supplementing formula to help with the long days and late nights.

I am trying not to psyche myself out too much...women have done this for thousands of years...but I am also trying not to feel like I am being selfish, or a bad mother or a bad woman because I am not totally sold on breast feeding.

Judge me if you want - at the end of the day, I need to make the best decision for my child, my family and myself...and until we all walk in each other's shoes, I am not sure any of us (moms) have room to judge each other for choices we make.

While breast may be best for the most part...it doesn't necessarily mean it is/will always be best for my family.

More to come on this subject


I have been doing some research on things that need to be included in a diaper bag - scouring the Internet for list after list of items that mothers from all over the world and every walk of life feel is simply essential to include in the newest accessory I will be rocking after July.

Obviously...diapers top the list (duh...isn't that why it is called a diaper bag) but there were several things that I never would have thought of prior to reading these lists.

No brainier essentials include things like wipes, diaper ointments, powder, hand sanitizer, changing pad, pacifier, bottle, food/formula/breast milk (stored properly) a small toy or two for entertainment...but things I didn't think of before reading these lists include
  • plastic bags to discard diapers and store soiled clothes (smart)
  • baby socks or leg warmers
  • blanket
  • tissue
  • change of clothing for the baby
  • burp clothes (ok I thought of this one after I sat here for a few minutes trying to make my own list - but it didn't just come to me)
  • nursing pads
  • nursing cover-up
  • water bottle and snacks for the mom

Crazy how much you have to fit in one (not so little) bag now that you have a little person you are responsible for.

Calling all moms...what sort of things are "essential" in your diaper bags that should be added to this list?

last year at this time

When I stop to think how much has changed in a year, and just what I was doing last year at this time - it honestly stops me in my tracks.

Last year at this time - I was spending quite a bit of time on theknot.com, planning out details for our wedding in August, discussing with my best friends various aspects of wedding planning, picking out shoes, hair pieces, hair styles, make up, table settings, programs, flower arrangements, music, etc...I was counting down the days until we came home for the wedding shower, and even more so, counting down the days until I married my best friend.

Wow - look how much has changed in the past 12 months. Now I spend my time looking at sites like fitpregnancy, the bump and other pregnancy related website. I am planning things like, child birth class, birth plans, child care, and maternity leave. I am counting down the days until our beautiful little princess decides that she has had enough on the inside and wants to break free. I am coming to terms with the fact that most of it I can't plan at all...

Its amazing to me how much life can switch up over the course of one year. A year ago, I was more concerned with picking out the right outfits for me, staying thin, planning a wedding...today, all I seem to care about it making sure that everything is perfect for Miss Delainey. I would rather shop for her than for myself. Making the necessary improvements to our home have taken priority over spending money on things for ourselves. No more sports cars...hello family cars. No more nights out spent with single friends enjoying several adult beverages...now we find that spending time with our friends who have kids, is much more our style.

When you actually stop to think about it...and slow down for just long enough to realize how quickly a year has passed and truly how much has changed...it makes me realize just how quickly life is moving. And being that I don't really see it slowing down anytime in the near future...we might as well buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Nixing the Bikini

My wonderful husband has made it pretty clear that he would like Miss Delainey to keep certain words from her vocabulary. Words like boys, tube tops, boys, shorts, boys...and bikinis. Maybe in his head, if she just doesn't know what these words are...it is not an issue we will have to worry about (HA!)

So when I was shopping with my mom last weekend, we ran into Gymboree to check out some of the ever adorable clothes for Miss Delainey - even though we all know she in no way needs clothes. I of course gravitated right to the bathing suits and particularly the little 2 piece bathing suits with the matching hats, cover-ups, shoes and other accessories (the girl has to look good) and started laughing when I thought about what my husband would say if I brought home a 2 piece swimsuit for his precious little angel.

Of course we all know that his concern is not that she wear a 2 piece now...or this summer as the case may be - but that she stay away from them in years to come.

My response is always - I wouldn't stress about what she wears while we are still able to dress her, but when she brings the Victoria's secret catalogue (because they send about 100 of them a month) to daddy to show him the "bathing suits" that she wants for that particular summer...then he can worry and nix that.

We won't tell that these same sorts of "bathing suits" are the ones he couldn't wait to see me in (well not now of course but in my pre-baby days)

I guess things a just a little different when you have a daughter that you have to keep away from guys like you.

This Year's Marketing Conference

Yesterday I decided to let Bob, Ike, and Adam know that I was not going to be attending the Marketing Conference this year due to the birth of my daughter. Of course everyone was crushed by the news that I would not be attending this year...it would be my 6th....because it will not be the same without me, but they were all very excited for the life changing experience ahead....Bob even said we will be thinking of you, Erin and your future Gamecock....the only thing that is a little disheartening is that this years conference takes place in South Carolina....of course it would....but nothing would keep me away from witnessing one of the best things that will happen to me in my lifetime. Even though the conference is at the end of June I just know in my heart that if I were to go then Delainey would come early....and now that I am not going nothing will happen during that week at all, but if it were I would never forgive myself!



Last night, as I was looking for a bookmark, I found the original piece of paper that has the names that both Mike and I liked - before we knew that Delainey Grace was the perfect name for our little princess.

It was kind of fun to find and look at the names again...we still really love all of them, and might just end up using one of them for Cockeye #2...even though we changed the way we decided to spell Delainey (in the picture is says Delaney) we knew that this name was "the one."

The best part of it is that we had four girls names written down and only one boy's name...whether that means that we deep down inside we knew it was a girl...or the one boy's name was also the ONE...who knows...but just thought I would share this little find.

Just get over it...

I think being pregnant has allowed me to reflect on my childhood and gain a better understanding and respect for my mom...

As I am sprinting down the road to having my own daughter...my only hope is that I am able to be as good of a mother as Sharon has been to me over the past 28 years (I know that I don't tell you this nearly enough but there are not enough words or thanks in the world to truly express how lucky I am)

One thing that seems to be sticking out as of late is my mother's uncanny ability to "get over things" quickly. Its like, she says what she has to say and moves on. And I find that I am (in more ways than I like to admit) just like her in that aspect.

Now don't get me wrong, there are times, issues, things that I hold on to - but for the most part, I make an effort not to stay mad or frustrated or angry once I have stated my peace and feel like there has been a resolution...I would say that I am not really one to hold a grudge (98% of the time) and I know this is something I have learned from my mom.

To be honest - this was one of the things that used to drive me NUTS when I was in my pre-teens and teenage years. How could she just list off all the reasons I was wrong, or be mad at me for doing something I had no business doing, and then not even two minutes later (after she had stated her peace) talk to me like nothing was wrong. That was crazy in my mind and seriously I hated it...

but imagine that - life as an adult (well at least the successful ones) has no room for holding grudges...the time, energy and effort exerted on maintaining this anger or ill will or malcontent for someone or something seems useless when you are faced with so many other more productive things that require that time, energy and effort.

I have said this before - the woman is pretty damn smart...chalk it up to her years of experience as hands down one of the best (I might be biased but who cares) educators in the state or country for that matter, or the masters in early eduction or just her personal experiences and natural approach to life - but by golly...I think it works!

add that to the list of things I will make sure to include in my parenting tool belt - the last thing I want is for Miss Delainey to see the learned behavior of holding a grudge once the problem has been resolved...there is no place in her life for that regardless of her age!

Cheers to being able to speak my mind, state my peace and move on...I feel like I am a much better person, wife, friend, co-worker, manager and future mother for this skill!

What you would change

So during a conversation with one of my co-workers the other day, she said something that made me think.

She said that "she always knew there would be things she would change in the way she raised her child, vs. how she was raised"

It got me thinking about the things that I would change about the way my mom raised me...what would I do differently now that I was walking the very fine line of motherhood...what would I say, or do that or more so, what would I NOT say or NOT do when faced with issues with Miss Delainey.

One of the things that my co-worker mentioned was that when kids at school would make fun of her, her mother's response was always something to the effect of, don't pay attention to them, you don't need friends like that, don't listen to them. And she said, that she always hated that because how do you not listen to something that has already been said. She has since taken the approach with her son that is completely opposite (in dealing with this particular issue) from how her mother handled it.

So this got me thinking about the things that my mom did or didn't do when I was growing up - after all, your parents are your moral sign posts for how you deal with your own children...right?

One thing that always used to drive me crazy was that we always had to talk through things - we had to rationalize why what I had just done was not in my best interest, or disappointed her or was not a good choice...seriously...there were so many times in my childhood that I remember thinking to myself...can't you just punish me and send me to my room...please...do we really have to sit here and talk this out.

But as I grew up...and learned to deal with people and entered into a job, field, career, life, in which being able to rationally approach a problem, discuss expectations, disappointments and solutions for the next time and in general, figure out a way to resolve the issue without raising my voice, or getting angry and shutting down...I realized that not only is my mom a pretty amazing woman, but she is pretty freakin smart too.

Are you kidding me...this can't be a coincidence - that just by chance, the way she raised me to directly deal with and resolve problems through open and honest communication, using "I statements" and approaching things from all sides, would actually be the best way to deal with life in general as I got older. This woman was light years ahead of me the entire time...I could write an entire blog on the "things I wish I knew my mom already knew and should have just listened to her when I was growing up"

You mean to tell me that yelling, punishing, screaming, sending someone to their room, grounding them, etc...or even worse - resorting to physical violence has no place or use in your "adult" life so utilizing it when problems or issues arise in childhood might not be the best option.

Now I am not going to lie and say that Sharon never yelled - I was a trying child at times and she was a single mother doing her very best to make sure I was respectful, and appreciative and well...not a normal (especially the lovely age between 10 and 20) little diva princess. And there were a few occasions that I know I drove my mom to smack me...I can remember two of them very clearly - and let me tell you - I was lucky that was all she did...because if memory serves me, I was being a royal BRAT! But for the most part - anytime there was an issue, or a problem, or something that I did "wrong" we had an open and honest conversation about it and 9 times out of 10...I walked away (although at the time I would have never admitted it) with a better understanding of why she was upset with me and why I probably shouldn't do it again...

while I am sure it will drive Lainey crazy in her childhood and teenage years to have to sit and rationalize and discuss...I am positive that I will be utilizing this very productive method of parenting because I have personally seen the benefits of it.

Thanks Momma!

30 weeks...

Wrote this yesterday but forgot to post it...sorry for the "tomorrow" comments as we are now 30 weeks along in this journey.

So tomorrow marks out 30th week...which means that we have 10 weeks to go...11 at most (our midwife won't let us go past 41 unless there is some medical reason to forgo inducing at 41 weeks.

It all sort of just hit me that we are 10 weeks out...we are 10 weeks away from the biggest life change that either of us will ever experience. 10 weeks away from meeting our daughter! Crazy!!!

10 weeks sounds like a long time when you simply look at it as 10 weeks...but in baby world...HOLY CRAP that is like no time at all.

10 weeks...70 days...less than three months...where has the time gone! I feel like it was just yesterday that we were pumped to be in double digit weeks and then pumped for our 2nd trimester, and then pumped because we had reached the half way mark...and now, we are 10 weeks out - should she opt to stay in there for the full 40 or even 41 weeks.

Mike was born 6 weeks early...I found out this past weekend that I was born 2 weeks early...guess its up to Lainey to decide if she will continue the trend that mommy and daddy started oh so many years ago or start her own...

all we can do is wait and see!



In an effort to channel my energy and find a way to distract myself from everything that is on my mind...I have started crafting.

I made my very first ribbon flower tonight...it turned out really well and I am super excited to pick up a pink stretchy headband for Delainey as well as make a few more for a few special people.

Check out the pictures of my first flower...and be on the lookout for many many more!

Bio Oil and Body Butter

When I first met our friends, Moira and Gunnar, Mo was about 6 months pregnant. Now she absolutly didn't look pregnant - in fact pretty much until the end, if you looked at her from behind, you would not know that she was carrying little Miss Molly. However, I won't spend too much time on this, because as we all know - the way other people see you doesn't really matter one bit when you are the one in the "trenches" and feel like you are the size of a house. Many a conversation has been had about this between one mommy to be and one very adorable mommy as of late!

Sorry - I digress - the point of this post - One of the tricks that Moira let me in on very early was the use of a product called Bio Oil along with applications of the Coco Body Butter from the Body Shop to help avoid STRETCH MARKS!

Once you get over the fact that you feel and sort of look like a greased butterball turkey - I am finding especially as of late - I am telling you, this stuff works!

I ran out of Bio Oil about a week ago - and in between my ever hectic schedule and my lack of desire to stop at Wal-Mart after a long day (yes my friends, this is where you can find this magical stuff) I pretty much relied on only the Body Butter to help avoid stretch marks this past week.

Last Tuesday - I woke up to find...A STRETCH MARK on my right side...I was pissed to say the least. I started scrubbing my belly every morning with a buff puff, especially in the "spot" but knew that nothing would really help until I went back to the Bio Oil.

So this weekend, I made it a point to run up to Wal-Mart and pick up a bottle of this cure all. And wouldn't you know it - it has been three days (Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning applications) and the stretch mark on my side is fading already.

Ok Ok...I know - stretch marks are genetic - as in, if your mom got them, odds are pretty good that you will get them too. And that after a certain point, I am not sure there is anything you can do. But I will share a few things with you.
- Moira has told me on several occasions that her mom has stretch marks with her, but Moira used Bio Oil and Body Butter religiously two - three times a day during her entire pregnancy with Molly...and she does not have visible stretch marks
- After straying for a week, and seeing the result - I will never go without this stuff again during this or any other subsequent pregnancy.
- It is not expensive - around $11 at Wally World for magic in a bottle - it can be found in the same aisle as the mederma and other scar/stretch mark products, but works so much better.
- Use the Coco Butter Body Butter from the Body Shop - not only does it smell wonderful, but it works really well!

another perk from this daily application is that it keeps your belly from itching as well - as you start to get into the later weeks of this adventure...you find that the skin on your belly, back and boobs really kicks in the itching overdrive - it is stretching every day so I guess I can understand why...but this stuff, applied twice a day, has totally helped to squash my itching.

My husband is not a fan of this routine...mostly because the Bio Oil has a little bit of smell - I don't mind it, but he is not a fan, and he doesn't like that it is greasy or slimy to the touch...but I remind him several times a day that this is a small price to pay to ensure that his wife is not totally grossed out by her body post baby (well from the stretch mark stand point at least)

To all my prego friends or those considering prego-ness again...and even those who may be looking for some help in fading existing stretch marks...try these two products!!!

I can't stress enough how happy I am that Moira shared this little piece of insider wisdom (thank you to our neighbors up north as she learned it from her friends in Canada) with me and now I can share it with you!


so small

While my mom was here this weekend, we took on the large task of washing most of Lainey's clothes that we knew she would be able to wear. I didn't wash her newborn things, on the off chance that she joins us weighing in over 8lbs...which is not hard to imagine! And I have yet to wash her 6-9 month clothes (only because she has so many 0-3 and 3-6 month old clothes, those can wait!

When I was getting ready today - I happened to see some of Delainey's clothes were hanging outside of our laundry closet drying. I couldn't help but think how cute this looked because they just looked so small. Normally, our clothes hang there when they are drying and we all know that neither of us have short pants.

I just had to take a picture...can't wait until the pictures are of Delainey and not just her clothes hanging to dry.

Belly Pictures | 29 weeks

Happy Sunday and Easter Everyone!

29 week belly pictures...hard to believe that this Wednesday will mark our 30th week and put us only 10 (maybe 11) weeks away from meeting our beautiful baby girl in person.

Enjoy week 29 belly pictures...I feel like I am truly growing every day and I feel like I am HUGE...but from what I have heard...you just keep getting bigger!

Cheers to a wonderful week everyone!